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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to measure changes in total body water (TBW) in surgical patients after gastrointestinal lavage. METHODS: In a prospective, controlled study we used bioelectrical impedance to calculate the change in TBW in two groups of general surgical patients in the pre-operative period: the colonic lavage group consisted of patients fasted overnight who received 3 L of gastrointestinal lavage solution (GLS; n = 30), and the control group consisted of patients fasted overnight only (n = 30). Total body water was measured before and after either lavage and fasting (lavage group) or fasting alone (control group). RESULTS: The lavage group had a mean TBW loss of 729 mL +/- s.e. 217 and the control group a mean loss of 84 mL +/- s.e. 93 (P < 0.01 unpaired t-test). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that GLS results in a net loss of TBW. Although this fluid loss is modest, it may be important in surgical patients who have minimal cardiovascular reserve.  相似文献   
To provide material suitable for structural studies of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, we have expressed and purified the NH2-terminal extracellular domain of the mouse muscle alpha subunit. Several constructs were initially investigated using Xenopus oocytes as a convenient small scale expression system. A fusion protein (alpha210GPI) consisting of the 210 NH2-terminal amino acids of the alpha subunit and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchorage sequence conferred surface alpha-bungarotoxin binding in oocytes. Coexpression of alpha210GPI with an analogous construct made from the delta subunit showed no evidence of heterodimer formation. The alpha210GPI protein was chosen for large scale expression in transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. The alpha210GPI protein was cleaved from these cells and purified on an immunoaffinity column. Gel and column chromatography show that the purified protein is processed as expected and exists as a monomer. The purified protein also retains the two distinct, conformation-specific binding sites expected for the correctly folded alpha subunit. Circular dichroism studies of alpha210GPI suggest that this region of the receptor includes considerable beta-sheet secondary structure, with a small proportion of alpha-helix.  相似文献   
We describe two sibs with chorioretinal dystrophy, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, and cerebellar ataxia, Boucher-Neuh?user syndrome, a rare but distinct pleiotropic single gene disorder with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. The cases presented illustrate that this syndrome is still poorly recognised. We provide a review and analysis of previously reported cases and the differential diagnosis, which might aid in the identification of additional cases.  相似文献   
Invariant chain (Ii) associates with class II MHC molecules and is crucial for Ag presentation by class II molecules. A general explanation for how invariant chain (Ii) associates with polymorphic MHC class II molecules has been suggested by the crystallographic structure of CLIP (class II-associated Ii peptide) complexed with an HLA class II molecule, HLA-DR3. We show here that methionine residues at positions 93 and 99 in Ii are important in MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation, but function in an allele-dependent manner. Introduction of a Met-->Ala mutation at position 99 in Ii (M99AIi) impaired presentation of peptides derived from exogenous proteins by I-Ad and I-Au class II molecules. Mutating Met-->Ala in Ii at position 93 (M93AIi) abrogated presentation by I-Au molecules, but not by I-Ad. Impaired Ag presentation was associated with conformationally altered expression of I-A molecules on the surface of cells expressing mutated Ii. Cell surface CLIP staining and immunoprecipitation studies showed that both I-Ad and I-Au molecules were associated with an increased abundance of Ii peptides, CLIP, in cells expressing mutated Ii. These results show that methionine 93 and methionine 99 play an important physiologic role in Ii association with class II molecules by regulating release of CLIP from class II in the endocytic compartments to allow binding of cognate peptides.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Injection of DEAE dextran into Lewis rats can produce proteinuria and has been reported as a model of IgA nephropathy. METHODS: Cationic diethyl aminoethyl (DEAE) dextran of molecular weight 500 kDa was injected into male Lewis rats. After a pre-immunization period of 3 weeks, the animals were divided into two groups: group 1 (n = 14) received daily i.v, injections of 3.5 mg of antigen, group 2 (n = 14) was injected with 1.5 mg three times per week for a total period of 6 weeks. I.v. treatment was initiated with gradually increasing doses of DEAE dextran in both groups for 1 week, after which the maintenance dose was reached. RESULTS: We observed the appearance of proteinuria in a nephrotic range after 5 weeks of i.v. injections in group 1 (urinary excretion: 332 +/- 83 mg/24 h, controls: 53 +/- 14 mg/24 h). In group 2, the proteinuria was almost equal to protein excretion of healthy rats of the same weight (67 +/- 20 mg/24 h). The serum and urine creatinine were normal. By light microscopy of kidney biopsies, the presence of focal and segmental proliferation of mesangial cells after 6 weeks of i.v. injections was identified. Immunohistochemistry revealed no deposition of IgA, IgM, IgG, or C3. Using anti-ED1 antibodies, there was no evidence of interstitial infiltration of monocytes/macrophages after 6 weeks of i.v. injections. Staining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) did not show the presence of proliferating cells either in glomeruli or in the interstitium. Staining with FITC-WGA lectin revealed focal and segmental loss of the negative charge in the capillary wall. By electron microscopy there was deposition of dextran in the basal membrane and segmental and focal damage of the podocyte foot processes. As the chemokine RANTES may be involved in glomerular injury, we examined the kidneys of proteinuric and non-proteinuric rats for the presence of RANTES. By indirect immunofluorescence only the proteinuric rats showed RANTES deposition in the mesangium. CONCLUSIONS: Injection of rats with DEAE dextran leads to dose-dependent proteinuria without deposition of immune complexes but with podocyte damage. This is associated with local expression of the chemokine RANTES which may play a role in proteinuria of glomerular disease.  相似文献   
1. Effects of feeding condition from birth were examined on the sensitivity of neuromuscular transmission to d-tubocurarine (dTc) in vitro in male mice of the ddY strain. 2. Mice were trained to climb two separated cylindrical steel-wire tubes for feeding and drinking, respectively, from 16 days of age. Some mice were conventionally fed, from 99 days of age. Nerve-muscle preparations were made from the left phrenic nerve diaphragm muscle (DPH), the sciatic nerve soleus muscle (SOL), and the sciatic nerve extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) of 99-day-old and 155-day-old mice. The nerve trunk was electrically activated with trains of four pulses and tetanic pulses. 3. The sensitivity to the effects of dTc decreased in the order EDL, SOL, and DPH. This result held true in all mice tested. 4. This sensitivity was significantly potentiated by the compulsory movement. 5. The supersensitivity remained even when mice were conventionally fed after 99 days of age. 6. The compulsion rendered EDL antifatigable on tetanic stimulation. This property was also retained after a return to conventional feeding. 7. These results suggest that the effects of feeding condition from birth might remain on neuromuscular functions after termination of the conditioning.  相似文献   
BD Cohen  JF Bowley  PJ Sheridan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,18(2):158, 160, 162-158, 160, 164
Three postgraduate prosthodontic students served as clinicians/evaluators in a study rating their preferences for three different diamond cutting instruments from three manufacturers. Each evaluator prepared the axial walls of complete veneer crowns on extracted molar teeth and then ranked their preference of the instruments. To prepare nine teeth, each of the three instruments was used in random order and without knowledge of the specific manufacturer. The methodology for analyzing the evaluators' preferences and the results are discussed.  相似文献   
1. In the present study, we evaluated the role of repeated administration on conditioning place preference (CPP) induced by fencamfamine (FCF) in male rats. 2. Repeated FCF (3.5 mg/kg) or saline once or daily for ten consecutive days enhanced sniffing duration and decreased locomotion and rearing duration. 3. At the 3.5 mg/kg dose, FCF produced a significant place-preference effect. 4. Repeated exposures to FCF intensified its reinforcing properties. 5. These results suggest that repeated FCF administration sensitizes its rewarding effects, as with other addictive substances.  相似文献   
For 10 consecutive patients in our unit who did not show a significant rise in blood progenitor cells within 14 days following chemotherapy and G-CSF, we increased the G-CSF dose from 5 to 10 microg/kg/day (n = 9) or from 10 to 15 microg/kg/day (n = 1). As a result, there were significant increases in total yield as well as yield per apheresis of mononuclear cells, CD34+ cells and CFU-GM (P < 0.025, <0.01 and <0.005, respectively). After G-CSF dose escalation, six of the 10 patients had sufficient CD34+ cells for performing transplantation. These results demonstrate a dose-dependent response of progenitor cell mobilization by G-CSF when used in combination with chemotherapy. Moreover, increasing the dose of G-CSF as late as the third week of mobilization may still provide sufficient cell yield even with patients who did not show a significant mobilization with conventional doses of G-CSF.  相似文献   
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