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The influence of repeated experience of aggression in daily intermale confrontations on individual and social behaviour was studied in male mice of C57BL/6J (C57) and CBA/Lac (CBA) strains. Repeated experience of aggression led to a decrease of emotionality in males of highly emotional CBA strain and increase in exploratory activity in the open field and exploratory activity tests, decrease of immobility time in Porsolt's test and pain sensitivity estimated by the "hot plate" test. Low emotional C57 males did not change their individual behaviour in different situations under the influence of repeated experience of aggression. However, aggressive C57 mice demonstrated anxiety-like behaviour estimated in the plus-maze test. In the partition test aggressive mice of both strains showed an increase in communicative level (as a reaction to a familiar male) in comparison with their behaviour before aggressive confrontations. Behavioural reaction to a receptive female under unfamiliar conditions decreased which testified to a decrease in sexual motivation. It is concluded that formation of the aggressive type of social behaviour is accompanied by changes in the individual and social behaviour of male mice. Characteristics of these changes are genetically determined and depend on the duration of confrontations.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to provide a rationale for the marked difference in carcinogenic potential among isomeric diaminotoluenes, in relation to their ability to induce their own bioactivation through CYP1A induction, their genotoxic potential, and their ability to bind to the cytosolic aromatic hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor. Of the four possible diaminotoluenes only the 2,3- and, to a lesser extent, the 2,4-isomer induced CYP1A activity. Similarly, only these two isomers could displace [3H]T-CDD from the hepatic cytosolic Ah receptor. In the presence of Aroclor 1254- induced microsomes, 2,4- and 2,6-diaminotoluene were potent mutagens in the Ames test. Only 2,4-diaminotoluene could autoinduce its activation. Of the four isomers only 2,4-diaminotoluene is an established carcinogen and this is compatible with the present observations that it is the only isomer that stimulates its own activation through CYP1A induction, is metabolically converted to genotoxic intermediates, and binds to the Ah receptor. 2,6-Diaminotoluene is recognized as a mutagenic noncarcinogen and in the present studies it elicited a positive mutagenic response in the Ames test but failed to induce CYP1A activity and its own activation, and could not bind to the Ah receptor even at concentrations as high as 5 x 10(-4) M. The present findings demonstrate that in vitro studies are very useful tools in predicting the carcinogenic potency of isomeric chemicals.  相似文献   
Anti-macrophage monoclonal antibody (Mab) D-11 was tested in surgical material and biopsies of non-epithelial tumors and tumor-like lesions from 181 patients in order to assess possibility of using this Mab for diagnosis of histiocytic tumors, malignant fibrous histiocytoma in particular. The study was performed in parallel on cryostat sections and smears by immuno-peroxidase method. It is established that D-11 reacts positively with both histiocytic tumors and tumors of other genesis this being a limiting factor in differential diagnosis of histiocytic tumors. However, taking into consideration 100% of positive results with histiocytic tumors only, this antibody can be used for exclusion of tumors studied from the group of histiocytomas in cases of negative reaction.  相似文献   
Male rats with a genetic predisposition to cataleptic reactions revealed a reduced motor activity and a diminished activation of mineralocorticoid and testosterone synthesis in response to a mild stress as compared with the Wistar rats. The reactions, however, were exactly opposite in the Wistar rats with signs of cataleptic features. The data obtained suggest that, when creating genetic animal models of human diseases, the initial stages of breeding should correspond to early stages of the disease whereas advanced stages of breeding are similar to later, chronic phases of the disease.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The target cellular response to glucocorticoids is proportional to the concentrations or affinity of specific receptors to these substances. AIM: To look for a correlation between glucocorticoid receptor concentrations in synovial wall cells and the clinical response to steroidal treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty eight patients with rheumatoid arthritis were studied. Each subject was subjected to a synovial biopsy, in which a dry radioautographic technique for diffusible compounds was used. Patients were treated afterwards with three 500 mg intravenous pulses of methilprednisolone. RESULTS: A mean of 44.8% of synovial cells (range 30.1-62.8%) had binding sites for 3H dexamethasone. All patients had a significant clinical improvement after methylprednisolone. Multiple regression analysis did not show a correlation between clinical response and glucocorticoid receptor concentration. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of association between glucocorticoid receptor concentrations and clinical response could be due to the large steroid dose used, that saturated all available receptors.  相似文献   
The study included 138 patients operated on for endo-extracellular pituitary adenomas which extend both intracranially and into the structures of the base of the skull. Operations via transcranial and transsphenoidal access to various tumor sites were performed in 38 patients (a main group), while 100 patients (a control group) underwent one of these operations. Two-stage operations, followed by removal of the suprasellar and basal regions of a tumor, are expedient for enhancing the efficiency of surgical treatment, reducing the incidence of complications associated with traumatic attempts at removing tumor parts hard-to-reach by transcranial or transsphenoidal approaches, as well as at reducing the number of relapses. At the first stage of surgical treatment it is advisable to make an intervention via transcranial access especially in cases of complex configuration of the suprasellar part of a tumor. The recommended interval between transcranial and transsphenoidal surgeries is 3-5 months. Two-stage surgical treatment does not lead to significant structural changes and to the increased number of complications, and to higher mortality rates as compared to one-stage surgery (transcranial or transsphenoidal surgeries alone).  相似文献   
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