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Current immunosensors have an insufficient number of binding sites for the recognition of biomolecules, which leads to false positive or negative results. In this research, a facile, cost‐effective, disposable, and highly selective electrochemical immunosensing platform is developed based on cationic polyelectrolyte polyallylamine (PAAMI) anchored laser‐ablated graphene (LAG). Here, for the first time, PAAMI is introduced to stabilize LAG flakes, while retaining the intrinsic thermal and electronic properties of the substrate by noncovalent π–π interaction and electrostatic physical absorption. The sensing platform offers a suitable number of anchoring sites for the immobilized antibodies by providing ? NH2 functional groups. The proper grafting of PAAMI is confirmed through X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The immunosensing platform is applied to detect immunoglobulin (IgG) biomarkers as a proof of concept. Under optimized conditions, the sensing platform exhibits a linear range of 0.012–15 and 15–352 ng mL?1 with a limit of detection of 6 pg mL?1 for IgG detection with high selectivity. Based on the analysis, the developed immunosensing platform can be used for point‐of‐care detection of IgG in clinical diagnostic centers. Furthermore, the developed strategy is well suited for the detection of other cancer biomarkers after immobilizing the relevant antibodies.  相似文献   
讨论了负载短路和开路情况下实现零电压软开关的策略,并以所研制的由IGBT做为开关器件的9kW(峰值功率)全桥ZVT脉冲激光电源为例进行了说明。  相似文献   
在重复率脉冲固体激光器中,由于储能电容需要频繁的充放电,通常采用谐振充电电路以适应其负载的大范围变化。为此研制了开关频率为20kHz,充电电流为2.1A,最高充电电压为1.86kV的半桥串联谐振充电电路。该电路工作于电流断续模式,开关管的开通和关断均为软开关。通过对周期电压、电流递推公式的分析,表明该工作模式中每个周期的平均充电电流均为恒定。应用递推公式计算稳态和暂态谐振电容电压和电流,结果显示暂态最大工作电压是稳态最大电压的2倍,暂态最大电流为稳态最大峰值电流的1.5倍,为谐振电容和开关管的选取提供了依据。  相似文献   
节能型活性染料的发展状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了开发节能型活性染料的重要性.重点介绍了适用于冷轧堆染色、小浴比染色和涤/棉一浴法染色用活性染料以及高固色率活性染料的发展状况;通过提高染料的耐碱性、溶解度、染深性以及固着率等方面来达到节能减排的目的.  相似文献   
Recent studies have suggested that schizophrenia may be related to prenatal disturbances in the cortical subplate, a transient but essential structure in the formation of cerebral cortical circuitry. Although most subplate neurons die during later development, some remain as the interstitial neurons of the adult white matter. In this study we used a monoclonal antibody against the cytoskeletal protein, microtubule associated protein-2 (MAP2), to quantify the density and distribution of labeled neurons in postmortem brain specimens containing the prefrontal white matter from five schizophrenic cases and matched controls. In both schizophrenics and matched controls, the density of white matter neurons decreased with increasing white matter depth. However, the mean density of MAP2-immunoreactive neurons was greater in the superficial white matter of the schizophrenic subjects compared to the matched controls. In contrast, no difference in the density of labeled neurons was seen in the deeper white matter. These findings are consistent with an abnormality in the development of the cortical subplate in at least some cases of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions are fundamental processes involved in cell migration and tissue remodeling. Both the cyclic regeneration of the human endometrium during the menstrual cycle as well as the process of embryo implantation involve such dynamic interactions. It has become quite clear that integrin adhesion molecules expressed on the surface of cells play critical roles in the transmission of signals from the extracellular milieu to the cells. It is these signals that presumably regulate the behavior of these cells during major morphogenetic processes. In recent years, work in human endometrium and trophoblasts has uncovered both the regulated and constitutive expression of integrin subunits and their extracellular matrix ligands in these tissues. In addition, attempts have been made to correlate pathological states related to either infertility or abnormal pregnancy to the aberrant expression of several of these integrins. The purpose of the present review is to describe briefly our present state of knowledge of the expression of integrins in human endometrium and trophoblasts and provide the reader with the necessary background needed to understand, at the cellular and molecular levels, processes in reproduction such as embryo implantation.  相似文献   
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