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Six patients with a total of nine gonadoblastomas are presented; three--and possibly a fourth--had dysgerminomatous overgrowth which was massive in two patients. Calcification detected by abdominal films was present in three sufficient for preoperative diagnosis. All patients were found to have a Y stem line on peripheral leukocyte chromosome cultures except one patient, who had a 46 XX/45 XO karyotype. She was found to have Y chromatin bodies in the germ cells of her tumor which was in a normal ovary found at exploration for an ectopic pregnancy. Three were found in virilized phenotypic females investigated for amenorrhea, and two for therapy of pelvic masses due to dysgerminomatous overgrowth. Y chromatin studies are reported on gonadal tissue.  相似文献   
The effects of intra-arterial infusion of E. coli endotoxin at 1.0 mg. per minute on the gastric total and mucosal blood flows, electrical potential difference, and ionic fluxes across the gastric mucosa were studied in an exteriorized, chambered preparation of canine fundic stomach. Gamma-labelled microsphere technique was used in addition to venous drainage and plasma aminopyrine clearance for the measurement of total and mucosal blood flow, respectively. In spite of normal systemic blood pressure throughout the experiment, E. coli endotoxin infusion caused a significant decrease in total gastric blood flow and in the fractional distribution of flow to the mucosae. There was no significant arteriovenous shunting of microspheres. Significant reduction in potential difference and hydrogen-ion back diffusion also was noted after endotoxin infusion, possibly as a consequence of reduced mucosal blood flow. The results indicate that significant gastric mucosal ischemia can occur and may represent a mechanism in the development of gastric erosions in endotoxemia, even in the absence of systemic hypotension.  相似文献   
This review comprises 36 patients who were treated for Asherman's syndrome from 1968 to 1974 at the Sloane Hospital for Women. Of the 18 patients who later conceived only 6 had uncomplicated term deliveries. Four had premature deliveries resulting in neonatal death. Three had placenta accreta and postpartum hemorrhage, necessitating a cesarean hysterectomy in 1. Two patients required cesarean section for complications due to the syndrome, 2 had spontaneous abortion, and 1 had a cervical pregnancy requiring total hysterectomy. Only 10 babies survived. The incidence and severity of complications in conceptions following treatment for Asherman's syndrome is high, and the obstetrician must be prepared to manage them.  相似文献   
Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, perfluorocarboxylates, and 2-(N-ethylperfluorooctane sulfonamido) acetic acid (N-EtFOSAA) from laboratory-spiked and contaminated field sediments was assessed using the freshwater oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus. Semistatic batch experiments were conducted to monitor the biological uptake of these perfluorochemicals (PFCs) over 56 days. The elimination of PFCs was measured as the loss of PFCs in L. variegatus exposed to PFC-spiked sediment for 28 days and then transferred to clean sediment. The resultant data suggest that PFCs in sediments are readily bioavailable and that bioaccumulation from sediments does not continually increase with increasing perfluorocarbon chain length. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorononanoate were the most bioaccumulative PFCs, as measured by laboratory-based estimated steady-state biota sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) and BSAFs measured using contaminated field sediments. Elimination rate constants for perfluoroalkyl sulfonates and perfluorocaroboxylates were generally smaller than those previously measured for other organic contaminants. Last, a PFOS precursor, N-EtFOSAA, accumulated in the worm tissues and appeared to undergo biotransformation to PFOS and other PFOS precursors. This suggests that N-EtFOSAA, which has been detected in sediments and sludge often at levels exceeding PFOS, may contribute to the bioaccumulation of PFOS in aquatic organisms.  相似文献   
A series of experiments was conducted under controlled soil moisture and temperature conditions in a growth chamber to examine the effect of a range of nutrient seed coatings on the emergence to wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kite) and oats (Avena sativa L. cv. Blackbutt) sown in a coarse sandy loam soil. Final emergence of oats was not reduced by a coating containing 10 kg P ha–1 (as monocalcium phosphate [MCP]) whereas the same coating reduced wheat emergence by 15%. The emergence of both wheat and oats was severely reduced by urea coatings (supplying 10 kg N ha–1) to 33 and 13% respectively; this injury was lessened markedly by the inclusion of phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPD) in the urea coatings at 1% (w/w) (emergence increased to 66 and 56% respectively).Low soil moisture (67% of field capacity [FC]) resulted in almost no emergence of wheat coated with urea (± bentonites of different pH). In soil at FC, the addition of bentonite of pH 5 (B5) to urea coatings permitted greater emergence (54%) than when bentonite of pH 9 (B9) was added (32%) which, in turn, permitted greater emergence than urea coating alone (10%). When PPD and bentonite (B5 or B9) were combined either singly or together with urea in seed coatings, PPD was more effective than either of the bentonites in reducing injury and masked the slight positive effect of B5.Coatings containing various combinations of N and P sources (at 3.6 and at 8 kg ha–1 respectively) all reduced the emergence of wheat compared to raw seed (91% emergence). When applied alone, MCP was least damaging (74%); the combination of MCP with ammonium sulfate (AS) caused somewhat more injury (68%) whilst combination with calcium nitrate (CN) caused most injury (29%). In contrast, CN alone caused relatively little damage (73%) whilst AS alone was more damaging (50%). There was no significant regression found between percentage emergence and either the calculated partial salt index or the pH of the nutrient coatings. Further work is needed to examine the mechanisms of injury due to nutrient seed coatings so that safe but effective formulations can be developed.  相似文献   
Lipid peroxidation in unilamellar liposomes of known cholesterol-phospholipid composition was monitored under conditions of autoxidation or as induced by a superoxide radical generating system, γ-irradiation or cumene hydroperoxide. Formation of cholesterol oxidation products was indexed to the level of lipid peroxidation. The major cholesterol oxidation products identified were 7-keto-cholesterol, isomeric cholesterol 5,6-epoxides, isomeric 7-hydroperoxides and isomeric 3,7-cholestane diols. Other commonly encountered products included 3,5-cholestadiene-7-one and cholestane-3β,5α,6β-triol. Superoxide-dependent peroxidation required iron and produced a gradual increase in 7-keto-cholesterol and cholesterol epoxides. Cholesterol oxidation was greatest in liposomes containing high proportions of unsaturated phospholipid to cholesterol (4∶1 molar ratio), intermediate with low phospholipid to cholesterol ratios (2∶1) and least in liposomes prepared with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. This relationship held regardless of the oxidizing conditions used. Cumene hydroperoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation and/or more prolonge oxidations with other oxidizing systems yielded a variety of products where cholesterol-5β,6β-epoxide, 7-ketocholesterol and the 7-hydroperoxides were most consistently elevated. Oxyradical initiation of lipid peroxidation produced a pattern of cholesterol oxidation products distinguishable from the pattern derived by cumene hydroperoxide-dependent peroxidation. Our findings indicate that cholesterol autoxidation in biological membranes is modeled by the peroxide-induced oxidation of liposomes bearing unsaturated fatty acids and suggest that a number of cholesterol oxidation products are derived from peroxide-dependent propagation reactions occurring in biomembranes.  相似文献   
This work was concerned with investigating the processing behavior of thermoplastics reinforced with a melt processable phosphate glass under extensional flows at temperatures used for forming and shaping operations. Injection molded blends consisting of polyetherimide (PEI) and polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) reinforced with 30‐60 wt% phosphate glass were exposed to uniaxial and planar deformation at temperatures above the Tg of the phosphate glass (234°C) to evaluate the effects on the morphology and mechanical properties of the composites. Tensile testing at elevated temperatures (250‐300°C) was used to evaluate the forming behavior and ascertain the conditions most suited for the deformation of the composite blends. A temperature approximately 35°C above the Tg of the P‐glass was found to offer conditions most conducive to the deformation of the PEI/P‐glass blends. The phosphate glass reinforced PEI was found to offer greater retention of properties and smoother surfaces than an E‐glass filled material when exposed to shearfree deformation similar to that seen in a process such as thermoforming. For PPS based composites, the application of planar shearfree deformation near the melting point of the PPS (≈︁ 283°C) resulted in the elongation of the phosphate glass phase which served to enhance the stiffness of the composite blends along the principal deformation direction.  相似文献   
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