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Output from the interpositus nucleus can inhibit the inferior olive, probably via the GABA-ergic nucleo-olivary pathway. It has been suggested that the function of this inhibition might be to regulate synaptic plasticity resulting from parallel fibre/climbing fibre interaction in cerebellar Purkinje cells, by providing negative feedback information to the olive. Thus, when a learned response, generated by the interpositus nucleus, reaches a sufficient amplitude, the olive would be inhibited and further learning blocked. This suggestion was tested in a classical conditioning paradigm. Decerebrate ferrets were trained using electrical skin stimulation of the forelimb as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and periorbital stimulation as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Climbing fibre responses evoked in Purkinje cells by the US were recorded as surface field potentials in the part of the c3 zone controlling eyeblink. It was found that the CS did not inhibit the olive at the beginning of training, but when conditioned responses were large, the olive was inhibited by the CS in some animals. After a number of unpaired CS presentations, which caused extinction of the conditioned response, the inhibition disappeared. The size of individual conditioned responses correlated negatively with the size of the climbing fibre responses evoked by the US. Climbing fibre responses evoked by direct stimulation of the olive were also inhibited. It was concluded that cerebellar output during performance of a conditioned response inhibits the inferior olive. The results thus support the hypothesis of a cerebellar locus of conditioning and are consistent with the proposed role of cerebello-olivary inhibition.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of alpha-tocopherol on lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant status of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), comparing them with normal Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. SHR were divided into three groups and treated with different doses of alpha-tocopherol (alpha1, 17 mg/kg diet; alpha2, 34 mg/kg diet; and alpha3, 170 mg/kg diet). Normal WKY and untreated SHR were used as normal (N) and hypertensive control (HC). Blood pressures were recorded every 10 days for 3 months. At the end of the trial, animals were killed and measurement of plasma total antioxidant status, plasma superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and lipid peroxide levels in plasma and blood vessels was carried out following well-established methods. From our study it was found that lipid peroxides in thoracic aorta (N, 0.47 +/- 0.17; H, 0.96 +/- 0.37; P < .0001) and plasma (N, 0.06 +/- 0.01; H, 0.13 +/- 0.01) were significantly higher in hypertensives than in normal rats. SOD activity was significantly lower in hypertensive than normal rats (N, 172.93 +/- 46.91; H, 110.08 +/- 14.38; P < .005). Total antioxidant status was significantly higher in normal than hypertensive rats (N, 0.88 +/- 0.05; H, 0.83 +/- 0.02; P < .05). After the antioxidant trial, it was found that in the treated groups rise of blood pressure was prevented significantly (P < .001) and lipid peroxides in blood vessels were significantly reduced more than in the controls (P < .001). For plasma lipid peroxide it was only significant for groups alpha2 (P < .001) and alpha3 (P < .05). Although all three treated groups showed improved total antioxidant status, only groups alpha2 (0.87 +/- 0.04, P < .005) and alpha3 (1.20 +/- 0.18, P < .001) were statistically significant. All the three groups showed significant increases in their SOD activity (P < .001). Correlation studies showed that total antioxidant status and SOD were significantly negatively correlated with blood pressure in normal rats (P = .007; P = .008). Lipid peroxides in both blood vessel and plasma showed a positive correlation. In the treated groups, lipid peroxides in blood vessels maintained a significant positive correlation with blood pressure in all groups (alpha1, P = .021; alpha2, P = .019; alpha3, P = .002), whereas for plasma lipid peroxides the correlation was in groups alpha1 (P = .005) and alpha2 (P = .009). For SOD activity, significant negative correlations were found with blood pressure in the alpha2 (P = .017) and alpha3 (P = .025) groups. Total antioxidant status maintained a significant negative correlation with blood pressure in all three groups (alpha1, P = .012; alpha2, P = .044; alpha3, P = .014). In conclusion it was found that supplement of alpha-tocopherol may prevent development of increased blood pressure, reduce lipid peroxides in plasma and blood vessels, and enhance the total antioxidant status, including SOD activity.  相似文献   
A study was made of an association of small GTPase Rab7, commonly considered as a marker of late endosomes, with endosomal compartments of cells expressing EGF receptor with different ability to be sorted for degradative pathway. It was found that in cells HER14, expressing normal EGF receptor, Rab7 was associated with both early and late endosomes and the extent of association correlated with the number of EGF-receptor complexes in the specific endosomal fraction. Cels with a receptor, lacking major sites of autophosphorylation by deletion of 126 C-terminal residues (CD126), demonstrated a low efficiency of EGF-receptor sorting to late endosomes and decreased association dynamics with Rab7. Interaction of Rab7 with endosomes of cells expressing kinase negative receptors (K721) was found to be minimal. At the same time, in cells Cd126 and K721 with a low sorting efficiency Rab7 was mainly associated with early endosomes. These data favor Rab7 involvement in mediating early-to-late endosomal transition.  相似文献   
Successful breast conservation therapy with optimal cosmesis requires adequate tumor excision and negative tumor margins. Therefore, more sensitive techniques are being developed to identify lumpectomy margins intraoperatively with greater accuracy. Unidentified microscopic disease is seemingly responsible for a local recurrence rate of up to 25 per cent 3 to 5 years after lumpectomy and radiotherapy for breast cancer patients. As a result, Moffitt Cancer Center has routinely used an intraoperative touch preparation cytology (TPC) protocol to evaluate the entire resected surface of all lumpectomies. In addition, resection margins were also evaluated by gross examination and by standard histology. In rare instances frozen sections were used to evaluate tumor margins. In this study 701 consecutive lumpectomy specimens were evaluated by TPC during the period of 9 years with a mean follow-up of 3.5 years. Local cancer recurrence was 2.7 per cent (mean recurrence, 2.53 years), in women whose lumpectomy margins were evaluated by TPC. Of interest, a local recurrence rate of 14.6 per cent was observed in patients who had referral lumpectomies evaluated by conventional histopathology. This study suggests that accurate margin assessment with TPC plays an important role in the control of local recurrence after breast conservation therapy. Therefore, we conclude the routine use of intraoperative TPC provides rapid, reliable, topographically accurate identification of residual microscopic disease at lumpectomy margins.  相似文献   
The response to antigen is an important factor in the development of airway inflammation. Segmental bronchoprovocation (SBP) with antigen and subsequent bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) have provided valuable insight into the mechanisms of allergic inflammation. To determine the features of allergic airway response in asthma, 19 subjects with mild asthma underwent antigen SBP in a dose-dependent manner. The amount of antigen used in SBP was 0 (saline), and 1, 5, or 20% of the antigen dose required to drop the FEV1 by 20% (APD20). BAL was done at 5 min and 48 h after SBP. BAL histamine levels increased modestly 5 min after antigen SBP. At 48 h, there was a marked increase in eosinophils and IL-5 concentration even in airway segments where the release of histamine was small. Moreover, eosinophils correlated with IL-5 levels at 48 h (r = 0.63; p < 0.001), but not with BAL histamine concentrations at 5 min. GM-CSF levels did not increase after antigen SBP and did not correlate with eosinophils. These observations indicate that asthmatic subjects can develop a dose-dependent response to antigen SBP that is characterized by a modest increase in histamine immediately after antigen exposure, and marked eosinophilia, which appears proportionately greater than the histamine response and relatively greater than what is seen in allergic nonasthmatic subjects. This feature might be important to the eventual development of airway inflammation in asthma.  相似文献   
A correct access opening is the key to endodontics. An adequate anatomical access preparation maximizes cleaning, shaping, and obturation. The major objectives of access preparation are straight line access to the apical area, conservation of tooth structure, and unroofing of the pulp chamber. The safe-ended diamond bur technique provides an efficient and rapid means to obtain the objective of access preparation in posterior teeth.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the adjunctive use of mitomycin-C (MMC) during trabeculotomy and trabeculectomy for eyes with high-risk congenital glaucoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study was performed to compare the effect of a single, 4-minute intraoperative exposure to 0.2 mg/ml (group 1) or 0.4 mg/ml (group 2) of MMC on trabeculotomy with trabeculectomy in 16 high-risk cases (30 eyes) of congenital glaucoma. RESULTS: The preoperative and final postoperative intraocular pressures (IOPs) of the two groups did not differ significantly. At the final follow-up, IOP control (< 21 mm Hg) without medications was achieved in 60% of the eyes in group 1 and in 86.67% of the eyes in group 2 (P = 21). With medication, IOP control was achieved in 86.7% of the eyes of each group. In both groups, the rate of surgical failure was 13.3%. Avascular, thin, sharply demarcated blebs were noted in 33.3% of the eyes from group 1 and in 66.67% of those from group 2 (P = .14). Intraoperative and postoperative hyphema and postoperative hypotony were the complications encountered in both groups, whereas serous choroidal detachment and wound leakage were seen only in group 2. CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative MMC applied at a concentration of 0.2 mg/ml controlled postoperative IOP as effectively as a 0.4-mg/ml concentration in high-risk cases of congenital glaucoma, but with a lower incidence of complications and thin-walled blebs.  相似文献   
An extensively trypsin-digested Na+/K+-ATPase, which retains the ability to bind Na+, K+, and ouabain, consists of four fragments of the alpha-subunit that contain all 10 transmembrane alpha domains, and the beta-subunit, a fraction of which is cleaved at Arg142-Gly143. In previous studies, we solubilized this preparation with a detergent and mapped the relative positions of several transmembrane helices of the subunits by chemical cross-linking. To determine if these detected helix-helix proximities were representative of those existing in the bilayer prior to solubilization, we have now done similar studies on the membrane-bound preparation of the same digested enzyme. After oxidative sulfhydryl cross-linking catalyzed by Cu2+-phenanthroline, two prominent products were identified by their mobilities and the analyses of their N termini. One was a dimer of a 11-kDa alpha-fragment containing the H1-H2 helices and a 22-kDa alpha-fragment containing the H7-H10 helices. This dimer seemed to be the same as that obtained in the solubilized preparation. The other product was a trimer of the above two alpha-fragments and that fraction of beta whose extracellular domain was cleaved at Arg142-Gly143. This product was different from a similar one of the solubilized preparation in that the latter contained the predominant fraction of beta without the extracellular cleavage. The cross-linking reactions of the membrane preparation, but not those of the solubilized one, were hindered specifically by Na+, K+, and ouabain. These findings indicate that (a) the H1-H2 transmembrane helices of alpha are adjacent to some of its H7-H10 helices both in solubilized and membrane-bound states, (b) the alignment of the residues of the single transmembrane helix of beta with the interacting H1-H2 and H7-H10 helices of alpha is altered by detergent solubilization and by structural changes in the extracellular domain of beta, and (c) the three-dimensional packing of the interacting transmembrane helices of alpha and beta are regulated by the specific ligands of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The zeta protein kinase C isoform (PKC-zeta) was purified from the testis of the grey mullet Mugil cephalus and has relative masses (M(r)) of 65,000 and 63,000. The subunits of PKC-zeta from spermatozoa degenerated to M(r) 58,000 and 53,000 after continuous freezing and thawing. Proteins of M(r) 48,000 on the oolemma of the grey mullet Mugil cephalus were found to be the reaction proteins of the PKC-zeta from spermatozoa.  相似文献   
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