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The activation of CD8+ T cell responses is commonplace during infection with a number of nonviral pathogens. Consequently, there has been much interest in the pathways of presentation of such exogenous antigens for major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted recognition. We had previously shown that Leishmania promastigotes transfected with the ovalbumin (OVA) gene could efficiently target OVA to the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), with subsequent recognition by class II-restricted T cells. We now report the results of studies aimed at evaluating the PV as a route of entry into the exogenous class I pathway. Bone marrow-derived macrophages can present soluble OVA (albeit at high concentrations) to the OVA(257-264)-specific T cell hybridoma 13.13. In contrast, infection with OVA-transfected Leishmania promastigotes failed to result in the stimulation of this hybridoma. This appeared unrelated to variables such as antigen concentration, parasite survival, and macrophage activation status. These results prompted an analysis of the effects of promastigotes on class I peptide binding using RMA-S cells and OVA(257-264). Our data indicate that the major surface protease of Leishmania, gp63, inhibits this interaction by virtue of its endopeptidase activity against the OVA(257-264) peptide. The data suggest that this activity, if maintained within the PV, would result in loss of the OVA(257-264) epitope. Although we can therefore draw no conclusions from these studies regarding the efficiency of the PV as a site of entry of antigen into the exogenous class I pathway, we have identified a further means by which parasites may manipulate the immune repertoire of their host.  相似文献   
Silver sulfadiazine is the most commonly used topical antibacterial agent for the treatment of burn wounds. It has many clinical advantages, including a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, low toxicity, and minimal pain on application. The current formulation of silver sulfadiazine contains a lipid soluble carrier, polypropylene glycol, that has certain disadvantages, including pseudo-eschar formation and the need for twice daily application. The purpose of this investigation was to describe a new formulation of silver sulfadiazine in a water soluble gel, poloxamer 188. The antibacterial activity of this new gel has been compared to that of the commercially available silver sulfadiazine cream by in vitro and in vivo testing. The results of the in vitro antibacterial testing of these two different agents demonstrated the superiority of the new gel formulation. In experimental wounds, the antibacterial activity of the gel and the commercially available silver sulfadiazine cream were not significantly different when applied once a day. The antibacterial activity of the gel when applied once a day was comparable to that encountered by twice daily applications of the silver sulfadiazine cream by experimental wounds. The major advantage of this gel was its ease of application and removal that is attributed to its water solubility.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The authors present their experience with patients having undergone orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) in whom surgical conditions subsequently developed that required operative intervention. The incidence, morbidity, and mortality of these procedures are reported. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Several studies have evaluated the management options of biliary tract disease after OHT. Multiple reports of patients having undergone OHT who subsequently underwent peripheral vascular reconstructions, plastic reconstructive, and thoracic procedures also have been published. METHODS: A chart review of 349 patients who underwent OHT between 1985 and 1996 was conducted to identify surgical procedures that were required in the post-transplant period. Their outcomes are reported. RESULTS: Of 349 patients who underwent OHT, conditions requiring 94 surgical procedures developed in 54 patients (15%). Biliary tract disease developed in 17 patients (5%) who required cholecystectomy, 2 of the 5 patients with acute cholecystitis died. Eight patients (2%) underwent orthopedic procedures with no operative mortality. Flap advancements for sternal wound infections were performed in five patients and four deaths occurred. Seventeen thoracic procedures were performed in 11 patients with an overall mortality of 45%. Twenty-one vascular procedures were performed on 17 patients with 1 delayed death due to a malignancy. Seven patients underwent procedures of the colon and rectum with no mortality. Seven patients underwent repair of inguinal or incisional hernias with no mortality. Various infections occurred with one resultant death after operative intervention. Six procedures were performed for diseases of the small intestine with no resultant mortalities. CONCLUSIONS: Patients having undergone OHT and chronic immunosuppression are at increased risk of having complications develop from infection. Acute cholecystitis and sternal wound infection caused an inordinate risk of complications and death. Malignancies developed in four patients who required surgical intervention. A heightened awareness of coexisting peripheral vascular disease in patients transplanted for ischemic cardiomyopathy should exist. Close screening before surgery and surveillance after surgery to identify risk factors for infection and vascular disease and to screen for malignancies are essential.  相似文献   
B cells expressing CD5 also carry its ligand, CD72. As an approach to understanding the role of CD5 and CD72 on B cells, we have examined the association of CD72 with CD5 and slgM by modulation/co-modulation and capping/co-capping following ligation of these surface molecules with specific antibodies. Modulation and co-modulation were measured after 24 h, whilst capping was measured after 1 h. CD5 and slgM co-modulated each other, CD72 co-modulated with slgM and CD5, but anti-CD72 did not affect either slgM or CD5. CD5 and slgM co-capped each other, whilst CD72 failed to co-cap with either slgM or CD5. The CD5-induced co-modulation of CD72 was partially blocked by specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but not the slgM-induced co-modulation, Protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors abrogated the anti-mu- but not the anti-CD5-triggered modulation of CD72, whereas PKC activators prevented the CD5- but not the slgM-induced 24 h modulation of CD72. None of these drugs was able to modify the anti-CD72-induced modulation of CD72. Our data suggest that CD5 is physically associated with slgM in the B cell receptor complex but not with CD72. Furthermore, from the effect of drugs on modulation, there appears to be different associations of CD72 with slgM and CD5. These two pathways differed in some respects, consistent with a co-stimulatory function of CD72 and CD5 in B cell activation.  相似文献   
Except for subjective clinical criteria, there is no formal definition of distal radius fracture instability in the literature. The purposes of this ex vivo biomechanical study were (1) to provide an objective mechanical definition of fracture instability and (2) to demonstrate a noninvasive method that allows for direct measurement of instability. The following 3 questions are addressed: (1) Can the stability of distal radius fractures be measured using computed tomography (CT)? (2) Are the stability measurements reproducible? (3) How does external fixation change stability? A CT technique is described that was used to measure displacement of fracture fragments and measure the compliance of ex vivo distal radius fractures before and after external fixation. Validation studies of the CT technique revealed a mean coefficient of variation of 0.38. There was a linear relationship between measured and known displacements for all 3 orthogonal planes (coefficient of determination 0.99; p < .01). There was significant fracture displacement with loads as small as 20 N. The slope of the load-displacement curve (structural compliance) provided a quantitative measure of fracture instability. Fracture compliance decreased up to 69% after application of an external fixator.  相似文献   
The binding of IgG in antiserum to Escherichia coli J5 to the surface of Enterobacteriaceae and to cell wall fragments released from serum-exposed bacteria was studied in a search for potentially protective epitopes other than lipopolysaccharide (LPS). IgG titers to multiple heterologous gram-negative smooth bacteria increased following incubation of the bacteria in serum and decreased following absorption with serum-exposed heterologous bacteria. IgG eluted from absorbing bacteria bound to at least three conserved bacterial outer membrane proteins (OMPs), but not LPS, as assessed by immunoblotting. The same OMPs were present in LPS-containing macromolecular cell wall fragments released by incubation of heterologous gram-negative bacteria in human serum. Part of the protection offered by J5 antiserum could be from binding of IgG to conserved OMPs at the bacterial surface or to OMPs in cell-wall fragments released from dying bacteria.  相似文献   
ErbB3 is an epidermal growth factor receptor-related type I tyrosine kinase receptor capable, in conjunction with ErbB2 or epidermal growth factor receptor, of transmitting proliferative and differentiative signals in a variety of cell types. We previously showed that ErbB3 messenger RNA and protein increase in cultured hepatocytes during the first 12 h in culture, as does the binding of heregulin beta1, a ligand for ErbB3. Insulin inhibits the increase in heregulin beta1 binding, as well as the increase in ErbB3 messenger RNA and protein. Two models of insulin deficiency in vivo (diabetes and fasting) demonstrated elevated levels of hepatic ErbB3 protein, strengthening the relevance of our observations in vitro. Using chemical activators or antagonists, we sought to identify the signaling pathways that link insulin to ErbB3 expression. The PI-3 kinase inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, completely blocked the inhibition of ErbB3 protein expression by insulin, suggesting a role for PI-3 kinase in the regulation of this growth factor receptor. Rapamycin, an inhibitor of p70 S6 kinase, an enzyme downstream of PI-3 kinase, failed to block the effect of insulin on ErbB3 expression. These results suggest a complex regulatory paradign for ErbB3 that includes PI-3 kinase and may be linked, via insulin, to the metabolic status of the animal.  相似文献   
The recognition of low molecular weight proteins by sera obtained during a single oral (primary) infection with 100,000 3rd-stage Cooperia oncophora larvae was studied in calves. Three groups of 6 or 7 calves were selected based on different egg excretion patterns. SDS-gel electrophoresis of adult Cooperia antigen under reducing conditions, followed by Western blotting, revealed that resistance of individual calves to C. oncophora might be related with antibody responses (42 days post infection) against at least 2 protein fragments (14-16 kDa and 27 kDa). The 14-16-kDa protein complex was bound, to some extent, by individual sera from all calves. The intensity of staining was negatively correlated with egg excretion on Day 42 p.i. Calves with high egg counts on Day 21 p.i. either did not or only weakly recognized the 27-kDa band. It has to be established whether the 14-16 kDa (or recombinant 14.2 kDa) provides a tool for immunodiagnostics and whether the 27-kDa fragment can help further unravel immune-mediated resistance to Cooperia.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the expression and distribution of three isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in different anatomical regions of the human stomach and in gastric neoplastic tissues by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies. Intracellular localization of individual isoenzymes of NOS was detected in normal gastric mucosa. Gastric cancer tissues had a marked reduction of all three NOS isoforms expression. The expression of the endothelial NOS, neuronal NOS and inducible NOS in the tumor tissue was significantly lower than in normal gastric mucosa (P = 0.01, P = 0.02, P < 0.01, respectively). In the tumor tissue the expression of inducible NOS was significantly lower than the expression of both constitutive forms of NOS (P < 0.01). There was a tendency to higher expression of both constitutive forms of NOS in earlier stages T2 of the tumor compared to advanced T4 tumor. In contrast, the expression of inducible NOS was higher than in the advanced T4 tumor than in the earlier stages T2 of the tumor. The mapping of the expression of endothelial NOS, neuronal NOS and inducible NOS in human stomach showed higher expression of NOS isoforms in the distal third than in the proximal third of the stomach (P = 0.03, P = 0.04, P = 0.01, respectively). We conclude that there is greater expression of NOS in the stomach corpus and in antrum than in the proximal third of the normal human stomach mirroring the anatomical predilection of common pathological changes in this part of the human stomach. Furthermore, there was loss of the expression of individual isoenzymes in gastric neoplasms.  相似文献   
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