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The purpose of this study was to analyze our results of surgical treatment of arthrogryposis of the elbow and to compare our tendon transfer results using range of motion (ROM) criteria versus functional use criteria. Eighteen tendon transfers for elbow flexion in 14 children with arthrogryposis with an average follow-up period of 4 years (range, 1-14 years) and 6 elbow capsulotomies with triceps lengthening in 6 children with arthrogryposis with an average follow-up period of 5 years (range, 2-9 years) were evaluated. Each child was assessed by a questionnaire regarding functional use of the upper extremity, physical examination of ROM and strength, and a videotaped activities of daily living evaluation. Tendon transfer results were classified and compared using 2 methods of evaluation: postoperative strength and ROM and effective functional use of the tendon transfer to perform activities of daily living. The 6 elbow capsulotomies improved from an average preoperative arc of 17 degrees of motion (average extension, -2 degrees; average flexion, 19 degrees) to an average final follow-up arc of 67 degrees (average extension, -25 degrees; average flexion, 92 degrees). The 18 tendon transfers evaluated by strength and ROM criteria showed 9 triceps to biceps transfers in 9 arms (7 good, 1 fair, and 1 poor), 5 pectoralis to biceps transfers in 4 arms (1 good, 3 fair, and 1 poor), and 4 latissimus dorsi to biceps transfers in 3 arms (2 good and 2 fair). Evaluation by functional use criteria gave the same result in 13 transfers and downgraded the result in 5; the downgraded results were due to resultant flexion contracture or limited functional use because the transfer was in the nondominant arm. Based on this review, optimal surgical candidates for tendon transfer are children older than 4 years, who have full passive ROM of the elbow in the dominant arm, and at least grade 4 strength of the muscle to be transferred.  相似文献   
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) represents an attractive alternative to polypropylene as a monofilament vascular suture because of its satisfactory physicochemical properties, it ease of handling, and its good biocompatibility. However, the polymer's ability to remain mechanically and chemically stable when exposed to a mild hydrolytic environment over the long term has yet to be demonstrated. One in vitro study involved the comparison of the long-term relative resistance of PVDF and polypropylene sutures to hydrolysis for a period of 9 years. The PVDF suture showed major molecular rearrangements from the original ratio of three crystalline structures to the single beta crystalline phase. The observation of some surface oxidation and water inhibition did not significantly modify the tensile strength of the PVDF suture, which retained 92.5% of its original value. In contrast, the polypropylene sample did not undergo any recrystallization but was associated with more oxidation byproducts and more water molecules near the surface, which contributed to a 46.6% loss in initial tensile strength. An in vivo study confirmed that PVDF sutures are biocompatible and are able to maintain satisfactory biostability when used to anastomose thoracic aortic allografts for a period of 6 months in the dog. The cellular reaction of fresh allografts as well as the control autografts to PVDF sutures was minimal. In other allografts that had been preserved in a supplemented medium for 1 week prior to implantation, the PVDF sutures healed satisfactorily with the formation of neocollagen and few macrophages surrounding the monofilament. No evidence of instability at the allograft-host artery junction was observed, confirming that the PVDF sutures were able to ensure a secure anastomosis in the thoracic aorta. PVDF sutures have demonstrated superior long-term biostability in vitro and minimal tissue response in vivo. These are two essential requirements when evaluating the use of a suture for vascular surgery in general and thoracic aortic surgery in particular.  相似文献   
Many tRNAs undergo tertiary folding transitions at temperatures well below the main thermally induced (hyperchromic) transition. Such transitions are essentially isochromic and isoenthalpic and display an absolute requirement for divalent cations; however, the nature of the structural transition is not known for any tRNA. Using a combination of transient electric birefringence (TEB) and gel electrophoretic measurements, we have characterized the influence of magnesium ions on the apparent angle between the anticodon and acceptor stems of a yeast tRNA(Phe) construct. TEB is a particularly sensitive method for quantifying the bends introduced in RNA by various nonhelix elements. In the current instance, the tRNA construct comprises an unmodified tRNA(Phe) molecule in which the anticodon and acceptor stems have been extended by approximately 70 bp to more effectively "report" the interstem angles. Upon the addition of sub-millimolar concentrations of magnesium ions, the tRNA core undergoes a substantial rearrangement in tertiary structure, passing from an open form with an apparent interstem angle of approximately 150 degrees to a conformation with an interstem angle of approximately 70 degrees (200 microM Mg2+). Further addition of magnesium ions results in a minor adjustment of the apparent interstem angle to approximately 80-90 degrees, in line with earlier results. Finally, the magnesium-induced structural transition is essentially isochromic, in agreement with previous observations with native tRNAs. The current results suggest that changes in local divalent ion concentration in the ribosome could profoundly affect the global conformations of tRNAs during the translation cycle.  相似文献   
In normal subjects, if an acoustic startle stimulus is immediately preceded by a small brief change in background noise intensity, the magnitude of the subsequent startle response is decreased. This prepulse inhibition (PPI) of an acoustic startle response has been shown to be associated with sensorimotor gating. PPI is disrupted in schizophrenic patients and has been linked to attentional disorders characteristic of this disease. We tested the effects of (-)-nicotine, (0.19, 0.62, and 1.9 mumol/kg IP) (equivalent to 0.03, 0.1, and 0.3 mg/kg base) and the nicotinic cholinergic receptor (nAChR) channel blocker, mecamylamine (5.0 and 50 mumol/kg IP) (equivalent to 1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg) on PPI of the acoustic startle response in the rat. Nicotine increased the PPI at the lowest prepulse signal levels but not at the stronger levels. Mecamylamine was without effect at 5.0 mumol/kg, but the 50 mumol/kg dose decreased the inhibition at both weak and strong prepulse (PP) levels. Mecamylamine (5.0 mumol/kg) pretreatment did not block the (-)-nicotine-induced increase in PPI. Lobeline (0.19, 0.62, 1.9, and 6.2 mumol/kg IP) (equivalent to 0.071, 0.23, 0.71, and 2.3 mg/kg) was without effect. These results are consistent with a mecamylamine-insensitive effect of nicotine to improve gating in normal rats. The nAChR subtype involved in producing nicotine's increase of PPI needs further investigation.  相似文献   
The fatty acid compositions of the hyperthermophilic microorganisms Thermotoga maritima and Pyrococcus furiosus were studied and compared. A total of 37 different fatty acids were identified in T. maritima, including the novel 13,14-dimethyloctacosanedioic acid. In contrast, a total of 18 different fatty acids were characterized, as minor components, in P. furiosus, and these included saturated, monounsaturated, and dicarboxylic acids. This is the first report of fatty acids from an archaeon.  相似文献   
Single cells were recorded with 'tetrodes' in regions of the rat medial prefrontal cortex, including those which are targets of hippocampal afferents, while rats were performing three different behavioral tasks: (i) an eight-arm radial maze, spatial working memory task, (ii) a figure-eight track, delayed spatial alternation task, and (iii) a random food search task in a square chamber. Among 187 recorded units, very few exhibited any evidence of place-specific firing on any of the behavioral tasks, except to the extent that different spatial locations were related to distinct phases of the task. Furthermore, no prefrontal unit showed unambiguous spatially dependent delay activity that might mediate working memory for spatial locations. Rather, the cells exhibited diverse correlates that were generally associated with the behavioral requirements of performing the task. This included firing related to intertrial intervals, onset or end of trials, selection of specific arms on the eight-arm radial maze, delay periods, approach to or departure from goals, and selection of paths on the figure-eight track. Although a small number of cells showed similar behavioral correlates across tasks, the majority of cells showed no consistent correlate when recorded across multiple tasks. Furthermore, some units did not exhibit altered firing patterns in any of the three tasks, while others showed changes in firing that were not consistently related to specific behaviors or task components. These results are in agreement with previous lesion and behavioral studies in rats that suggest a prefrontal cortical role in encoding 'rules' (i.e. structural features) or behavioral sequences within a task but not in encoding allocentric spatial information. Given that the hippocampal projection to this cortical region is capable of undergoing LTP, our data lead to the hypothesis that the role of this projection is not to impose spatial representations upon prefrontal activity, but to provide a mechanism for learning the spatial context in which particular behaviors are appropriate.  相似文献   
The pattern of changes in human bone remodeling produced by raloxifene (60 mg/day) was compared to that of estrogen (given as hormone replacement therapy) in 33 early postmenopausal women randomly assigned to raloxifene, estrogen, or no treatment. Remodeling was measured using calcium tracer kinetic methods employed under a constant diet and full metabolic balance conditions. Studies were performed at baseline and, to detect both early and late remodeling changes, at 4 and 31 weeks of treatment. Both raloxifene and estrogen produced a significant positive calcium balance shift at each treatment measurement point: +74 and +60 mg/day at 4 weeks, and +60 and +91 mg/day at 31 weeks for raloxifene and estrogen, respectively. Externally, this balance change was due to a highly significant fall in the urinary calcium level and marginal improvement in calcium absorption efficiency. Internally, bone resorption was significantly reduced at both measurement points: -64 and -60 mg/day at 4 weeks, and -82 and -162 mg/day at 31 weeks for raloxifene and estrogen, respectively. Bone formation was not significantly affected by either agent at 4 weeks; at 31 weeks, formation was reduced by estrogen, but not by raloxifene. Thus, at 4 weeks, the general pattern of remodeling change was identical for the two agents. At 31 weeks, remodeling suppression was greater for estrogen than for raloxifene; however, remodeling balance was the same for the two agents. We conclude that raloxifene and estrogen affect the bone remodeling apparatus similarly, and that raloxifene, therefore, is acting on bone as an estrogen agonist.  相似文献   
The 5-HT2C receptor is one of three closely related receptor subtypes in the 5-HT2 receptor family. 5-HT2A and 5-HT2B selective antagonists have been described. However, no 5-HT2C selective antagonists have yet been disclosed. As part of an effort to further explore the function of 5-HT2C receptors, we have developed a selective 5-HT2C receptor antagonist, RS-102221 (a benzenesulfonamide of 8-[5-(5-amino-2,4-dimethoxyphenyl) 5-oxopentyl]-1,3,8-triazaspiro[4.5]decane-2,4-dione). This compound exhibited nanomolar affinity for human (pKi = 8.4) and rat (pKi = 8.5) 5-HT2C receptors. The compound also demonstrated nearly 100-fold selectivity for the 5-HT2C receptor as compared to the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2B receptors. RS-102221 acted as an antagonist in a cell-based microphysiometry functional assay (pA2 = 8.1) and had no detectable intrinsic efficacy. Consistent with its action as a 5-HT2C receptor antagonist, daily dosing with RS-102221 (2 mg/kg intraperitoneal) increased food-intake and weight-gain in rats. Surprisingly, RS-102221 failed to reverse the hypolocomotion induced by the 5-HT2 receptor agonist 1-(3-chlorophenyl)piperazine (m-CPP). It is concluded that RS-102221 is the first selective, high affinity 5-HT2C receptor antagonist to be described.  相似文献   
As part of our studies on the structural and dynamic properties of hyperthermostable proteins, we have investigated the unfolding pathways of the small iron-sulfur protein rubredoxin from Pyrococcus furiosus (RdPf) at pH 2. Unfolding has been initiated by temperature jump, triggered by manual mixing of a concentrated protein solution into a thermally preequilibrated buffer. The process has been followed in real time by absorption, tryptophan fluorescence emission, and far-UV circular dichroism. Unlike the case of the mesophilic rubredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum (RdCp), RdPf displays a complex unfolding kinetics, pointing to the formation of at least three intermediates. All of the steps, including the one involving metal ion release, are extremely slow. However, hydrophobic core relaxation--not Fe3+ loss--is rate-determining for RdPf unfolding. This clearly rules out the fact that Fe3+ is solely responsible for the kinetic stability of RdPf. Results have been discussed in terms of sequential vs parallel pathways, and the possible role of irreversible phenomena has been taken into consideration. Aggregation does not appear to play a significant role in the observed kinetic complexities. According to a proposed sequential mechanism, partial release of secondary structure elements precedes iron loss, which is then followed by further loss of beta-sheet content and, finally, by hydrophobic relaxation. Although the main features of the RdPf unfolding mechanism remain substantially unchanged over the experimentally accessible temperature range, final hydrophobic relaxation gets faster, relative to the other events, as the temperature is decreased. A qualitative assessment of the unfolding activation parameters suggests that this arises from the very low activation energies (Ea) that characterize this step.  相似文献   
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