The proliferation of a multi-agent system (MAS) and ideas from Artificial Intelligence (AI)/distributed AI have changed the way systems, in general are controlled, and operation of a system (diesel engine) in particular is automated. In this paper a distributed multi-agent architecture for a diesel engine and the knowledge sources that handle electricity generation is developed. Electronic devices and components used for data handling are described. The sensed data are presented in fuzzy logic and calculated in entropy values and depicted in a decision hierarchy. A comparative performance assessment of the proposed multi-agent based system with an existing system is presented and discussed. 相似文献
In this paper, we present an interactive edutainment system for the children that leverages multimedia and RFID technologies in a seamless manner. The proposed system allows children to learn about new objects/entities by tapping on physical objects through a specially designed RFID-Bluetooth based Tangible User Interface (TUI) tool. The output of the system is delivered as a set of appropriate multimedia representations related to the objects being tapped. The TUI uses RFID technology for object identification and Bluetooth communication to transmit data to the computer where the system??s software is running. We incorporated our system in three games that allow children of different ages to benefit from the system??s functionalities and encourage them to interact with it. 相似文献
Stroke is considered one of the main causes of death around the world. Survivors often suffer different kinds of disabilities in terms of their cognitive and motor capabilities, and are therefore unable to perform their day-to-day activities. To regain some of their cognitive as well as motor abilities, they require rehabilitation. To this end, we present a serious game framework based on augmented reality technology that may motivate the patients’ involvement in the rehabilitation exercise. Additionally, we analyze the requirements for such a framework and describe the concept and implementation of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we designed a wireless vibrotactile output device that is attached to a tangible object. The tangible object that is connected to the framework can give haptic as well as audio-visual feedback to the patient in a more motivating and entertaining environment for rehabilitation exercises. The suitability and utility of the proposed framework was evaluated with real stroke patients and compared against the performance of a healthy control group, thus facilitating occupational therapists in assessing a patient’s progress. Our evaluations show that the serious games with vibrotactile feedback are well accepted by patients. 相似文献
Significant growth of multimedia content on the World Wide Web (or simply ??Web??) has made it an essential part of peoples lives. The web provides enormous amount of information, however, it is very important for the users to be able to gauge the trustworthiness of web information. Users normally access content from the first few links provided to them by search engines such as Google or Yahoo!. This is assuming that these search engines provide factual information, which may be popular due to criteria such as page rank but may not always be trustworthy from the factual aspects. This paper presents a mechanism to determine trust of websites based on the semantic similarity of their multimedia content with already established and trusted websites. The proposed method allows for dynamic computation of the trust level of websites of different domains and hence overcomes the dependency on traditional user feedback methods for determining trust. In fact, our method attempts to emulate the evolving process of trust that takes place in a user??s mind. The experimental results have been provided to demonstrate the utility and practicality of the proposed method. 相似文献
Given a clustering algorithm, how can we adapt it to find multiple, nonredundant, high-quality clusterings? We focus on algorithms based on vector quantization and describe a framework for automatic ‘alternatization’ of such algorithms. Our framework works in both simultaneous and sequential learning formulations and can mine an arbitrary number of alternative clusterings. We demonstrate its applicability to various clustering algorithms—k-means, spectral clustering, constrained clustering, and co-clustering—and effectiveness in mining a variety of datasets. 相似文献
Automatic perception of human affective behaviour from facial expressions and recognition of intentions and social goals from dialogue contexts would greatly enhance natural human robot interaction. This research concentrates on intelligent neural network based facial emotion recognition and Latent Semantic Analysis based topic detection for a humanoid robot. The work has first of all incorporated Facial Action Coding System describing physical cues and anatomical knowledge of facial behaviour for the detection of neutral and six basic emotions from real-time posed facial expressions. Feedforward neural networks (NN) are used to respectively implement both upper and lower facial Action Units (AU) analysers to recognise six upper and 11 lower facial actions including Inner and Outer Brow Raiser, Lid Tightener, Lip Corner Puller, Upper Lip Raiser, Nose Wrinkler, Mouth Stretch etc. An artificial neural network based facial emotion recogniser is subsequently used to accept the derived 17 Action Units as inputs to decode neutral and six basic emotions from facial expressions. Moreover, in order to advise the robot to make appropriate responses based on the detected affective facial behaviours, Latent Semantic Analysis is used to focus on underlying semantic structures of the data and go beyond linguistic restrictions to identify topics embedded in the users’ conversations. The overall development is integrated with a modern humanoid robot platform under its Linux C++ SDKs. The work presented here shows great potential in developing personalised intelligent agents/robots with emotion and social intelligence. 相似文献
Quality of Service (QoS) is essential for the ubiquitous access of media services in real-time distributed video surveillance applications. To have ubiquitous access of desired media with emergency officials’ handheld devices, appropriate media transcoding services are required. Currently, it is challenging to select and compose these services for each of the devices to satisfy the desired QoS demand. To compose these media services so that video stream is available for target pervasive and smart devices, a composition algorithm is required. Thus, this paper presents a QoS-aware service composition algorithm to select the best composition for the target ubiquitous client so that it can optimally provide QoS to heterogeneous users. We have implemented a video surveillance prototype to demonstrate the performance of the proposed QoS-aware composition algorithm. Results from this prototype reveal that the approach is suitable for real-time video surveillance. 相似文献
This paper reports a replacement procedure for cache memories. The procedure is essentially a fuzzy algorithm that makes use of 18 rules to select the cache block to be replaced. These rules are primarily a function of three parameters: age and the frequency of usage of a cache block, and the global hit ratio of the cache system. Computationally, the proposed algorithm calculates a replacement index for each cache block and the block with highest replacement index is selected as a victim. The performance of this fuzzy procedure is compared with traditional replacement algorithms such as least recently used (LRU) and first in First out (FIFO). Our simulation experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm is a strong contender to the traditional counterparts. The unique feature of the proposed algorithm is its flexibility; that is, one can always improve its performance further by fine-tuning the rules. 相似文献
Recovering a 3D human-pose in the form of an abstracted skeleton from a 2D image suffers from loss of depth information. Assuming the projected human-pose is represented by a set of 2D landmarks capturing the human-pose limbs, recovering back the original 3D locations is an ill posed problem. To recover a 3D configuration, camera localization in 3D space plays a major role, an inaccurate camera localization might mislead the recovery process. In this paper, we propose a 3D camera localization model using only human-pose appearance in a 2D image (i.e., the set of 2D landmarks). We apply a supervised multi-class logistic regression to assign the camera location in 3D space. In the learning process, we assume a set of predefined labeled camera locations. The features we train consist of relative length of limbs and 2D shape context. The goal is to build a relation between these projected landmarks and the camera location in 3D space. This kind of analysis allows us to reconstruct 3D human-poses based on the 2D projection only without any predefined camera parameters. Also, makes real-time multimedia exchange more reliable specially for human-pose related tasks. We test our model on a set of real images showing a variety of camera locations.
This paper proposes a new method for image binarization that uses an iterative partitioning approach. The proposed method has been tested towards binarization of both document and graphic images. The quantitative comparisons with other standard methods reveal that the proposed approach outperforms existing widely used binarization techniques in terms of accuracy of binarization. The experimental results further establish the superiority of the proposed method, especially for degraded documents and graphic images. The proposed algorithm is suitable for a multi-core processing environment as it can be split into multiple parallel units of executions after the initial partitioning. 相似文献