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The primary objective of this project is to identify gaps, whether real or perceived, that hinder effective groundwater management in New Zealand. These gaps show as gaps in information, gaps in implementation, gaps in technological and management tools, and gaps in understanding of fundamental processes. The secondary objective is to propose a management strategy to close the identified gaps. Several methods are used to meet these objectives: surveys distributed to selected staff in each regional council; the review of various written reports; the analysis of land-use databases; and private consultation within each regional council. Results show that groundwater management in New Zealand is generally reactionary with the main gaps being in strategic planning and national guidelines. Most gaps appear to be predominantly information and implementation issues. In some cases there are gaps in the understanding of fundamental processes within an aquifer system, including the long-term effects of land-use on groundwater quality. An adaptive management approach is suggested as a means of closing these gaps.  相似文献   
The performance of a laboratory‐scale anaerobic acidogenic fermenter fed with a mixture of blended kitchen food‐waste and primary sludge from a sewage treatment plant was investigated for the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA). The operating variables for acidogenic fermentation were kitchen food‐waste content (10 and 25 wt %), hydraulic retention time (HRT: 1, 3 and 5 days), temperature (ambient: 18 ± 2 °C, and mesophilic: 35 ± 2 °C) and pH (varied from 5.2 to 6.7). The experimental results indicated that effluent VFA concentrations and VFA production rates were higher at ambient temperature than at mesophilic conditions. The net amount of VFA with 10 wt % food‐waste increased up to 920 mg dm?3 with an increase of HRT, but contrasting results (a decrease of 2610 mg dm?3) were found due to the conversion of VFA into biogas in the case of 25 wt % food‐waste, which increased significantly at HRT of 3–5 days. In terms of biogas composition (CO2 and CH4), the organic matter was converted into CO2 through the oxidative pathway by facultative species at low temperature while mesophilic temperature and optimum pH (6.3–7.8) played a pivotal role in increasing rate of conversion of VFA into biogas by methanogenesis. Rates of VFA production and their conversion are dependent on the food‐waste content in the mixture. Yet, the higher concentration of food‐waste (25% compared with 10%) did not produce VFA proportionally due to the increased rate of conversion of VFA into gaseous products. The maximum VFA production rate (0.318 g VFAproduced g?1 VSfed day?1) was achieved in the 10 wt % food‐waste at ambient temperature and at a 5‐day HRT. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Introduces the basic technologies that are associated with measurements of monolithic microwave integrated circuits. The use of test fixtures and wafer probe stations at ambient room temperature is reviewed and their role at thermal and cryogenic temperatures is discussed. With the increasing need for performing non-invasive measurements, advances in experimental field probing techniques are explored  相似文献   
A multiplant Quality Improvement Team [QIT] was firmed to develop and implement an evaluation program for various color measurement .systems as potential replacements for the then-current aging systems. The emphasis qf this article is the analytical methodology utilized to evaluate the various color systems. The evaluation program consisted cf two phases. Phase I was a general overview/review of several systems, while Phase II was an extensive internal comparative evaluation measurement systems. These were Milton-Roy's ColorMate HDS, HunterLab's Ultrascan, Datacolor's CS-5, and BYK-Gardner's The Color Sphere [TCS]. The main comparison criteria were interinstrument agreement [agreement between two instruments ofthe same system], user-friendly software and computer interface capability, vendor amenability to a long-term logistical and maintenance relationship, and price. All systems were evaluated by duplicate measurements on various color tiles, yarns, and polymer flakes-over 1600 measurements on each system. The systems were compared with an instrument matrix, a decision matrix, and a product matrix. The instrument matrix was a comparison qfinstrument parameters, software/math treatments, and economics. The decision matrix was a forced ranking of each system by each criteria category [1–4 scale, with 1 representing the best and 4 representing the worst]. The product matrix accentuated the relative importance ofone criterion category over another by multiplying the forced ranking by the criticality of the category. The criticality of a given category wus determined by consensus within the QIT. Thr combination qf the three matrices allowed the evaluator[.s] t o select the color rneasuremmt system that best satixfied the color measurement needs and requirements of their facility and their products. For this evaluation, all ofthe evaluated systems were superior to the then-current agingsystems. As a result of this methodology, one instrument emerged as clearly superior. © 1994 John Wrley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We reported in 1988 on a new nucleoside modification reaction: the exocyclic amino groups of (d)adenosine and (d)cytidine react rapidly at ambient temperature with acetaldehyde and alcohols to give stable mixed acetals (N-ethylethoxy-acetal). NH2 + O = CH(CH3) + ROH-->NH-CH(CH3)-O-R + H2O. Here we report in detail on the occurrence of this reaction in very dilute aqueous solution (ie under biological conditions), on its mechanism and kinetics, on the mixed acetal formation with other aldehydes and other nucleic acid components, and on the question of whether these adducts are mutagenic.  相似文献   
Contamination of enteral diets may play an essential role in formula tolerance and safety for patients. Contaminated enteral formula commonly support microbiological growth. Commercially sterile liquid formulas received from the manufacturer are required by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to be shelf-stable and free from enteric pathogens. This study examined the use of large volume, closed system containers in a typical nursing home. Large volume (1500 mL) containers with unique pierceable caps and piercing spikes were studied to determine their ability to reduce the incidence of microbiological contamination due to their design and ability to decrease handling requirements. This study took place in a room of a typical nursing home. In this clinical setting, 211 containers and administration spike sets were evaluated following a 36-h hangtime. Contamination was virtually nondetectable. Nursing staff in a clinical facility can effectively utilize a large volume, prefilled, ready-to-use feeding system to achieve delivery of noncontaminated product for up to 36 h hangtime.  相似文献   
Various educational programs have been developed and found to be effective in the self-management of arthritis. This study reexamined the effectiveness of one such program, "Bone Up On Arthritis" (BUOA), when the program was delivered by a community-based service organization to a sample of persons (N = 154) who differed widely in disease type and demographic characteristics. Arthritis Foundation staff implemented BUOA at four national sites; data were collected and analyzed by University of Michigan nurse researchers. Investigators found improved scores on all outcome measures (self-care behavior, helplessness, pain, dysfunction, and depression). These findings suggest that "Bone Up" is an effective nursing intervention in multiple organizational and community environments and for diverse patient populations.  相似文献   
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