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PURPOSE: To identify prognostic factors in patients with chemosensitive relapsed Hodgkin's disease treated by high-dose chemotherapy with autologous progenitor cell transplantation (HDC) and to compare the duration of treatment-free remission prior to HDC with the progression-free survival after HDC in individual patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-five consecutive patients were analyzed retrospectively. We devised an index of pretreatment intensity (IPTI) based number of different chemo- and radiotherapy regimens given between diagnosis and HDC and on the duration of disease. RESULTS: With a median follow-up of 47 months the post-transplant event-free survival (EFS) was 44% and the overall survival (OAS) was 62% at four years. The IPTI allowed to discriminate between a low and a high-risk group with a four-year post-transplant EFS of 66% and 11% and a OAS of 87% and 28%, respectively (P = 0.0001). Of the 39 patients with sufficient follow-up after HDC, post-transplant EFS lasted on average > or = 18.5 months longer than the pretransplant treatment-free remission. CONCLUSIONS: HDC with the CBV regimen confers significant benefit to patients with chemosensitive relapsed Hodgkin's disease. The IPTI may help to select patients with a good response to HDC and to identify poor prognosis patients suitable for experimental protocols or palliative care only.  相似文献   
In the recent literature an inverse relationship between iron status and serum aluminum levels has repeatedly been reported in dialysis patients. To check whether this observation is, at least in part, due to an interference of iron with the protein binding of aluminum, we studied the effect of the latter element on both the number of free binding sites on transferrin (Tf) and on the affinity of the protein for aluminum. For the purpose of this, a recently developed HPLC-ETAAS hybrid method was used, allowing protein-binding studies at clinical relevant metal concentrations and under contamination-free conditions. After we incubated apo-Tf with iron and aluminum which were added in amounts equivalent to the calculated number of metal-binding sites on the protein (i.e., 2 mol metal/mol Tf), we found that Tf can be saturated for 100% with iron. However, for aluminum only a 23% aluminum-Tf saturation was observed. In Tf solutions with iron saturations ranging between 0 and 60% as well as in the serum of 15 subjects with iron-Tf saturations varying between 12 and 48%, a significant (p < 0.001) negative correlation between the degree of iron-Tf saturation and the percentage of aluminum (added in amounts equivalent to the number of the remaining binding sites on Tf) bound to Tf was noted (y = -0.26x + 24.5, r = -0.87 in serum). It is concluded that the iron-Tf saturation influences the Tf binding of aluminum not only by occupying binding sites otherwise available for aluminum, but also by lowering the affinity of Tf for aluminum. The effects of iron on serum aluminum levels and bone aluminum deposition are discussed.  相似文献   
1. The aim of this study was to establish the role of nitric oxide (NO) and cyclic GMP in chemotaxis and superoxide anion generation (SAG) by human neutrophils, by use of selective inhibitors of NO and cyclic GMP pathways. In addition, inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis by NO releasing compounds and increases in neutrophil nitrate/nitrite and cyclic GMP levels were examined. The ultimate aim of this work was to resolve the paradox that NO both activates and inhibits human neutrophils. 2. A role for NO as a mediator of N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP)-induced chemotaxis was supported by the finding that the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor L-NMMA (500 microM) inhibited chemotaxis; EC50 for fMLP 28.76 +/- 5.62 and 41.13 +/- 4.77 pmol/10(6) cells with and without L-NMMA, respectively. Similarly the NO scavenger carboxy-PTIO (100 microM) inhibited chemotaxis; EC50 for fMLP 19.71 +/- 4.23 and 31.68 +/- 8.50 pmol/10(6) cells with and without carboxy-PTIO, respectively. 3. A role for cyclic GMP as a mediator of chemotaxis was supported by the finding that the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY 83583 (100 microM) completely inhibited chemotaxis and suppressed the maximal response; EC50 for fMLP 32.53 +/- 11.18 and 85.21 +/- 15.14 pmol/10(6) cells with and without LY 83583, respectively. The same pattern of inhibition was observed with the G-kinase inhibitor KT 5823 (10 microM); EC50 for fMLP 32.16 +/- 11.35 and > 135 pmol/10(6) cells with and without KT 5823, respectively. 4. The phosphatase inhibitor, 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid (DPG) (100 microM) which inhibits phospholipase D, attenuated fMLP-induced chemotaxis; EC50 for fMLP 19.15 +/- 4.36 and 61.52 +/- 16.2 pmol/10(6) cells with and without DPG, respectively. 5. Although the NOS inhibitors L-NMMA and L-canavanine (500 microM) failed to inhibit fMLP-induced SAG, carboxy-PTIO caused significant inhibition (EC50 for fMLP 36.15 +/- 7.43 and 86.31 +/- 14.06 nM and reduced the maximal response from 22.14 +/- 1.5 to 9.8 +/- 1.6 nmol O2-/10(6) cells/10 min with and without carboxy-PTIO, respectively). This suggests NO is a mediator of fMLP-induced SAG. 6. A role for cyclic GMP as a mediator of SAG was supported by the effects of G-kinase inhibitors KT 5823 (10 microM) and Rp-8-pCPT-cGMPS (100 microM) which inhibited SAG giving EC50 for fMLP of 36.26 +/- 8.77 and 200.01 +/- 43.26 nM with and without KT 5823, and 28.35 +/- 10.8 and 49.25 +/- 16.79 nM with and without Rp-8-pCTP-cGMPS. 7. The phosphatase inhibitor DPG (500 microM) inhibited SAG; EC50 for fMLP 33.93 +/- 4.23 and 61.12 +/- 14.43 nM with and without DPG, respectively. 8. The NO releasing compounds inhibited fMLP-induced chemotaxis with a rank order of potency of GEA 3162 (IC50 = 14.72 +/- 1.6 microM) > GEA 5024 (IC50 = 18.44 +/- 0.43 microM) > SIN-1 (IC50 > 1000 microM). This order of potency correlated with their ability to increase cyclic GMP levels rather than the release of NO, where SIN-1 was most effective (SIN-1 (EC50 = 37.62 +/- 0.9 microM) > GEA 3162 (EC50 = 39.7 +/- 0.53 microM) > GEA 5024 (EC50 = 89.86 +/- 1.62 microM)). 9. In conclusion, chemotaxis and SAG induced by fMLP can be attenuated by inhibitors of phospholipase D, NO and cyclic GMP, suggesting a role for these agents in neutrophil activation. However, the increases in cyclic GMP and NO induced by fMLP, which are associated with neutrophil activation, are very small. In contrast much larger increases in NO and cyclic GMP, as observed with NO releasing compounds, inhibit chemotaxis.  相似文献   
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency typically causes severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in infants. We report metabolic, immunologic, and genetic findings in two ADA-deficient adults with distinct phenotypes. Patient no. 1 (39 years of age) had combined immunodeficiency. She had frequent infections, lymphopenia, and recurrent hepatitis as a child but did relatively well in her second and third decades. Then she developed chronic sinopulmonary infections, including tuberculosis, and hepatobiliary disease; she died of viral leukoencephalopathy at 40 years of age. Patient no. 2, a healthy 28-year-old man with normal immune function, was identified after his niece died of SCID. Both patients lacked erythrocyte ADA activity but had only modestly elevated deoxyadenosine nucleotides. Both were heteroallelic for missense mutations: patient no. 1, G216R and P126Q (novel); patient no. 2, R101Q and A215T. Three of these mutations eliminated ADA activity, but A215T reduced activity by only 85%. Owing to a single nucleotide change in the middle of exon 7, A215T also appeared to induce exon 7 skipping. ADA deficiency is treatable and should be considered in older patients with unexplained lymphopenia and immune deficiency, who may also manifest autoimmunity or unexplained hepatobiliary disease. Metabolic status and genotype may help in assessing prognosis of more mildly affected patients.  相似文献   
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