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We report the fabrication and characterization of a ten-period Ge quantum dot photodetector grown on SiGe pseudosubstrate. The detector exhibits tunable photoresponse in both 3- to 5- μm and 8- to 12- μm spectral regions with responsivity values up to about 1 mA/W at a bias of −3 V and operates under normal incidence radiation with background limited performance at 100 K. The relative response in the mid- and long-wave atmospheric windows could be controlled through the applied voltage.  相似文献   
Nanocrystalline explosives offer a number of advantages in comparison to conventional energetics including reduced sensitivity and improved mechanical properties. In this study, formulations consisting of 90 % hexanitro‐hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL‐20) or cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) and 10 % polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) were prepared with mean crystal sizes ranging from 200 nm to 2 μm. The process to create these materials used a combination of aqueous mechanical crystal size reduction and spray drying. The basic physical characteristics of these formulations were determined using a variety of techniques, including scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. Compressive stress‐strain tests on pressed pellets revealed that the mechanical properties of the compositions improved with decreasing crystal size, consistent with Hall‐Petch mechanics. In the most extreme case (involving CL‐20/PVOH formulations), crystal size reduction from 2 μm to 300 nm improved compressive strength and Young’s modulus by 126 % and 61 %, respectively. These results serve to highlight the relevance of structure‐property relationships in explosive compositions, and particularly elucidate the substantial benefits of reducing the high explosive crystal size to nanoscale dimensions.  相似文献   
We present results on the Forcespinning® (FS) of Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) for mass production of polymer nanofiber membranes as separators for Lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs). Our results presented here show that uniform, highly fibrous mats from PAN produced using Forcespinning®, exhibit improved electrochemical properties such as electrolyte uptake, low interfacial resistance, high oxidation limit, high ionic conductivity, and good cycling performance when used in lithium ion batteries compared to commercial PP separator materials. This article introduces ForceSpinning®, a cost effective technique capable of mass producing high quality fibrous mats, which is completely different technology than the commonly used in‐house centrifugal method. This Forcespinning® technology is thus the beginning of the nano/micro fiber revolution in large scale production for battery separator application. This is the first time to report results on the cycle performance of LIB‐based polymer nanofiber separators made by Forcespinning® technology. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 132, 42847.  相似文献   
Ozonation on the phenols present in pyrolytic aqueous phases attained from biomass thermochemical conversion was evaluated. During ozonation, the dark color of original samples was found to decrease as a function of ozonation time. The oxidation kinetics of phenols was quantified by a method based on the color changes of samples. The oxidation profiles showed different behaviors and in some cases the phenols presented a positive correlation with the relative R color parameter, except eugenol, syringol, and vanillin which were markedly different. Finally, the color changes observed seem to be associated with the changes in the overall content of phenols and with the change in the molecular weight of the heavy fractions that include lignin oligomers.  相似文献   
Many industrially important catalysts consist of late transition metal particles supported on the surfaces of oxide materials. Our studies of such systems using model catalysts consisting of metal films vapor deposited onto the surfaces of single-crystalline oxides are reviewed here. Systems studied include Cu on ZnO, Pt on ZnO, Au on TiO2 and Cu, Ag and Pb on MgO. A unique adsorption microcalorimeter was developed to measure directly the energetic stability of the metal atoms on the oxide surfaces and the adhesion energy at the metal/oxide interface, which clarify the structural and chemisorption properties of the ultrathin metal particles. The structure of the oxide surface and the metal particles was elucidated by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), low-energy ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), angular-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD). The electronic character of the metal particles was revealed by XPS, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), band-bending and work function measurements. Sintering rates were measured by temperature-programmed ion scattering spectroscopy (TPISS). The chemisorption properties of these particles and their catalytic reactivity were monitored by mass spectroscopy and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD).  相似文献   
Fracture features, residual stresses, and zirconia transformation are studied in indentation strength specimens of alumina-Y2O3-stabilized zirconia (3% mol of Y2O3, 3YTZP) ceramics in order to analyze the extension of the indentation damage in the bulk of the specimens. Two compositions, 5 vol% 3YTZP (A5) and 40 vol% 3YTZP (A40), have been prepared by stacking tape-casted tapes and sintering. After indentation with loads ranging from 50 to 300 N, samples were fractured in four-point bending and the fracture surfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Raman and piezospectroscopic techniques were used to determine the monoclinic zirconia fraction and the residual stresses through the fracture surfaces. In the A5 composition, the indentation damage morphology was clearly half-penny, whereas the A40 composition presented Palmqvist crack formation. Zirconia transformation was only observed in the plastically deformed zones underneath the imprints whereas there were significant residual compressive stresses outside the plastic zones due to the indentation damage. The intensity of this residual compressive field was dependent on the level of zirconia transformation due to indentation damage because zirconia transformation induced tensile stress fields superimposed on the compressive stresses.  相似文献   
Pt nanoparticles were obtained via the thermal decomposition of (NH4)2[PtCl4] (diammonium tetrachloroplatinate) by heating from room temperature to 760 °C. The thermal decomposition process was analyzed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray thermodiffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The size and structure of the platinum particles were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The electrochemical activity of Pt particles was assessed by cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M H2SO4. The TGA and DTA results suggested that the thermal decomposition of the precursor proceeded in two stages: loss of NH4Cl at ~300 °C, followed by loss of NH4Cl and Cl2 at ~372 °C. Metallic Pt particles were then produced at temperatures of 372 °C and above. At 760 °C, the mean ± SD size of the Pt particles was (4.1 ± 1.6) nm, as determined from TEM measurements. In cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements, an electrode comprised of glassy carbon and Pt particles in 0.5 M H2SO4 exhibited behavior similar to that observed using a polycrystalline Pt electrode.  相似文献   
Dry high speed machining has been proposed as a viable and cost-effective process in metal cutting industries. However, it produces fine and ultra-fine metallic particles, also referred to as dust, which can be harmful to the machine-tool operator. The risk associated with exposure to metallic particles increases as the particle size decreases. For machining processes, little data exist on the size and distribution of dust generated during the shaping of materials. In order to reduce or eliminate the generation of these particles, it is necessary to understand how and under which conditions they are formed, as well as to be able to make predictions. In this study, the effects exerted by tool geometry, material, and machining parameters on dust emission were studied experimentally in order to understand the mechanisms of dust generation and to develop a predictive model. The particle sizes studied include the PM2.5 (particles with aerodynamique diameter below 2.5 μm) and a distribution of nanoparticles varying in size from 10 nm to 10 μm. Using dry machining and reducing the amount of dust generated should improve the air quality in machine shops in addition to helping protect the environment.  相似文献   
Bustos and Yohai proposed a class of robust estimates for autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models based on residual autocovariances (RA estimates). In this paper an affine equivariant generalization of the RA estimates for vector ARMA processes is given. These estimates are asymptotically normal and, when the innovations have an elliptical distribution, their asymptotic covariance matrix differs only by a scalar factor from the covariance matrix corresponding to the maximum likelihood estimate. A Monte Carlo study confirms that the RA estimates are efficient under normal errors and robust when the sample contains outliers. A robust multivariate goodness-of-fit test based on the RA estimates is also obtained.  相似文献   
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