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Human serum transferrin N-lobe (hTF/2N) has four iron-binding ligands, including one histidine, one aspartate, and two tyrosines. The present report elucidates the inequivalence of the two tyrosine ligands (Tyr 95 and Tyr 188) on the metal-binding properties of hTF/2N by means of site-directed mutagenesis, metal release kinetics, and absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. When the liganding tyrosines were mutated individually to phenylalanine, the resulting mutant Y95F showed a weak binding affinity for iron and no affinity for copper, whereas, mutant Y188F completely lost the ability to bind iron but formed a stable complex with copper. Since other studies have demonstrated that mutations of the other two ligands, histidine and aspartate, did not completely abolish iron binding, the present findings suggest that the tyrosine ligand at position 188 is essential for binding of iron to occur. Replacement of Tyr 188 with phenylalanine created a favorable chemical environment for copper coordination but a fatal situation for iron binding. The positions of the two liganding tyrosines in the metal-binding cleft suggest a reason for the inequivalence.  相似文献   
Because a so-called mandibular whiplash injury requires the absence of short-latency jaw-closing reflexes in order to explain the postulated mechanism of injury (excessive jaw opening); the authors studied the presence and absence and more importantly, the kinematics (duration, displacement, velocity, acceleration) of monosynaptic and possibly, polysynaptic myotatic (stretch) reflexes in the jaw elevator muscles. In six healthy adults jaw jerk maneuvers were elicited through a brisk tap on the chin, and surface electromyography identified elevator reflexes while translational electrognathography identified the kinematics of the reflexes. The maneuvers were done while maintaining the rest position (3% MVC) and moderate clenching of the teeth (30% MVC). Electromyography was also used to identify phasic elevator excitations during a passive brisk neck extension maneuver. A sudden and unexpected elongation of the jaw elevators released autogenic reflex responses that, in conjunction with augmented tissue elasticity (stiffness), elevated the mandible into centric occlusion within approximately 150 milliseconds. In 86% of trials, the responses occurred regardless of the prevailing resting and clenching contractile activities. There was no evidence of a depressor force that consistently would and could anchor the mandible in a position of extreme or moderate depression, the theoretical linchpin of the mandibular whiplash injury. It was concluded that the mandibular locomotor system is very efficient in maintaining the rest and intercuspal positions of the mandible. This study found no evidence corroborating the mechanism claimed to release a so-called mandibular whiplash injury.  相似文献   
Nutrition early in life may influence adult mortality. The fetal-origins hypothesis suggests that nourishment before birth and during the individual's infancy programs the development of risk factors for several important diseases of middle and old age. The present study was designed to evaluate the impact of extreme nutritional deprivation in utero and during infancy and early childhood on mortality in later life. The authors analyzed the survival of the cohorts born in Finland during the severe 1866-1868 famine and during the 5 years immediately preceding and 5 years immediately following the famine. The study included 331,932 individuals born prior to the famine, 161,744 born during the famine, and 323,321 born after the famine. The authors assessed survival by cohorts from birth to age 17 years and from age 17 to 40, 60, and 80 years, as well as average length of life after age 80 years. Survival from birth to age 17 years was significantly lower in cohorts born before and during the famine than in the cohorts born after the famine (males, 0.566 vs. 0.671, a difference of 0.105 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.102-0.108); females, 0.593 vs. 0.692, a difference of 0.099 (95% CI 0.096-0.102)). At subsequent ages, including old age, mortality was practically identical in the famine-born cohorts and in the five cohorts born before and after the crisis. For both males and females, survival from 17 to 80 years and mean remaining lifetime at age 80 years were very similar across the 13 cohorts studied. These findings suggest that, although cohorts subjected to prolonged and extreme nutritional deprivation in utero and during infancy and early childhood suffer an immediate rise in mortality, after the crisis has passed, they carry no aftereffects that influence their survival in later life.  相似文献   
We have determined that three type-specific and conformationally dependent monoclonal antibodies, H16.E70, H16.U4, and H16.V5, neutralize pseudotype human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virions in vitro. H16.U4 and H16.V5 neutralized pseudotype virions derived from the German HPV16 variant 114K and the Zairian variant Z-1194 with equal efficiency. In contrast, neutralization of Z-1194 pseudotype virions by H16.E70 was two orders of magnitude weaker than neutralization of 114K pseudotype virions. This difference correlated with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reactivity of H16.E70 to L1 virus-like particles of the two variants. A substitution at residue 282 of L1 was responsible for this differential reactivity, suggesting that this residue constitutes part of the H16.E70 epitope.  相似文献   
A 10-year-old, previously healthy female presented to the emergency department via emergency medical service transport, with her tongue tightly entrapped inside a glass bottle (9 oz, Yoohoo brand of chocolate drink). The tongue was massively edematous and ecchymotic due to impaired venous return from constriction by the neck of the bottle. After repeated attempts at mechanically reducing the tongue out of the bottle, a professional glazier was contacted, who was able to remove the bottle in the operating room with a steel glass cutter. Needle evacuation of a small hematoma was then performed to decrease the pressure ischemia to the tongue, which began to improve quickly.  相似文献   
Preliminary estimation of virulence in some antibiotic resistant mutants of Legionella pneumophila, Philadelphia 1 in various models of infection revealed its decrease in the mutants resistant to azlocillin, cefotaxime, fluoroquinolone LIB-80, neamine and streptomycin. Detailed investigation of the neamine resistant mutants showed that in relation to streptomycin susceptibility such mutants could be divided into 3 classes: susceptible to streptomycin, resistant to high concentrations of streptomycin and resistant to moderate concentrations of streptomycin. Part of mutants Nea(r)Strr and Nea(r)Strr500 and all mutants Nea(r)Strr100 proved to be less virulent with respect to guinea pigs and chick embryos. The study of the spectinomycin resistant mutants of Legionella spp. did not reveal any changes in the virulence which made it possible to suggest that the influence of the mutations in the ribosomal protein genes determining resistance to streptomycin and neamine on virulence of L. pneumophila was based on the interdependence of the mutant effect on the suppression and the influence on the virulence detected by us in S. flexneri, Y. pseudotuberculosis, L. monocytogenes and F. tularensis. The Legionella mutants Nea(r)Strr100 were characterized by significant protective activity and protected immunized guinea pigs when tested in a model of their aerogenic infection.  相似文献   
Phosphoserine phosphatase (EC catalyzes the final step in the major pathway of L-serine biosynthesis in brain. This enzyme may also regulate the levels of glycine and D-serine, the known and putative co-agonists for the glycine site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in caudal and rostral brain regions, respectively. Using L-phosphoserine as substrate, the rank order potency for inhibition of phosphoserine phosphatase was p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (CMPSA) > glycerophosphorylcholine > hexadecylphosphocholine > or = phosphorylcholine > N-ethylmaleimide > or = L-serine > fluoride > D-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid (D-AP3). Glycerylphosphorylcholine (IC50 18 microM) was found to be an uncompetitive inhibitor of phosphoserine phosphatase. Glycerylphosphorylcholine probably binds a novel site on the enzyme since the known allosteric inhibitor L-serine is highly selective for its feedback regulatory site, indicated by the inactivity of 25 L-serine analogs. Fluoride ion (IC50 770 microM) may bind the active site as has been shown for other Mg2+-dependent enzymes. The sulfhydryl reagent CMPSA is a potent, noncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme using L-phosphoserine as substrate (IC50 9 microM) but is > 300-fold less potent using D-phosphoserine as substrate. Substrate-dependent differences are also observed with the sulfhydryl alkylator N-ethylmaleimide, which inhibits L-phosphoserine, but stimulates D-phosphoserine hydrolysis. These sulfhydryl reagents may dissociate multimeric forms of the enzyme to form monomers; the multimeric forms and monomers may preferentially cleave L- and D-phosphoserine, respectively. Phosphorylcholine esters and sulfhydryl reagents may prove useful in determining the contribution of phosphoserine phosphatase to the biosynthesis of glycine and D-serine in neuronal tissue in vitro.  相似文献   
CONTEXT: Acidic foods such as orange juice have been thought to be unlikely vehicles of foodborne illness. OBJECTIVE: To investigate an outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Hartford (Salmonella Hartford) infections among persons visiting a theme park in Orlando, Fla, in 1995. DESIGN: Review of surveillance data, matched case-control study, laboratory investigation, and environmental studies. SETTING: General community. PARTICIPANTS: The surveillance case definition was Salmonella Hartford or Salmonella serogroup C1 infection in a resident of or a visitor to Orlando in May or June 1995. In the case-control study, case patients were limited to theme park hotel visitors and controls were matched to case patients by age group and hotel check-in date. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Risk factors for infection and source of implicated food. RESULTS: Sixty-two case patients from 21 states were identified. Both Salmonella Hartford and Salmonella enterica serotype Gaminara (Salmonella Gaminara) were isolated from stool samples of 1 ill person. Thirty-two case patients and 83 controls were enrolled in the case-control study. Ninety-seven percent of case patients had drunk orange juice in the theme park vs 54% of controls (matched odds ratio, undefined; 95% confidence interval, 5.2 to undefined). The orange juice was unpasteurized and locally produced. Salmonella Gaminara was isolated from 10 of 12 containers of orange juice produced during May and July, indicating ongoing contamination of juice probably because of inadequately sanitized processing equipment. CONCLUSIONS: Unpasteurized orange juice caused an outbreak of salmonellosis in a large Florida theme park. All orange juice was recalled and the processing plant closed. Pasteurization or other equally effective risk-management strategies should be used in the production of all juices.  相似文献   
AIM: The expression of CD95(Fas/APO-1) antigen was studied on bone marrow cells of 19 MDS patients, peripheral blood blast cells of 15 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients, blast cells and granulocytes of 68 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)--24 in chronic, 9 in accelerated phase and 35 in blastic crisis (BC)--by indirect surface immunofluorescence assay using flow cytometry (FACScan, Becton Dickinson, USA). RESULTS: CD95(Fas/APO-1) antigen was revealed on bone marrow cells of 8 out of 19 (36.8%) MDS patients; the percentage of antigen-positive cells was 38.1 +/- 19.2%; on 45.5 +/- 22.8% of cells in 6(45%) of 15 AML patients. Fas/APO-1 antigen was totally absent in CML chronic stage; its expression was found in 34% (12 of 35) of our patients with CML BC on peripheral blood blasts and in 56% (5 of 9) on peripheral blast cells of CML patients in acceleration phase. CONCLUSION: The data on overall survival of CD95-positive MDS patients suggest that the presence of Fas antigen is a favorable prognostic sign for patients with MDS. The patients from CD95-negative group represent a risk group both for survival and AML transformation. In CML BC group the survival does not depend upon Fas-antigen expression.  相似文献   
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