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Ala Hasan 《Applied Energy》2012,89(1):237-245
The objective of this paper is to study a method to achieve sub-wet bulb temperature by indirect evaporative cooling of air (without using a vapor compression machine). For this purpose, an analytical model is developed based on the effectiveness-NTU method (ε-NTU). The main idea for achieving a sub-wet bulb temperature by indirect evaporative cooling of air is by indirectly pre-cooling the working air before it enters the wet passage. It is shown that a modified analytical model for indirect evaporative coolers could be based on the ε-NTU method for sensible heat exchangers when proper adjustments are made by redefining the potential gradients, transfer coefficient, heat capacity rate parameters and assuming a linear saturation temperature-enthalpy relation of air. This modified model is used to find the performance of a regenerative indirect evaporative cooler. The model results show very good agreement with results from experimental measurements and a numerical model.  相似文献   
This paper reported a review based study into the Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) technology, which was undertaken from a variety of aspects including background, history, current status, concept, standardisation, system configuration, operational mode, research and industrialisation, market prospect and barriers, as well as the future focuses on R&D and commercialisation. This review work indicated that the IEC technology has potential to be an alternative to conventional mechanical vapour compression refrigeration systems to take up the air conditioning duty for buildings. Owing to the continuous progress in technology innovation, particularly the M-cycle development and associated heat and mass transfer and material optimisation, the IEC systems have obtained significantly enhanced cooling performance over those the decade ago, with the wet-bulb effectiveness of greater than 90% and energy efficiency ratio (EER) up to 80. Structure of the IEC heat and mass exchanger varied from flat-plate-stack, tube, heat pipe and potentially wave-form. Materials used for making the exchanger elements (plate/tube) included fibre sheet with the single side water proofing, aluminium plate/tube with single side wicked setting (grooved, meshed, toughed etc), and ceramic plate/tube with single side water proofing. Counter-current water flow relevant to the primary air is considered the favourite choice; good distribution of the water stream across the wet surface of the exchanger plate (tube) and adequate (matching up the evaporation) control of the water flow rate are critical to achieving the expected system performance. It was noticed that the IEC devices were always in combined operation with other cooling measures and the commonly available IEC related operational modes are (1) IEC/DEC system; (2) IEC/DEC/mechanical vapour compression system; (3) IEC/desiccant system; (4) IEC/chilled water system; and (5) IEC/heat pipe system. The future potential operational modes may also cover the IEC-inclusive fan coil units, air handle units, cooling towers, solar driven desiccant cycle, and Rankine cycle based power generation system etc. Future works on the IEC technology may focus on (1) heat exchanger structure and material; (2) water flowing, distribution and treatment; (3) incorporation of the IEC components into conventional air conditioning products to enable combined operation between the IEC and other cooling devices; (4) economic, environment and social impacts; (5) standardisation and legislation; (6) public awareness and other dissemination measures; and (7) manufacturing and commercialisation. All above addressed efforts may help increase the market ratio of the IEC to around 20% in the next 20 years, which will lead to significant saving of fossil fuel consumption and cut of carbon emission related to buildings.  相似文献   
Mobile Networks and Applications - In big data, the information retrieval (IR) embraces the discovery of documents from a compilation of dataset which are related to the user query. Usually, the...  相似文献   
This work describes the development and testing of a system for measuring static pressure along the axis of supersonic flow devices such as convergent–divergent nozzles or ejectors. The pressure probe consists of a capillary tube positioned at the ejector centerline. A hole is perforated perpendicularly on the wall of the thin tube to capture and deport the static pressure measurement to a piezoelectric sensor located at one extremity of the tube outside the ejector. The measurements obtained are compared with numerical results from computational fluid dynamics simulations and wall pressure measurements. The first tests demonstrate the good capability of the pressure probe to detect shocks occurring in the flow and to provide continuous axial distributions of the static pressure.  相似文献   
Wireless Personal Communications - In this article compact multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna with triple notch at the ultra-wideband application having two identical monopole antennas...  相似文献   
This work presents a formulation developed to add capabilities for representing the through thickness distribution of the transverse normal stresses, σz, in first and higher order shear deformable shell elements within a finite element (FE) scheme. The formulation is developed within a displacement based shear deformation shell theory. Using the differential equilibrium equations for two-dimensional elasticity and the interlayer stress and strain continuity requirements, special treatment is developed for the transverse normal stresses, which are thus represented by a continuous piecewise cubic function. The implementation of this formulation requires only C0 continuity of the displacement functions regardless of whether it is added to a first or a higher order shell element. This makes the transverse normal stress treatment applicable to the most popular bilinear isoparametric 4-noded quadrilateral shell elements.

To assess the performance of the present approach it is included in the formulation of a recently developed third order shear deformable shell finite element. The element is added to the element library of the general nonlinear explicit dynamic FE code DYNA3D. Some illustrative problems are solved and results are presented and compared to other theoretical and numerical results.  相似文献   

The contribution of this paper consists of new development of transverse shear stresses through the thickness and finding an expression for the critical time step for explicit time integration of layered shells. This work presents the finite element (FE) formulation and implementation of a higher‐order shear deformable shell element for dynamic explicit analysis of composite and sandwich shells. The formulation is developed using a displacement‐based third‐order shear deformation shell theory. Using the differential equilibrium equations and the interlayer requirements, special treatment is developed for the transverse shear, resulting in a continuous, piecewise quartic distribution of the transverse shear stresses through the shell thickness. Expressions are developed for the critical time step of the explicit time integration for orthotropic homogeneous and layered shells based on the developed third‐order formulation. To assess the performance of the present shell element, it is implemented in the general non‐linear explicit dynamic FE code DYNA3D. Several problems are solved and results are presented and compared to other theoretical and numerical results. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Photonic switches require low-loss polarization-independent phase-shifting elements. In a composite quantum well, a 0.46-mm phase shifter provides a /spl pi//4 phase shift by combining the quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE) and the carrier depletion effect. We investigate whether the discrete energy levels and the high peak absorption in quantum dots (QDs) provide an opportunity for increasing the electro-refraction. The electro-refraction in strained cylindrical InAs-GaAs QDs is explored using a numerical model based on the 4 /spl times/ 4 Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian. The excitonic states are calculated by matrix diagonalization with plane-wave basis states. We observe that the QCSE sharply increases with the height of the QD and is also optimized for small-radius QDs. The QCSE in pyramidal QDs is considerably larger than in a box or cylinders. We find a peak electro-refraction of /spl Delta/n=0.35 in cone-shaped pyramidal QDs, which is a factor of 35 larger than in the quantum-well case. Finally, in the waveguide geometry, we find an electro-refraction of 1.3/spl times/10/sup -2/ at a residual QD absorption of 0.15 dB/cm.  相似文献   
In the analysis of axisymmetric problems, it is often imperative that aspects of geometry, material properties, and loading characteristics are either maintained as constants or represented by continuous functions in the circumferential direction. In the case of radial consolidation beneath a circular embankment by vertical drains (i.e., circular oil tanks or silos), the discrete system of vertical drains can be substituted by continuous concentric rings of equivalent drain walls. An equivalent value for the coefficient of permeability of the soil is obtained by matching the degree of consolidation of a unit cell model. A rigorous solution to the continuity equation of radial drainage towards cylindrical drain walls is presented and verified by comparing its results with the existing unit cell model. The proposed model is then adopted to analyze the consolidation process by vertical drains at the Sk?-Edeby circular test embankment (Area II). The calculated values of settlement, lateral displacement, and excess pore-water pressure indicate good agreement with the field measurements.  相似文献   
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