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Voltage stability indices for stressed power systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of static voltage stability indices based on a singular value decomposition of the power flow Jacobian matrix and matrices derived from the Jacobian matrix is discussed. It is shown that such indices, together with the singular vectors, contain substantial and important information about the proximity to voltage instability and also about critical buses and disturbances from a voltage instability point of view. This is done by a theoretical analysis of the linear power flow equations and an analysis from model power systems as well as realistic power systems (1033 nodes). It is argued that indices based on these matrices are useful for the system analyst in planning and operations planning  相似文献   
The catalytic properties of ex situ prepared La4PdO7 were studied under automotive exhaust conditions. Monophasic La4PdO7 was deposited onto-Al2O3 coated cordierite monoliths and light-off curves were recorded under oxidising and reducing conditions. Initially the catalytic activity for oxidation of CO and C3H6 and reduction of NO was low but after the catalyst had been exposed to a reducing atmosphere of simulated car exhaust composition at 600°C a three-way catalytic behaviour was obtained with aT 50 value of about 340°C. Using oxidising conditions and a similar activation procedure, a catalyst with CO and C3H6 oxidation activity (T 50=405° C) but minor activity for reduction of NO was obtained. This behaviour is interpreted in terms of La4PdO7 being decomposed and nanosized PdO particles being formed; these in turn are reduced to Pd and Pd is the catalytically active component in the catalyst. These conclusions are supported by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy studies combined with element analysis of freshly prepared and thermally activated catalysts.  相似文献   
Indentation Thermal Shock Test for Ceramics   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents an indentation-quench method to determine the resistance of ceramics to thermal cycling. The method defines a critical quench temperature difference, Δ T c, based on a criterion which includes a minimum amount of crack growth and a minimum fraction of growing cracks. The method is applied to three different materials, which are ranked according to the individual values of Δ T c. The variation of ΔTc with different indentation loads and indentation positions is investigated. This technique uses a small number of specimens, avoids subsequent mechanical testing, and provides information about the ΔT C of the materials. The effect of repeated cycling on crack extension is also discussed.  相似文献   
This paper presents a number of engineering analysis problems solved from 1990 to 1996 where ADINA was used in the analysis. The problems are in the following areas: natural frequencies, dynamic loading, fatigue, fracture mechanics and natural convection-driven fluid flow. For most of the problems, a comparison between calculations and measurements is also presented. Our experience is that good numerical results can be achieved for static linear problems even when the geometry is complex, but in dynamic analysis it can be difficult to establish models that accurately contain all frequencies, and, of course, in non-linear analysis, the representation of the non-linear material behaviour provides a limit to the modelling accuracy.  相似文献   
A mathematical model has been developed for the prediction of cracks in the continuously cast steel beam blank through the fully coupled analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer, and deformation behavior of a solidifying shell. Fluid flow and heat transfer in the strand mold were analyzed with a three-dimensional (3-D) finite-volume method (FVM). For the complex geometry of the beam blank, a body-fitted coordinate (BFC) system was employed. Thermo-elastic-plastic deformation behavior in the strand was analyzed using the finite-element method (FEM) based on the two-dimensional (2-D) slice model. The thermal fields of the strand calculated with the FVM were used in the analysis of the deformation behavior of the strand. Through the iterative analysis of the fluid flow, heat-transfer, and deformation behavior, the coupling parameter of the heat-transfer coefficient between the strand and the mold was obtained. In order to describe the thermophysical properties and thermomechanical behavior of steel in the mushy zone, the microsegregation of solute elements was assessed. Consequently, some characteristic temperatures of steel as well as variations of phase fractions with temperature were determined. The probability of cracking in the strand, originating from an interdendritic liquid film, was quantified as a crack susceptibility coefficient. Recirculating flows were developed in the web and flange-tip regions. The development of a solidifying shell in the flange-center region was retarded by the inlet flow from a submerged entry nozzle (SEN). An air gap was formed mainly near the flange-tip corner. Surface cracks in the web and fillet regions and internal cracks in the flange-tip region were predicted.  相似文献   
Using the transient hot-wire method, measurements were made for solid AgCl of both the thermal conductivity, , and the heat capacity per unit volume, c p, where is the mass density. Measurements were made in the temperature range 100 to 400 K, and at pressures up to 2 GPa. c p(P, T) could be adequately described if the acoustic modes were represented by a Debye model and the optic modes by an Einstein model. Analysis of (T) showed that only the acoustic modes needed to be taken into account up to 300 K, but that the optic modes were increasingly effective in carrying heat at higher temperatures. (P) was adequately described by the Lawson formula, but not by the Leibfried-Schlömann formula, to which it is formally equivalent. Agreement with experiment could be achieved by two different modifications of the Leibfried-Schlömann formula, although neither has a firm theoretical basis.  相似文献   
A silicon carbide based enhancement type metal insulator field effect transistor with porous gate metallization has been investigated as a total NO x sensor operated in a temperature cycling mode. This operating mode is quite new for gas sensors based on the field effect but promising results have been reported earlier. Based on static investigations we have developed a suitable T-cycle optimized for NO x detection and quantification in a mixture of typical exhaust gases (CO, C2H4, and NH3). Significant features describing the shape of the sensor response have been extracted and evaluated with multivariate statistics (e.g. linear discriminant analysis) allowing quantification of NO x . Additional cleaning-cycles every 30?min improve the stability of the sensor further. With this kind of advanced signal processing the influence of sensor drift and cross sensitivity to ambient gases can be reduced effectively. Measurements have proven that different concentrations of NO x can be detected even in a changing mixture of other typical exhaust gases under dry and humid conditions. In addition to that, unknown concentrations of NO x can be detected based on a small set of training data. It can be concluded that the performance of GasFETs for NO x determination can be enhanced considerably with temperature cycling and appropriate signal processing.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to describe industrial aspects of combined fleet composition and routing in maritime and road-based transportation, and to present the current status of research in the form of a comprehensive literature review. First, presents a classification of problems, and then focuses on a basic definition of combined fleet composition and routing: the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. A basic mathematical formulation from the literature is presented. Further, the literature of extended and related problems is described and categorized. Surveys of application oriented research in road-based and maritime transportation conclude the review. Finally, we contrast the literature with aspects of industrial applications from a critical, but constructive stance. Major issues for future work are suggested.  相似文献   
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