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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of urinary mercapturic acids as a biomarker of human exposure to allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) (AC). During three regular shut down periods in a production factory for AC, both types of variables were measured in 136 workers involved in maintenance operations. METHODS: Potential airborne exposure to AC was measured by personal air monitoring in the breathing zone. In total 205 workshifts were evaluated. During 99 workshifts no respiratory protection equipment was used. Mercapturic acid metabolites were measured in urinary extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). RESULTS: During 86 work shifts when no respiratory protection was used the air concentrations of AC were below the Dutch eight hour time weighted average (8 h-TWA) occupational exposure limit (OEL) of AC (3 mg/m3), whereas in 13 workshifts the potential exposure, as measured by personal air monitoring, exceeded the OEL (3.3 to 17 mg/m3). With the aid of GC-MS, 3-hydroxypropylmercapturic acid (HPMA) was identified as a minor and allylmercapturic acid (ALMA) as a major metabolite of AC in urine samples from the maintenance workers exposed to AC. The concentrations of ALMA excreted were in a range from < 25 micrograms/l (detection limit) to 3550 micrograms/l. The increases in urinary ALMA concentrations during the workshifts correlated well with the 8h-TWA air concentrations of AC (r = 0.816, P = 0.0001, n = 39). Based on this correlation, for AC a biological exposure index (BEI) of 352 micrograms ALMA/g creatinine during an eight hour workshift is proposed. In some urine samples unexpectedly high concentrations of ALMA were found. Some of these could definitely be attributed to dermal exposure to AC. In other cases garlic consumption was identified as a confounding factor. CONCLUSION: The mercapturic acid ALMA was identified in urine of workers occupationally exposed to airborne AC and the increase in ALMA concentrations in urine during a workshift correlated well with the 8 h-TWA exposure to AC. Garlic consumption, but not smoking, is a potential confounding factor for this biomarker of human exposure to AC.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Superficial rectal tumors are said to involve regional lymph nodes rarely. This presumption must be proven beyond any doubt if less radical surgery is to be offered for such patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight hundred five cases (467 males; median age, 64 (range, 19-97) years) of rectal cancer were reviewed. RESULTS: Lymph node positivity, number of lymph nodes involved, lymphatic vessel, and venous and perineural invasion were significantly increased with increasing depth of invasion of tumor through the bowel wall in univariate analysis. The percentage of lymph node involvement at each tumor depth was as follows: T1, 5.7 percent; T2, 19.6 percent; T3, 65.7 percent; T4, 78.8 percent. Overall lymph node involvement was 59 percent. For patients younger than 45 years of age, the percentage of lymph node involvement was 33.3, 30, 69.3, and 83.3 percent compared with 3.1, 8.4, 64.2, and 78.8 percent for patients aged 45 years or above for T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively. CONCLUSION: Increased depths of tumor penetration beyond T1 and age less than 45 years have an excessive incidence of lymph node positivity. The finding of lymphatic vessel invasion on biopsy is highly indicative of lymph node metastasis.  相似文献   
Augmentation of antioxidant defenses may help protect tissues against ischemia-reperfusion injury associated with operations involving cardiopulmonary bypass. In this study we examined the effect of pretreating patients with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or placebo on injury to the myocardium. Seventy-six subjects undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting participated in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial, receiving either placebo or both 750 IU dl-alpha-tocopherol per day for 7 to 10 days and 1 gm ascorbic acid 12 hours before the operation. Plasma alpha-tocopherol concentrations, raised fourfold by supplementation, fell by 70% after the operation in the supplemented group and to negligible levels in the placebo group. There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to release of creatine kinase MB isoenzyme over 72 hours, nor in the reduction of the myocardial perfusion defect determined by thallium 201 uptake. Electrocardiography provided no evidence of a benefit from antioxidant supplementation. Thus the supplementation regimen prevented the depletion of the primary lipid soluble antioxidant in plasma, but provided no measurable reduction in myocardial injury after the operation.  相似文献   
Nineteen cases of isolated splenic torsion in the dog were reviewed retrospectively. Perioperative data were analysed in order to determine prognostic indicators of morbidity and mortality for animals with this disease. This Great Dane and German shepherd dog were found to be at increased risk for this condition. The historical features of splenic torsion were non-specific and included intermittent signs of gastrointestinal disease and abdominal discomfort. Mean duration of malaise was eight days, but 17 dogs were presented because of a rapid deterioration in their condition. Abdominal ultrasound findings assisted in the decision to perform surgery in all the dogs on which it was performed. Eighteen animals had splenic torsion confirmed at surgery and were treated by total splenectomy. All 18 surgically managed dogs survived. Analysis of pre- and postoperative data failed to reveal preoperative parameters that consistently predicted postoperative complications.  相似文献   
Many tRNAs undergo tertiary folding transitions at temperatures well below the main thermally induced (hyperchromic) transition. Such transitions are essentially isochromic and isoenthalpic and display an absolute requirement for divalent cations; however, the nature of the structural transition is not known for any tRNA. Using a combination of transient electric birefringence (TEB) and gel electrophoretic measurements, we have characterized the influence of magnesium ions on the apparent angle between the anticodon and acceptor stems of a yeast tRNA(Phe) construct. TEB is a particularly sensitive method for quantifying the bends introduced in RNA by various nonhelix elements. In the current instance, the tRNA construct comprises an unmodified tRNA(Phe) molecule in which the anticodon and acceptor stems have been extended by approximately 70 bp to more effectively "report" the interstem angles. Upon the addition of sub-millimolar concentrations of magnesium ions, the tRNA core undergoes a substantial rearrangement in tertiary structure, passing from an open form with an apparent interstem angle of approximately 150 degrees to a conformation with an interstem angle of approximately 70 degrees (200 microM Mg2+). Further addition of magnesium ions results in a minor adjustment of the apparent interstem angle to approximately 80-90 degrees, in line with earlier results. Finally, the magnesium-induced structural transition is essentially isochromic, in agreement with previous observations with native tRNAs. The current results suggest that changes in local divalent ion concentration in the ribosome could profoundly affect the global conformations of tRNAs during the translation cycle.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the nature of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infections in hemodialysis patients and to determine the responsiveness of HGV to antiviral therapy in these patients. METHODS: HGV, a recently identified flavivirus, is associated with non-A-E viral hepatitis infections. We studied HGV infections in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected hemodialysis patients over a 1-yr period, using two independent PCR assays and nucleic acid sequencing. Thirty-four of 63 study patients were treated with interferon. RESULTS: We observed a 27% prevalence (17/63 patients) and a 4% annual incidence of HGV infections in the study population. HGV was not detected in any of the 10 HGV-infected patients immediately after interferon therapy. Although seven of these 10 patients developed HGV relapses, three had long-term responses. The interferon responsiveness of HGV and HCV appeared to be unrelated. In contrast, all seven untreated HGV-infected patients remained viremic. Sequence analyses of the different HGV isolates revealed only very limited genetic variability in the polymerase chain reaction-amplified regions of HGV during 1 yr of observation. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that HCV-infected hemodialysis patients are at substantial risk of acquiring HGV infection and that HGV infections are prevalent in this population. In addition, HGV infections become chronic but are responsive to interferon treatment.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: Current methods of monitoring chronic synovitis in a single joint rely on clinical examination derived indices, such as the detection of synovial thickening. This study aimed to develop a reproducible method for quantifying the volume of synovial lining in chronic synovitis using contrast enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. METHODS: The knees of 18 patients with chronic synovitis were examined (34 studies). A 2D T1 weighted FLASH sequence was used to evaluate the temporal enhancement of synovial structures after intravenous contrast. Synovial lining volume was calculated from subtraction of pre and post-enhancement 3D T1 weighted MP RAGE images with thresholding and pixel counting. Eleven patients were examined before and after intra-articular glucocorticoid (mean interval 14 weeks) and MR data compared with changes in clinical examination derived indices of disease activity. RESULTS: Synovial lining volume varied from 52-267 ml. The coefficient of variation in volume calculation was 3.5% for a single observer and was 3.8% for two observers. Synovial lining volume was quantified in all patients where synovial lining thickening could not be detected clinically. A decrease in synovial lining volume of > 40% was associated with an improvement in synovial lining thickening, detected clinically. Decreases in synovial lining volume were quantified by MR in two of three patients where changes in clinical examination derived indices were inconsistent. CONCLUSIONS: A reproducible method of estimating the volume of synovial lining in patients with chronic synovitis has been developed. MR measurement of synovial lining volume may quantify changes in chronic synovitis that remain unidentified by clinical measures.  相似文献   
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