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BACKGROUND: Increasing referral numbers make the development of simplified accurate methods of diagnosing the sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome highly desirable. The accuracy of one such system--the ResCare Autoset--has been examined. METHODS: Thirty one consecutive patients assessed by polysomnography had simultaneous monitoring of their respiratory pattern using the Autoset system. The Autoset detects episodes of flattening of the flow/time profile using nasal cannulae. RESULTS: There was a good correlation (r = 0.85) between the number of apnoeas+hypopnoeas/hour in bed recorded using polysomnography and the Autoset system. The median difference in such events was 3.1 (95% confidence interval 8.4 to -1.6)/hour in bed. In two patients the Autoset scored 70 apnoeas+hypopnoeas/hour in bed compared with 34 apnoeas+hypopnoeas with 35 arousals/hour in bed by polysomnography; however, this did not alter the diagnostic category of either patient. Autoset gave a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive value of 92%, and negative predictive value of 100%, which was better than oximetry alone. A sleep study using the Autoset system costs 14 pounds compared with 126 pounds for polysomnography. CONCLUSIONS: The Autoset is clinically useful for diagnosing the sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome.  相似文献   
This study examined the attitudes toward breastfeeding of medical professionals working with pregnant or new mothers. Most advocated breastfeeding to mothers who had not made an infant feeding decision; fewer talked about breastfeeding during the first trimester; and many recommended that mothers supplement a breastfed infant with prepared commercial baby milk. All agreed that a mother's return to work led to early discontinuance of breastfeeding and that the family is a major influence on a mother's decision to breastfeed. To increase the prevalence of breastfeeding, the study group recommended prenatal education, participation in support groups, and promotion of breastfeeding through the media.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the cause of an outbreak of needlestick injuries (NSIs) in hospital employees. SETTING: A 700-bed university hospital. DESIGN: Outbreak investigation, laboratory evaluation of a medical waste disposal device, cost analysis. METHODS: Employee health department records were reviewed of workers suffering sticks from needles piercing fiberboard-contaminated material containers (CMCs). A laboratory evaluation of needle-puncture resistance properties of the CMCs was performed using a testing apparatus. The cost of a hospital waste disposal program using fiberboard CMCs was compared with the cost of a program using rigid plastic (polypropylene) boxes. RESULTS: During 40 months of surveillance in 1986 and from 1989 to 1991, only one NSI had occurred from a needle piercing a CMC. During 9 months in 1993, 13 NSIs occurred due to needles piercing CMCs (P < .001). No clinical illness resulted from the NSIs. The outbreak was halted by a temporary change to plastic (polypropylene) boxes for sharps disposal ($4.92 to $23.33/cu ft) until receipt of a box with a newly designed solid fiberboard liner ($1.25/cu ft). CMC liners used during the epidemic had a mean needle puncture resistance of 527 g, as compared with 660 g for liners used before the outbreak (P < .001). The new solid fiberboard liner has a mean puncture resistance of 1,765 g. A program of waste disposal using fiberboard CMCs was found to cost approximately one-seventh the cost of a program using plastic boxes for disposal of infectious waste. CONCLUSION: A program for infectious waste disposal using fiberboard CMCs can be safe and cost-effective if appropriate standards for puncture resistance are met.  相似文献   
Survival in congestive heart failure is related to plasma catecholamines and atrial natriuretic peptide at rest, but the prognostic importance of changes during exercise is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of catecholamines and atrial natriuretic peptide at rest and during maximal exercise in congestive heart failure, and to compare it to clinical and exercise test variables and left ventricular ejection fraction. One hundred ninety consecutive patients (136 men and 54 women; median age, 66 years; range, 42-75 years) with clinically stable congestive heart failure were included. Sixteen patients were in New York Heart Association class I, 87 in class II, 83 in class III, and 4 in class IV. Left ventricular ejection fraction was 0.30 (range, 0.06-0.74). Total survival after 1 year was 79%, after 2 years, it was 68%. Prognostic variables at univariate analysis were: plasma noradrenaline at rest (P < .0001), plasma adrenaline at rest (P = .049), and atrial natriuretic peptide at rest (P = .016). During exercise, plasma catecholamines and plasma atrial natriuretic peptide increased significantly; the change, however, was not related to survival. Six variables carried significant, independent prognostic information in a multivariate analysis: left ventricular ejection fraction (P = .03), plasma noradrenaline at rest (P = .009), New York Heart Association class III + IV (P = .005), increase in heart rate during exercise < or = 35 min-1 (P < .0001), serum creatinine > 121 mumol/L (P = .004), and serum urea > 7.6 mmol/L (P = .007). Patients with congestive heart failure have a poor survival despite intensive medical treatment. Plasma catecholamines and plasma atrial natriuretic peptide are elevated at rest and rises further during exercise; the increase, however, is not related to mortality. Plasma noradrenaline at rest contributes with further prognostic information despite knowledge of clinical and exercise variables and was the only neurohormonal variable with independent, significant prognostic information on survival.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the usefulness of diagnostic joint injections in patients with foot and ankle pain when the radiologist attempts to identify the source of pain. This study also correlated the results of injection with outcome after arthrodesis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 22 patients who had a foot or ankle joint injected to identify a source of pain and who later underwent arthrodesis of the painful joint. All patients had long-term foot and ankle symptoms of variable causes. Twenty-four joints were assessed: 13 subtalar, five talonavicular, four ankle, one calcaneocuboid, and one metatarsocuneiform. All patients had plain radiographs, 11 had CT studies, and five had bone scans. Contrast material was used to assess adequate positioning of the needle inside the joint before injection. All joints were injected under fluoroscopic control. Steroid was added in eight joints. After injection, patients were assessed for relief of symptoms. Patients subsequently underwent arthrodesis on the basis of the results of the injection. RESULTS: In 20 patients (22 joints), long-term follow-up showed that injections allowed us to correctly identify the source of pain and successfully guide arthrodesis. Of these 20 patients, 17 had significant pain relief after injection and fusion, whereas three patients had mild or no response. With one of these patients, we injected other joints and changed surgical plans. One of the two remaining patients had more pain relief after injection than after arthrodesis. The other patient had no relief after injection, but subsequent fusion because of persistent pain was successful. We found imaging studies to be less useful than diagnostic injections when we were attempting to identify the source of pain. CONCLUSION: Intraarticular injection of anesthetic in painful foot and ankle joints helped us confirm the source of pain in 20 of 22 patients, which in turn led to successful arthrodesis and good outcomes for these patients.  相似文献   
The interaction of zinc and vitamin A in rats receiving a regional diet of Manaus, supplemented with vitamin A, zinc and zinc and vitamin A was studied. The regional diet was elaborated according to data of Shrimpton and Giugliano (6), for families receiving less than two minimum salaries. The biological test to study the interaction was based on the depletion of zinc and vitamin A in rats in the period of lactation, and a period of repletion where supplements of zinc (0.82 mg%) and vitamin A (94.2 micrograms %) were given, either separately or together, according to the recommendations of the Committee on Laboratory Animal Diets (7). From the results, it was concluded that there was an interaction of these nutrients in terms of mobilization of hepatic vitamin A. Although the regional diet of Manaus did not meet the zinc RDA, the amount present was enough to utilize the available vitamin A. Although the amount of zinc present in the diet, as determined by parameters of bioavilability, such as growth, concentration in organs and zinc-dependent enzymes, was adequately used by the animals, probably due to promoting factors in the diet. The Manaus regional diet needs to be supplemented with vitamin A in order to maintain the hepatic reserves, and with zinc, to maintain the normal levels of vitamin A in plasma.  相似文献   
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