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PowerPC处理器能帮助实现快速灵活的可编程嵌入式平台设计.Virtex-4 FX平台利用集成于双PowerPC处理器的创新辅助处理器单元(APU)控制器,支持新的硬件加速应用.FX APU控制器又大大改善了软件算法的执行,提高了FPGA资源可用性.本文将介绍使用Xilinx/Ansoft 10Gbps背板设计套件确保互连性能.  相似文献   
The first small signal equivalent circuit for a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GMAP) is presented. The equivalent circuit is derived from a 20 μm-diameter GMAP with 3 μm virtual guard ring overlap; the photodetector has peak responsivity at 600 nm and a calculated electrical bandwidth of 5.97 GHz  相似文献   
The performance of our Quality Oriented Adaptation Scheme (QOAS) for multimedia streaming in local networks is compared with other existing solutions (TFRCP, LDA+, and non-adaptive). This comparison is done in terms of bandwidth utilization, number of concurrent clients, loss rate, and end-user perceived quality. Simulation results show that for the same average end-user quality, our QOAS system can accommodate a significantly higher number of simultaneous clients while also having higher bandwidth utilization. For the same number of clients, the average end-user quality is always higher for QOAS than for the other solutions studied.  相似文献   
This paper proposes and describes a new software and application programming interface view of an RF transceiver. It demonstrates benefits of using highly programmable digital control logic in an RF wireless system realized in a digital nanoscale CMOS process technology. It also describes a microprocessor architecture design in Digital RF Processor (DRP™) and how it controls calibration and compensation for process, temperature and voltage variations of the analog and RF circuits to meet the required RF performance. A few calibration examples to reduce a DCO bias current and improve device reliability, as well as to optimize transmit modulation and receive performance, are given. The presented circuits and techniques have enabled successful implementation of a commercial single-chip GSM radio in 90 nm CMOS.   相似文献   
In situ analyses with a laser ionization mass spectrometer have shown that a large fraction of aerosols in the bottom few kilometers of the stratosphere contain small amounts of mercury (1). Electron microscopy of particles collected near the tropopause has also detected mercury. The distribution of mercury onto many particles, including those less than 20 nm in diameter, indicates that the mercury is from local condensation of mercury compounds onto particles rather than transport of mercury-rich aerosols from surface sources. Although the results are only semiquantitative, they suggest that most of the mercury in the lower stratosphere is converted into the particulate phase. Mercury-containing particles were present at both middle latitudes and the tropics in two seasons. There is therefore good reason to believe that particulate mercury above the tropopause is global and could affect the atmospheric lifetime of mercury. There are indications that bromine and/ or iodine may be involved in the conversion of mercury from the gas to particle phase. Measurements at altitudes below 5 km did not find mercury in any particles despite sampling some particles that clearly originated in the stratosphere. This indicates that the particulate mercury from the lower stratosphere may be volatile enough to evaporate or decompose once particles reach warmer temperatures.  相似文献   
The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of restricting pasture access time on milk production and composition, body weight and body condition score change, dry matter intake, and grazing behavior of autumn calving dairy cows in midlactation. Fifty-two (19 primiparous and 33 multiparous) Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (mean calving date, August 17 ± 91.2 d) were randomly assigned to a 4-treatment (n = 13) randomized block design grazing study. The 4 grazing treatments were: (i) full-time access to pasture (22H; control), (ii) 9-h access to pasture (9H), (iii) two 4.5-h periods of access to pasture after both milkings (2 × 4.5H), and (iv) two 3-h periods of access to pasture after both milkings (2 × 3H). Experimental treatments were imposed from March 7 to April 6, 2007 (31 d). The pregrazing herbage mass of swards offered to all treatments was 1,268 kg of dry matter/ha, and sward organic matter digestibility was 86.4%, indicating high-quality swards conducive to high dry matter intake. Swards where animals had 22H and 2 × 4.5H access to pasture had the lowest postgrazing sward heights (3.5 cm), reflecting the greatest levels of sward utilization. After the experimental period, there were no differences in milk production; however, the 2 × 3H animals tended to have lower milk protein concentration (−0.17%) compared with 22H animals. Furthermore, dry matter intake of the 9H animals was lower than 22H animals. Although restricting access time to pasture decreased grazing time, animals compensated by increasing their intake/minute and intake/bite. Restricting pasture access time resulted in much greater grazing efficiency, because the 9H, 2 × 4.5H, and 2 × 3H treatments spent a greater proportion of their time at pasture grazing (81, 81, and 96%, respectively) than 22H animals (42%). Results of this study indicate that allocating animals restricted access to pasture does not significantly affect milk production. This study also found that the total access time should be greater than 6 h and that perhaps needs to be divided into 2 periods.  相似文献   
Six rumen-cannulated Holstein cows in early lactation were assigned to 3 treatments: grazing (G), zero-grazing (ZG), and grass silage (GS) harvested from the same perennial rye grass sward in a 3 × 3 Latin square design with three 21-d periods. The objectives of this study were to investigate the underlying mechanisms for the reported elevation in milk rumenic acid (RA) concentration associated with G compared with ZG and GS, and to identify the important variables contributing to the milk RA response. Grazing animals were offered 20 kg of dry matter/cow per day; indoor animals were offered ad libitum grass or silage. A concentrate at a rate of 3 kg/d was also offered to all cows. Rumen, plasma, and milk samples were collected in the third week of each period. Data were analyzed by the MIXED procedure of SAS. Dry matter intakes were less for GS with no difference between G and ZG. Milk yield was greater for G than for ZG or GS. Milk fat and protein contents were less for GS with no difference between G and ZG. The combined intake (g/d) of linoleic and linolenic (18:3n-3) acids was different across the treatments (G: 433; ZG: 327; and GS: 164). Rumen pH was less for G with no difference between ZG and GS. Concentrations of volatile fatty acids and ammonia nitrogen in rumens were not different across the treatments. Wet rumen fill was less for G with no difference between ZG and GS. Vaccenic acid concentrations were different across the treatments in rumen (G: 12.30%, ZG: 9.31%, and GS: 4.21%); plasma (G: 2.18%, ZG: 1.47%, and GS: 0.66%) and milk (G: 4.73%, ZG: 3.49%, and GS: 0.99%). Milk RA concentrations were greater for G (2.07%) than for ZG (1.38%) and GS (0.54%). Milk desaturase index based on the ratio cis-9-14:1/14:0 was not different across the treatments. Milk RA yield per 100 g of linoleic acid and linolenic acid intake (efficiency) was 2.23, 1.50, and 0.62 g in G, ZG, and GS, respectively, suggesting that G cows were more efficient than ZG and GS cows in milk RA production. Stepwise regression analysis of a group of variables revealed that plasma vaccenic acid accounted for 95% of the variation in milk RA production. Milk desaturase index did not enter into the model. Overall findings suggest that substrate intake influenced milk RA production but it was not the only factor involved. There were differences in efficiency of milk RA production, which appears to depend on the factors regulating ruminal vaccenic acid production and its supply to the mammary tissue.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of level of 1) pregrazing herbage mass (HM) and 2) level of daily herbage allowance (DHA) on the performance and fatty acid (FA) composition of milk from grazing dairy cows. Sixty-eight Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were allocated to either a high or low pregrazing HM (1,700 vs. 2,400 kg of DM/ha; >40 mm), and within HM treatment, cows were further allocated to either a high or low DHA (16 vs. 20 kg of DM/d per cow; >40 mm) in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Pregrazing HM did not affect dry matter intake (17.5 ± 0.75 kg/d), milk production (22.1 ± 0.99 kg/d), milk composition (milk fat, 3.88 ± 0.114%; milk protein, 3.28 ± 0.051%), body weight (525 ± 16 kg), or body condition score (2.65 ± 0.064). Increasing DHA increased dry matter intake (+1.5 kg/d) but did not affect any other variable measured. Cows grazing the low HM or high DHA had a higher daily intake of total FA (+0.12 and +0.09 kg/d, respectively, for the low HM and high DHA), α-linolenic acid (LNA; +0.08 and +0.05 kg/d, respectively, for the low HM and high DHA), and linoleic acid (+0.01 for both the low HM and high DHA) compared with either the high HM or low DHA. Milk conjugated linoleic acid (cis-9, trans-11 isomer) was not affected by treatment (13.0 ± 0.77 g/kg of total FA); however, large variation was recorded between individual animals (range from 5.9 to 20.6 g/kg of total FA). Milk concentrations of LNA were higher for animals offered the low HM (5.3 g/kg of total FA), but across treatments, milk concentrations of LNA were low (4.9 ± 0.33 g/kg of total FA). The present study indicates that changes in HM and DHA do not have a great effect on the milk FA composition of grazing dairy cows. Further enhancement of the beneficial FA content in milk purely from changes in grazing strategy may be difficult when pasture quality is already high.  相似文献   
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