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无锡某SOHO办公楼水源热泵VRV空调系统设计及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某办公楼空调系统的设计做了多方案比选,最终确定为水源热泵VRV系统方案。对水源热泵VRV系统的设备做了设计选型,对水源热泵VRV的建设模式、节能运行做了讨论,为地产开发商、设计咨询公司、施工企业等提供参考。  相似文献   
D-Glucal and a series of substituted derivatives have been tested as substrates, inhibitors and inactivators of the Agrobacterium faecalis beta-glucosidase in order to probe structure/function relationships in this enzyme. D-Glucal is shown to be a substrate (kcat = 2.3 min-1, Km = 0.85 mM) undergoing hydration with stereospecific protonation from the alpha-face to yield 2-deoxy-beta-D-glucose. 1-Methyl-D-glucal surprisingly serves as only a poor substrate (kcat = 0.056 min-1, Km = 57 mM), also undergoing protonation from the alpha-face. 2-Fluoro-D-glucal, however is completely inert, as a result of inductive destabilisation of the oxocarbenium ion-like transition state for protonation, and functions only as a relatively weak (Ki = 24 mM) inhibitor. Similar behaviour was seen with almond beta-glucosidase and yeast alpha-glucosidase and for the interaction of 2-fluoro-D-galactal with Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase. A series of of alpha, beta-unsaturated glucal derivatives was also synthesised and tested as potential substrates, inhibitors or inactivators of A. faecalis beta-glucosidase. Of these only 1-nitro-D-glucal functioned as a time dependent, irreversible inactivator (ki = 0.011 min-1, Ki = 5.5 mM), presumably acting as a Michael acceptor. Electrospray mass spectrometric analysis revealed multiple labeling of the enzyme by this inactivator, lessening its usefulness as an affinity label. Less reactive Michael acceptor glycals which might have been more specific (1-cyano-, 2-cyano-, 1-carboxylic acid, 1-carboxylic acid methyl ester) unfortunately did not function as inactivators or substrates, only as relatively weak reversible inhibitors (Ki = 3-96 mM).  相似文献   
This study is a retrospective review of admissions, discharge records and blood culture results of neonates admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, from the first of January 1991 to the 31st of December 1992. During this two year period there were 443 positive blood cultures. Ninety percent of the blood cultures were from babies born in Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, thus making the incidence of neonatal bacteraemia 22.2 per 1000 live births. The overall mortality rate was 37.2%. Gram negative bacteria accounted for 70.9% and Gram positive bacteria for 29.1% of all neonatal bacteraemia. The most common isolates were Enterobacter species 29.6%; Streptococcus faecalis 14.4%; Staphylococcus aureus 10.8%; Acinetobacter species 9.5%; Klebsiella species 9% and Escherichia coli 8.8%. It is concluded that the incidence of neonatal bacterial sepsis is high in our hospital and is associated with a very high mortality rate. There is thus an urgent need to institute appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures.  相似文献   
An analysis of simultaneous variation in protein structures   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The simultaneous substitution of pairs of buried amino acid side chains during divergent evolution has been examined in a set of protein families with known crystal structures. A weak signal is found that shows that amino acid pairs near in space in the folded structure preferentially undergo substitution in a compensatory way. Three different physicochemical types of covariation 'signals' were then examined separately, with consideration given to the evolutionary distance at which different types of compensation occur. Where the compensatory covariation tends towards retaining the combined residue volumes, the signal is significant only at very low evolutionary distances. Where the covariation compensates for changes in the hydrogen bonding, the signal is strongest at intermediate evolutionary distances. Covariations that compensate for charge variations appeared with equal strength at all the evolutionary distances examined. A recipe is suggested for using the weak covariation signal to assemble the predicted secondary structural elements, where the evolutionary distance, covariation type and weighting are considered together with the tertiary structural context (interior or surface) of the residues being examined.   相似文献   
针对芳纶橡胶输送带接头强度保持率低的问题,本研究以国内外芳纶橡胶输送带接头方案为基础,采用指型插接方案,系统性地探究了指型长径比、贴胶厚度、织物增强层结构等因素对接头强度的影响。实验证明接头强度随长径比的增大而升高;贴胶厚度在1mm时接头强度达到最大,此后接头强度随贴胶厚度的增加而降低;织物增强层沿经向放置的接头强度提高87%,接头强度保持率达到带体强度的60%。  相似文献   
对CY-61100车床尾座铸件充型及凝固过程进行了数值模拟及优化研究。根据模拟的结果及铸造缺陷预测,改进及优化了尾座浇注系统,在工厂实际浇铸生产应用中取得了良好效果。并由此建立了铸造过程CAE仿真优化技术与传统铸造工艺设计有效结合的先进铸造工艺设计模式。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Kinetic and morphological aspects of slurry propylene polymerization using a MgCl2‐supported Ziegler–Natta catalyst synthesized from a Mg(OEt)2 precursor are investigated in comparison with a ball‐milled Ziegler–Natta catalyst. RESULTS: The two types of catalyst show completely different polymerization profiles: mild activation and long‐standing activity with good replication of the catalyst particles for the Mg(OEt)2‐based catalyst, and rapid activation and deactivation with severe fragmentation of the catalyst particles for the ball‐milled catalyst. The observed differences are discussed in relation to spatial distribution of TiCl4 on the outermost part and inside of the catalyst particles. CONCLUSION: The Mg(OEt)2‐based Ziegler–Natta catalyst is believed to show highly stable polymerization activity and good replication because of the uniform titanium distribution all over the catalyst particles. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
In a field study P and K uptake by two corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes which differed in root growth was investigated. The effect of differences in root growth on P and K uptake was assessed using a mechanistic-mathematical model which describes nutrient uptake by growing plant roots in soil. Nitrogen was applied at 0 and 227 kg ha–1 to Pioneer 3732 and B73xMo17 corn grown on Raub silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, mesic Aquic Argiudoll) and at 227 kg N ha–1 to these two genotypes on Chalmers silt loam (finesilty, mixed, mesic, Typic Haplaquoll). Root growth and P and K uptake by the two corn genotypes was measured 31, 47, 75 and 91 d after planting on the Raub and 31, 47, 61 and 75 d after planting on the Chalmers soil.Root growth and P and K uptake by B73xMo17 was greater than that of Pioneer 3732 on N-fertilized Raub soil. On Chalmers soil the difference in root growth between the two genotypes resulted in an increase in K but not P uptake. The higher soil P level of the Chalmers appears to have offset possible differences in P uptake due to root size. There were no differences between the two genotypes in either the percentage of roots with root hairs, or the density or length of root hairs. Phosphorus and K uptake calculated with the simulation models for both corn genotypes on both soils over each of three growth periods agreed with observed P (Y = 0.68X + 1.71; r = 0.944**) and K (Y = 0.88X + 15.52; r = 0.928**) uptake. Differences in P and K uptake between B73xMo17 and Pioneer 3732 resulted primarily from the difference in root growth in the topsoil. A high correlation was found between root surface area and P (r = 0.893**) and K (r = 0.928**) uptake by both corn genotypes on both the soils.Journal paper No. 10,316 Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., W. Lafayette, In 47906. Contribution from the Dep. of Agron. This paper was supported in part by a grant from the Tennessee Valley Authority.  相似文献   
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