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AMPD1 genotype, relative fiber type composition, training status, and gender were evaluated as contributing factors to the reported variation in AMP deaminase enzyme activity in healthy skeletal muscle. Multifactorial correlative analyses demonstrate that AMPD1 genotype has the greatest effect on enzyme activity. An AMPD1 mutant allele frequency of 13.7 and a 1.7% incidence of enzyme deficiency was found across 175 healthy subjects. Homozygotes for the AMPD1 normal allele have high enzyme activities, and heterozygotes display intermediate activities. When examined according to genotype, other factors were found to affect variability as follows: AMP deaminase activity in homozygotes for the normal allele exhibits a negative correlation with the relative percentage of type I fibers and training status. Conversely, residual AMP deaminase activity in homozygotes for the mutant allele displays a positive correlation with the relative percentage of type I fibers. Opposing correlations in different homozygous AMPD1 genotypes are likely due to relative fiber-type differences in the expression of AMPD1 and AMPD3 isoforms. Gender also contributes to variation in total skeletal muscle AMP deaminase activity, with normal homozygous and heterozygous women showing only 85-88% of the levels observed in genotype-matched men.  相似文献   
Production of toxins A and B by Clostridium difficile is enhanced in a defined medium with biotin-limited conditions. In the present study compounds inhibitory to enhanced toxin production by a C. difficile strain were examined. Increases in biotin concentration from 0.05 nM to 50 nM accelerated growth and inhibited enhanced toxin production. Asparagine, glutamic acid and glutamine (10 mM) showed an effect on growth and toxin production similar to that of biotin. Lysine (10 mM) suppressed growth and inhibited toxin production. Addition of these toxin-inhibitory compounds within an incubation period of 2 days inhibited the enhanced toxin production, but later addition showed only slight inhibition of toxin production. Amino acids contained in the defined medium under the biotin-limited conditions were actively utilised in the presence of the three toxin-inhibitory amino acids, but in the presence of lysine, amino-acid utilisation was suppressed. Different mechanisms of action of these toxin-inhibitory molecules, which may be divided into excess biotin, asparagine-glutamic acid-glutamine group, and lysine, are discussed.  相似文献   
The EMS1 and CCND1 genes at chromosome 11q13 are amplified in about 15% of primary breast cancers but appear to confer different phenotypes in ER positive and ER negative tumours. Since there are no published data on EMS1 expression in large series of breast cancers we examined the relationship of EMS1 expression with EMS1 gene copy number and expression of mRNAs for cyclin D1 and ER. In a subset of 129 patients, where matched tumour RNA and DNA was available, EMS1 mRNA overexpression was associated predominantly with gene amplification (P = 0.0061), whereas cyclin D1 mRNA overexpression was not (P = 0.3142). In a more extensive series of 351 breast cancers, there was no correlation between cyclin D1 and EMS1 expression in the EMS1 and cyclin D1 overexpressors (P = 0.3503). Although an association between EMS1 mRNA expression and ER positivity was evident (P = 0.0232), when the samples were divided into quartiles of EMS1 or cyclin D1 mRNA expression, the increase in the proportion of ER positive tumours in the ascending EMS1 mRNA quartiles was not statistically significant (P = 0.0951). In marked contrast there was a significant stepwise increase in ER positivity in ascending quartiles of cyclin D1 mRNA (P = 0.030). A potential explanation for this difference was provided by the observation that in ER positive breast cancer cells oestradiol treatment resulted in increased cyclin D1 gene expression but was without effect on EMS1. The relationship between EMS1 expression and clinical outcome was examined in a subset of 234 patients with median follow-up of 74 months. High EMS1 expression was associated with age > 50 years (P = 0.0001), postmenopausal status (P = 0.0008), lymph node negativity (P = 0.019) and an apparent trend for worse prognosis in the ER negative subgroup. These data demonstrate that overexpression of EMS1 mRNA is largely due to EMS1 gene amplification, is independent of cyclin D1 and ER expression and, in contrast to cyclin D1, is not regulated by oestrogen. Independent overexpression of these genes may confer different phenotypes and disease outcomes in breast cancer as has been inferred from recent studies of EMS1 and CCND1 gene amplification.  相似文献   
Leptin, a 16-kDa protein secreted from white adipocytes, has been implicated in the regulation of food intake, energy expenditure, and whole-body energy balance in rodents and humans. The gene encoding leptin was identified by positional cloning and is the mutation leading to the profound obese phenotype of the ob/ob mouse. Exogenous administration of leptin to ob/ob mice leads to a significant improvement in reproductive and endocrine status as well as reduced food intake and weight loss. The expression and secretion of leptin is highly correlated with body fat mass and adipocyte size. Cortisol and insulin are potent stimulators of leptin expression, and expression is attenuated by beta-adrenergic agonists, cAMP, and thiazolidinediones. The role of other hormones and growth factors in the regulation of leptin expression and secretion is emerging. Leptin circulates specifically bound to proteins in serum, which may regulate its half-life and biological activity. Isoforms of the leptin receptor, members of the interleukin-6 cytokine family of receptors, are found in multiple tissues, including the brain. Many of leptin's effects on food intake and energy expenditure are thought to be mediated centrally via neurotransmitters such as neuropeptide Y. Multiple peripheral effects of leptin have also been recently described, including the regulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells and regulation of insulin action and energy metabolism in adipocytes and skeletal muscle. Leptin is thought to be a metabolic signal that regulates nutritional status effects on reproductive function. Leptin also plays a major role in hematopoeisis and in the anorexia accompanying an acute cytokine challenge. The profound effects of leptin on regulating body energy balance make it a prime candidate for drug therapies for humans and animals.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that inactivation of mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (M6P/IGF2R) is a common early event in both human liver and breast carcinogenesis. The M6p/Igf2r is imprinted in mice while expression is biallelic in most humans. In this investigation the M6p/Igf2r gene is shown to also be imprinted in the liver of Fischer 344, Lewis and Brown Norway rats. In addition, we have identified mutations in the expressed allele of the M6p/Igf2r in 40% of diethylnitrosamine-initiated rat liver tumors. These results provide further evidence that the M6P/IGF2R functions as a liver tumor suppressor gene. They also suggest that mice and rats would be more sensitive than humans to those hepatocarcinogens in which the M6p/Igf2r is mechanistically involved in transformation since one rather than two alleles would need to be inactivated.  相似文献   
Fas ligand (FasL) is produced by activated T cells and natural killer cells and it induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) in target cells through the death receptor Fas/Apol/CD95. One important role of FasL and Fas is to mediate immune-cytotoxic killing of cells that are potentially harmful to the organism, such as virus-infected or tumour cells. Here we report the discovery of a soluble decoy receptor, termed decoy receptor 3 (DcR3), that binds to FasL and inhibits FasL-induced apoptosis. The DcR3 gene was amplified in about half of 35 primary lung and colon tumours studied, and DcR3 messenger RNA was expressed in malignant tissue. Thus, certain tumours may escape FasL-dependent immune-cytotoxic attack by expressing a decoy receptor that blocks FasL.  相似文献   
The incidence of HIV-associated tuberculosis has been increasing worldwide since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, and is expected to increase even further during the foreseeable future, especially in developing countries. There is no doubt now that, in the presence of HIV infection, new-onset tuberculous infection progresses rapidly to clinically significant disease and the likelihood that latent tuberculous infection progresses rapidly to clinically significant disease and the likelihood that latent tuberculous infection will reactivate is enormously increased. The accelerating and amplifying influence of HIV infection is contributing to the increasing incidence of disease caused by multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Neither clinical features nor radiographic abnormalities reliably distinguish the majority of patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis from those without HIV infection. Some persons with HIV infection, however, present with atypical manifestations of tuberculosis and these patients may be difficult to diagnose. Six months of daily or thrice weekly chemotherapy with the usual regimen of 4 then 2 antituberculosis drugs cures most patients, but many die during or after treatment of other AIDS-related complications.  相似文献   
Only low antibody levels were obtained from vaccinating human volunteers with single-chain peptide from the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP). This resulted in modest protection against sporozoite challenge. In addition, HLA restriction limits the probability of synthesis of a vaccine effective for a diverse population. We report immunization studies with a multiple antigen peptide (MAP) system consisting of multiple copies of a B-cell epitope from the central repeat region of the PfCSP in combination with a universal T-cell epitope, the P2P30 portion of tetanus toxin. This MAP4(NANP)6P2P30 vaccine was highly immunogenic in four different strains of mice when used with various safe and nontoxic adjuvants. When this MAP vaccine was encapsulated in liposomes with lipid A and adsorbed to aluminium hydroxide and given three times at 4-week intervals, the resultant antibody prevented 100% of sporozoites from invading and developing into liver stage infection. This high degree of immunogenicity of MAP4(NANP)6P2P30 vaccine formulated in liposomes, lipid A and aluminum hydroxide provides the foundation for consideration of human trials with this formulation.  相似文献   
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