This research was carried out in order to study the effect of the temperature and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the start-up and steady-state performance of upflow anaerobic filter (UAF) and anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (AnSBR). A mixture of synthetic substrate (glucose and sodium acetate) and real municipal wastewater was used as a laboratory substrate. The temperature (in the range 9-23 degrees C) and HRT (in the range 6-46 h) were selected as the most decisive technological parameters for a practical application. Average removal efficiency of COD found for tested anaerobic reactors were 56-88% (AnSBR) and 46-92% (UAF) depending on used temperature and HRTs. Based on the observed results, the use of AnSBR and UAF in practice seems to be a potential technology for (pre)-treatment of wastewater produced by small communities. 相似文献
In this paper the influences of the technological conditions, i.e. the influences of the hydrogen flow rate and deposition time, on the values of the intrinsic mechanical stresses inside the diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition onto silicon substrates are studied. These stresses are measured by two-beam interferometry and optical profilometry based on chromatic aberration through the measurements of deformations of the silicon substrates originating in consequence of the film stresses. It is shown that the influence of the deposition time (i.e. film thickness) on the film stress is relatively slight in contrast to the influence of the hydrogen flow rate on this quantity. It is namely shown that the film stresses are influenced by the hydrogen flow rate values in a pronounced way within the interval of interest, i.e. within the interval 1–7 sccm. Moreover, it is shown that the method of optical profilometry used can be competitive to the method of two-beam interferometry from the practical point of view. 相似文献
The subject of this paper is the numerical simulation of the interaction of two-dimensional incompressible viscous flow and a vibrating airfoil. A solid elastically supported airfoil with two degrees of freedom, which can rotate around the elastic axis and oscillate in the vertical direction, is considered. The numerical simulation consists of the stabilized finite element treatment of the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) approach, the use of turbulence models and the solution of the system of ordinary differential equations describing the airfoil motion. The time dependent computational domain and a moving grid are taken into account with the aid of the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations. High Reynolds numbers up to 106 require to use a suitable stabilization of the finite element discretization and the application of a turbulence model. We apply the algebraic turbulence model, which was designed by Baldwin and Lomax and modified by Rostand. The developed technique was tested by the simulation of flow past a flat rigid plate and the computation of pressure distribution around a rotating airfoil with prescribed motion. Finally, the method was applied to the simulation of flow induced airfoil vibrations. This research was supported under the Grant No. IAA200760613 of the Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The research of M. Feistauer was partly supported by the research project MSM 0021620839 financed by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and the research of L. Dubcová was partly supported by the grant No. 48607 of the Grant Agency of the Charles University. The authors acknowledge the support of these institutions. 相似文献
Man-made vitreous fibers (MMVFs) are noncrystalline substances made of glass, rock or slag and are widely used as thermal or acoustic insulation materials. There is continued concern about their potential health impacts and thus, their dosimetry and behavior in the environment still require study using filters to collect fiber samples. After deposition or exposure measurements of MMVFs it is often necessary to analyze the filters with deposited fibers. This task is tedious, time-consuming, and requires skill. Therefore, many researchers have tried to simplify or automatize fiber detection and quantification. This article describes features of our in-house software, which automatically detects and counts fibers in images of filter samples. The image analysis is based on the use of a histogram equalization and an adaptive radial convolution filter that enhances fiber contrast and thus, improves the fiber identification. The accuracy of the software analysis was verified by comparison with manual counting using ordinary phase-contrast microscopy method. The correlation between the methods was very high (coefficient of determination was 0.977). However, there were some discrepancies caused by false identifications, which led to implementation of manual corrective functions.
Semi-hard ewe's milk cheeses, frozen immediately after manufacture either slowly at –35 °C or rapidly at –80 °C and stored at –20 °C for 4 months were studied for microstructural and textural characteristics during subsequent ripening. Two control groups were used to establish the effect of freezing: the fresh unfrozen cheese and cheese thawed immediately after freezing. Freezing proper did not result in any marked changes in the textural parameters of the cheeses, but considerable changes were found in slowly frozen cheeses after 4 months of frozen storage. Shear strength values were lower in all frozen and stored cheeses, particularly in cheese samples frozen slowly compared to those in the unfrozen control batch. This parameter and firmness values were significantly lower in both slowly and rapidly frozen cheeses at the completion of ripening. Ripening tended to offset differences in elasticity, noticeable in the cheeses during the first 30 days of ripening. Light microscopy and electron microscopy revealed small cracks and ruptures in the cheeses which could not be observed by the naked eye. More extensive damage to the cheese microstructure was found in slowly frozen cheese samples stored frozen for 4 months. 相似文献
The influences of small amounts (up to 2%) of methyl vinyl ketone in chloroprene on properties of polychloroprene and kinetics of the emulsion polymerization of chloroprene with mercaptans as regulators has been studied. Methyl vinyl ketone causes a substantial increase in molecular weight of polymer, which results in increased viscosity, gel formation, lowered plasticity of polymer, deterioration of processability, decreased tensile strength, and high modulus of vulcanizates. Methyl vinyl ketone interferes with the regulation of molecular weight by both primary and tertiary dodecylmercaptan; some differences are due to lower reactivity of tertiary dodecylmercaptan. In the presence of diisopropyl xanthogene disulfide as a molecular weight regulator the polychloroprene properties are not affected by methyl vinyl ketone. All changes in polymer properties have been proved to be caused by the addition reaction of dodecylmercaptan on methyl vinyl ketone, yielding 1-dodecylthiobutan-3-one. This compound itself has no influence on the polymerization of chloroprene. Methyl vinyl ketone has a marked promoting effect on polymerization rates, which accounts for its high reactivity and solubility in the water phase. A fast polymerization of methyl vinyl ketone takes place in the water phase of emulsion polymerization system simultaneously with the reaction of methyl vinyl ketone with dodecylmercaptan. 相似文献
Abstract Visual surrogates have been widely used for solving environment related issues. Researchers now have concern over the validity of surrogates. Human perception is multi-modal (Wohlwill, 1976Wohlwill, J. F.1976. “Environmental aesthetics: the environment as a source of affect”. In Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Theory and Research, Edited by: Altman, I. and Wohlwill, J. F.New York: Plenum Press. [Crossref], [Google Scholar]; Ittelson, 1973Ittelson W.Environment and CognitionSeminar Press New York 1973[Google Scholar]) and motion is an essential aspect in the perceptual process (Gibson, 1979Gibson, J. J.1979. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. [Google Scholar]). Therefore, a surrogate has to be able to represent the dynamic elements in the environment and more realistically reflect human environmental experience. The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of videos and slides as visual surrogates for representing dynamic environment. The validity of the surrogates was verified by comparing subjects' perceptual responses to on-site and simulated situations. The perceptual assessments included emotional, cognitive, behavioural and preference responses. The results indicated that on-site participants' emotional responses and preferences are significantly stronger than those of video and slide viewers. In addition, on-site participants' and video viewers' cognitive and behavioural responses were significantly higher than those of slide viewers. Overall, the validity of videos and slides for representing waterscapes was not supported. 相似文献
The SPHINX project is dealing with a solution of some principle problems of a very promising way of nuclear waste treatment, high level wastes from spent nuclear fuel in particular, by means of transmutation of radionuclides by use of a nuclear reactor with liquid fuel based on molten fluorides, which might be a subcritical system driven by a suitable neutron source. Its superiority lies also in the fact that it makes possible to utilize actinides contained, by others, in spent nuclear fuel and so to reach a positive energy effect.
The SPHINX project has been proposed by the consortium TRANSMUTATION being established by four leading nuclear research bodies in the Czech Republic (Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc, SKODA Nuclear Machinery plc in Pilsen, Nuclear Physics Institute of Academy of Sciences in Rez and Technical University in Praha) at the end of 1996 to which Technical University in Brno (specialized for a secondary circuit problems) has associated in the year 2000. The project has been supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, CEZ, a.s. (Czech Electricity Generating Company) and RAWRA (Radwaste Repository Authority).
The R&D program of the SPHINX project contains an experimental part, which serves for a verification of design inputs for designing a demonstration unit of a transmuter with liquid fuel based on molten fluorides. The current status of the experimental program performance has been focused upon the irradiation of samples of molten-salt systems as well as structural materials proposed for the blanket of the SPHINX transmuter in the field of high neutron flux of research reactors.
The main aims of this program called Irradiated Probes BLANKA are the following: (1) Experimental verification of long time behavior of transmuter blanket which contains molten fluoride salts as a fuel and coolant, (2) Validation of computational code system being developed for the computation of actinides concentration in long- term operation of the transmuter, and (3) Material research on behavior of materials in neutron and gamma fields, and materials interactions on high temperature conditions.
At present, two agreements on multinational cooperation in this field have been signed: One with European Commission and one with Russian Kurchatov Institute (joint experimental programs AMPULA containing fluorides of transuranium elements like Np, Pu, Am and Cm in irradiated samples and a joint development of the ISTAR code). 相似文献