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The evidence for and against the prophylactic use of anticonvulsants and antibiotics in head injury is reviewed. There is a lack of blinded placebo-controlled trials in this area. On balance there is no compelling evidence to support the use of either anticonvulsant or antibiotic prophylaxis in head injury, with the possible exception of antibiotic prophylaxis in compound depressed skull fractures and penetrating brain injuries.  相似文献   
Surgical management of locally recurrent rectal cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The surgical management of locally recurrent rectal cancer may involve major procedures and is not for the faint-hearted. Nevertheless, such treatment is preferable to chemotherapy and radiotherapy; the latter will fail over a period of months during which the patient is likely to experience intractable pain. Radical surgery offers good palliation and a better quality of life. Survival is prolonged by such operations which may be curative in up to one-third of patients. Nevertheless, surgeons must be realistic in their assessment of and discussions with patients.  相似文献   
Phenol is a man-made as well as a naturally occurring aromatic compound and an important intermediate in the biodegradation of natural and industrial aromatic compounds. Whereas many microorganisms that are capable of aerobic phenol degradation have been isolated, only a few phenol-degrading anaerobic organisms have been described to date. In this study, three novel nitrate-reducing microorganisms that are capable of using phenol as a sole source of carbon were isolated and characterized. Phenol-degrading denitrifying pure cultures were obtained by enrichment culture from anaerobic sediments obtained from three different geographic locations, the East River in New York, N.Y., a Florida orange grove, and a rain forest in Costa Rica. The three strains were shown to be different from each other based on physiologic and metabolic properties. Even though analysis of membrane fatty acids did not result in identification of the organisms, the fatty acid profiles were found to be similar to those of Azoarcus species. Sequence analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA also indicated that the phenol-degrading isolates were closely related to members of the genus Azoarcus. The results of this study add three new members to the genus Azoarcus, which previously comprised only nitrogen-fixing species associated with plant roots and denitrifying toluene degraders.  相似文献   
Dietary energy restriction was previously shown to be effective in preventing a wide range of experimentally induced cancers. Studies were conducted to assess the influence on pancreatic carcinogenesis of dietary energy restrictions (reduced fat and carbohydrate) of 10%, 20% or 40% in comparison with control in Syrian hamsters treated with N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP). Two carcinogenesis studies were conducted. One used a single treatment with 20 mg BOP/kg body weight and followed hamsters for 102 weeks following treatment, and the other used three weekly treatments of 20 mg BOP/kg body weight and followed hamsters for 45 weeks after treatment. Hamsters were fed control or energy restricted diet beginning the week following the last BOP treatment. Pancreatic carcinomas were induced in 9-18% of the hamsters in the first experiment and in 59-66% of the animals in the second. Dietary energy restriction did not influence carcinoma incidence in either study, and in the second experiment the multiplicity of tumors was higher in the 40% energy restriction (ER) group than in control hamsters. Plasma corticosterone was suppressed by BOP treatment, particularly in the 20% and 40% ER hamsters in the second experiment, and diet or BOP treatment did not significantly alter plasma cortisol. Pancreatic protein kinase Czeta measured by Western blot was highest in the cytosol and particulate fractions of the 40% ER hamsters in the first experiment. These results indicate that dietary energy restriction is not effective in the prevention of BOP induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in the Syrian hamster.  相似文献   
GC Allen  PM Tucker  JW Tyler 《Vacuum》1982,32(8):481-486
Non-stoichiometry, induced by exposure to oxygen and vacuum has been investigated for the uranium oxides UO2, U4O9 and U3O8 using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Each stoichiometric uranium oxide is shown to display a unique X-ray photoelectron spectrum which can be altered quite dramatically by changes in stoichiometry and explained by a defect cluster model.  相似文献   
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