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In the present study the accumulation potentials in earthworms (Eisenia fetida) of selected brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were investigated. The tested BFRs, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromobenzene (HBB), and 1,2-dibromo-4-(1,2-dibromoethyl)cyclohexane (TBECH), were found to be bioavailable to Eisenia fetida, and they accumulated in the earthworms. To our knowledge, this is the first published study to address the bioaccumulation potential of TBECH in terrestrial biota. Aging the soil resulted in decreased accumulation of TBECH, HBB, and PBDEs with six or less bromine atoms. However, no effect of soil aging was seen for BDEs 183 or 209, possibly due to their low mobility in soil. The use of different soils (artificial OECD soil and two natural Swedish soils) also affected the degree of accumulation in the worms. The results indicate that use of the generally accepted standard OECD soil may overestimate accumulation of organic contaminants by earthworms, due to high bioavailability of the contaminants and/or weight loss of the worms in it. Further, the accumulation of selected PBDEs and HBB was compared to the accumulation of their chlorinated analogues. Brominated compounds accumulated to the same or a lesser extent than their chlorinated counterparts.  相似文献   
High levels of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDDs) have been found in Baltic Sea biota, where the toxic load owing to, for example, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and other organic pollutants is already high. The levels and geographic pattern of PBDDs suggest biogenic rather than anthropogenic origin, and both biotic and abiotic formation pathways have been proposed. Photochemical formation from hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (OH-PBDE) is a proposed pathway for PBDDs in marine environments. Ultraviolet radiation-initiated transformations of OH-BDEs 47, 68, 85, 90, 99, and 123, which all are abundant in the environment, were investigated. It was shown that the most abundant PBDDs in the environment (1,3,7-triBDD and 1,3,8-triBDD) can be formed from the most abundant OH-BDEs (OH-BDE 47 and OH-BDE 68) at high rates and with percentage yields. In fact, most of the PBDDs that have been identified in the Baltic Sea environment were formed with high yield from the six studied OH-PBDE, through initial cyclization and subsequent debromination reactions. The high formation yields point to this route as an important source of PBDDs in biota. However, congeners showing relatively high retention in fish, specifically 1,3,6,8- and 1,3,7,9-tetraBDD, were not formed. These are likely formed by enzymatic coupling of brominated phenols.  相似文献   
Ammoxidation of toluene over the perovskites YBa2Cu3O6.1, YBa2Cu2CoO6.7 and YBaCuCoO4.9 was investigated at 400 °C. At low partial pressures of O2 benzonitrile was selectively formed, while CO2 was the main product at high pressures of O2. Systematic differences in activity were observed for the three phases and are related to the crystal contents of Cu and Co. At low O2 pressures, Cu-sites are active for nitrile formation, while Co-sites give CO2. At high O2 pressures, the activity for CO2 of Cu-sites increases more than that of Co-sites due to filling of near-surface oxygen vacancies.  相似文献   
Monolayer vanadium species are mainly in the V(V) valence state, but with XPS a small fraction of V4+ species are identified. Prolonged analysis treatment increases the V4+ concentration. With increasing vanadium concentration, a monolayer coverage corresponding to 1 mg V2O5 per m2 develops, and it contains additional layers with a thickness of about 250 Å at 4 mg V2O5 per m2, covering 3% of its surface area.  相似文献   
Interdigital gland secretion from reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) was analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromato-graphy. The short-chain acid fraction consisted of acetic, propionic, isobutyric,n-butyric, isovaleric, 2-methylbutyric,n-valeric, isocaproic, andn-caproic acids. The short-chain acids were produced by sterol esters when hydrolyzed in the gland-probably by microorganisms. Triglycerides present did not contain any short-chain acids. By testing isovaleric acid and isobutyric acid applied on small filter papers placed in a pen and measuring the number of sniffings on and towards the samples, we elicited good response at 1 ng application compared with the blanks, while pivalic acid gave no response under the same conditions.  相似文献   
Partial differential equations, describing the consumption of reactants and the formation of products, have been solved numerically for a step change from inert to reactant feed considering different variants of propene oxidation mechanisms. The response features and their dependency on the rate limiting step have been rationalised in terms of conclusions, which can serve as general guidelines for mechanistic interpretation of experimental transients from hydrocarbon oxidation over metal oxides. Though the response pattern is characteristic of the rate limiting step, it is demonstrated that different variants of mechanisms can give identical response features. In that case complementary investigation with other techniques, or more detailed mathematical analysis is necessary.  相似文献   
Combustion of CO, ethyl acetate and ethanol was studied over CuOx/Al2O3, CuOx–CeO2/Al2O3, CuMn2O4/Al2O3 and Mn2O3/Al2O3 catalysts. It was found that modification of the alumina with ceria before subsequent copper oxide deposition increases the activity for combustion of CO substantially, but the effect of ceria was small on the combustion of ethyl acetate and ethanol. The activity increases with the CuOx loading until crystalline CuO particles are formed, which contribute little to the total active surface. The CuOx–CeO2/Al2O3 catalyst is more active than the CuMn2O4/Al2O3 catalyst for the oxidation of CO but the CuMn2O4/Al2O3 catalyst is more active for the combustion of ethyl acetate and ethanol.

Thermal ageing and water vapour in the feed caused a modest decrease in activity and did not affect the CuOx–CeO2/Al2O3 and CuMn2O4/Al2O3 catalysts differently. In addition, no difference in intermediates formed over the two catalysts was observed.

Characterisation with XRD, FT-Raman and TPR indicates that the copper oxide is present as a copper aluminate surface phase on alumina at low loading. At high loading, bulk CuO crystallites are present as well. Modification of the alumina with ceria before the copper oxide deposition gives well dispersed copper oxide species and bulk CuO crystallites associated to the ceria, in addition to the two copper oxide species on the bare alumina. The distribution of copper species depends on the ceria and copper oxide loading. The alumina supported copper manganese oxide and manganese oxide catalysts consist mainly of crystalline CuMn2O4 and Mn2O3, respectively, on Al2O3.  相似文献   

Preheating potatoes at 50 to 80°C has a firming effect on the cooked potato tissue. This effect is particularly pronounced at a preheating temperature of 60 to 70°C followed by cooling. Several theories have been presented in the literature to explain this firming effect: retrogradation of starch, leaching of amylose, stabilization of the middle lamellae and cell walls by the activation of the pectin methylesterase (PME) enzyme, and by the release of calcium from gelatinized starch and the formation of calcium bridges between pectin molecules. Most probably, none of these theories alone can explain the phenomenon and more than one mechanism seems to be involved. Some of these mechanisms seem to be interdependent. As an example, calcium could be considered as a link all the way through release after starch gelatinization to cross‐linking pectin substances in the cell wall and the middle lamellae, which has been demethylated by the PME enzyme. More research and “clear cut” experiments are needed in order to elucidate the role of each mechanism, especially which of them is the main contributor to the process of firming. Most probably, the calcium‐pectin‐PME mechanism plays a secondary role, that is, it only retards the collapse of the tissue structure that would otherwise occur during the final heating without preheating, and it is not the main factor of firmness.  相似文献   
Competence as communication skills and as skilled practice of asepsis were studied by observing four nurses while interacting with patients and performing intravenous procedures. Nurses were observed using sterile equipment for methods of intravenous therapy. Asepsis is performed frequently, but through misunderstanding in the learning of asepsis or improper model learning the nurses may establish incorrect routines. When performing procedures, unexpected factors can distract both the expert and the inexperienced, resulting in a failure to apply basic aseptic techniques. The nurses showed an interest in the patient by listening and giving responses. Nurses may control interactions with the patient by using undesirable communication skills which include incomplete sentences, incomplete explanations and closed questions. Asked to evaluate their own behavior, the nurses did not estimate whether or not the appropriate skills were applied in observed situations. To improve the quality of nursing care performance it is recommended to further develop and apply skill training programs.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common in myotonic dystrophy (MD). Diarrhoea is one of the more disabling of these GI complaints. The mechanisms behind diarrhoea in MD have not previously been investigated systematically. OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the mechanisms behind diarrhoea in MD. METHODS: Twenty patients with MD and suffering from diarrhoea were investigated in order to detect malabsorption (blood tests and faecal fat excretion) and bile acid malabsorption ([75Se]selenahomocholic acid-taurine (SeHCAT) retention) and to study intestinal morphology (duodenal and rectal biopsies). RESULTS: Two patients had deficiency of folic acid and four showed reduced levels of pancreatic isoamylase, but none of them had steatorrhoea. Two out of eight patients had abnormal bile acid breath tests with normal SeHCAT, indicating small bowel bacterial overgrowth and 12 displayed reduced SeHCAT retention. Duodenal biopsies were normal in eight patients and five out of nine rectal biopsies displayed slight inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: A possible mechanism of diarrhoea in MD could be identified in most of the patients. Bile acid malabsorption seems to be a frequent cause and can be treated successfully.  相似文献   
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