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In a field study P and K uptake by two corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes which differed in root growth was investigated. The effect of differences in root growth on P and K uptake was assessed using a mechanistic-mathematical model which describes nutrient uptake by growing plant roots in soil. Nitrogen was applied at 0 and 227 kg ha–1 to Pioneer 3732 and B73xMo17 corn grown on Raub silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, mesic Aquic Argiudoll) and at 227 kg N ha–1 to these two genotypes on Chalmers silt loam (finesilty, mixed, mesic, Typic Haplaquoll). Root growth and P and K uptake by the two corn genotypes was measured 31, 47, 75 and 91 d after planting on the Raub and 31, 47, 61 and 75 d after planting on the Chalmers soil.Root growth and P and K uptake by B73xMo17 was greater than that of Pioneer 3732 on N-fertilized Raub soil. On Chalmers soil the difference in root growth between the two genotypes resulted in an increase in K but not P uptake. The higher soil P level of the Chalmers appears to have offset possible differences in P uptake due to root size. There were no differences between the two genotypes in either the percentage of roots with root hairs, or the density or length of root hairs. Phosphorus and K uptake calculated with the simulation models for both corn genotypes on both soils over each of three growth periods agreed with observed P (Y = 0.68X + 1.71; r = 0.944**) and K (Y = 0.88X + 15.52; r = 0.928**) uptake. Differences in P and K uptake between B73xMo17 and Pioneer 3732 resulted primarily from the difference in root growth in the topsoil. A high correlation was found between root surface area and P (r = 0.893**) and K (r = 0.928**) uptake by both corn genotypes on both the soils.Journal paper No. 10,316 Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., W. Lafayette, In 47906. Contribution from the Dep. of Agron. This paper was supported in part by a grant from the Tennessee Valley Authority.  相似文献   
Cryotherapy is used in treatment of chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis. The effect of cryotherapy on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora was studied. Staphylococci prevailed in the rhinitis patients, streptococci, Clebsiella and Neisseria being registered more rarely. The staphlococcal isolates were highly sensitive to monomycin, neomycin, erythromycin and levomycetin. The results of the dynamic study showed that the flora composition did not significantly change during cryotherapy and the sensitivity level of the staphylococcal isolates to the antibodies remained unchanged.  相似文献   
The precision of the Rinne test at 128-2048 Hz was studied in 100 ears with confirmed conductive pathologies. The number of negative (diagnostic) Rinnes decreased significantly with fall in frequency. While there were significantly more negative than positive Rinnes at 128 and 256 Hz, there were significantly more positive results at higher frequencies; indicating that the Rinne is not reliably diagnostic above 256 Hz. However, the possibility of vibrotactile responses must be remembered with low frequency tuning forks. Also, conductive lesions manifested as high tone air-bone gaps will not be identified with low frequency Rinne tests. Air-bone gaps of 25 to 40 dB, depending on frequency, are necessary for the Rinne to identify the presence of conductive components in most cases. Gaps of 25-30 dB for 128 Hz; 35-40 dB for 256 Hz; 55-60 dB for 512 Hz; and 45-50 dB for 1024 Hz, are necessary for the Rinne to meet a 75% correct detection criterion. The 2o48 Hz Rinne does not attain even chance detection. The Rinne test cannot be validly employed as a criterion against which other measures can be evaluated.  相似文献   
Aspergillus terreus infection limited to the L1-2 disk space and first and second lumbar vertebrae developed in a patient not predisposed to invasive aspergillosis. The observation of morphologically distinct secondary spores (aleuriospores) on microscopic examination of open biopsy specimens permitted a preliminary identification of A terreus, which was confirmed by culture. The infection was eradicated with amphotericin B in a total dose of 3 gm. Aspergillus terreus is usually a saprophyte. The present case and four others collected from the literature establish this species as an invasive pathogen.  相似文献   
目的分析申请进口保健食品的\"瓶颈\"及原因,并提出进口保健食品未来的发展管理趋势。方法通过对我国上市的进口保健食品注册和备案产品总数、保健功能、原料及申请国家情况的统计分析,梳理进口保健食品注册备案法规,并对已获得注册和备案的进口保健食品建立数据库,通过excel软件进行描述性分类统计分析。结果根据进口注册的保健食品总量分析,2003年以前批准的产品占65%,2003年以后批准的产品占35%;注册产品保健功能以增强免疫力最多,其次为辅助降血脂,申报的保健功能涉及18个;申请备案的保健食品中保健功能以补充钙最多,其次是维生素D,申报的营养素涉及17个;进口保健食品注册和备案申请最多的是美国,涉及国家达到15个。结论面对巨大的国内消费市场,在我国获得注册批准证书和备案凭证的进口保健食品数量却不足一千个,远低于国外上市健康产品种类。这与我国对进口保健食品法规要求较严,国外保健食品类似产品管理不同等有关。作为进口到中国的保健食品,必须确保产品长期食用的安全性。未来随着保健食品原料目录的调整及法规完善,更多符合我国法律法规要求的进口保健食品将给国人带来更多的健康选择。  相似文献   
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