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Forearm skin blood flow was measured during external pressure loading in normal human subjects using 133Xe washout from intracutaneous injection sites. Pressures ranging between 5 and 150 mmHg were applied through a 3-cm-diameter disc placed over the site of flow determination. The pressure was maintained constant by a servo-controlled loading mechanism. Flow decreased with pressures from 5 to 10 and 30 to 150 mmHg, but remained constant with pressures from 10 to 30 mmHg. Reactive hyperemia occurred following removal of pressures of 90 mmHg or greater, but did not occur following removal of lower pressures. The pressure-flow curve for parasacral skin of paraplegic subjects closely paralleled the pressure-flow curve of normal skin at pressures tested: 5-15 mmHg. These data are interpreted to demonstrate autoregulation of skin blood flow. Autoregulation in parasacral skin of paraplegic subjects suggests a peripheral mechanism. The occurrence of hyperemia at pressures which exceed the ability of skin to autoregulate suggests that both autoregulation and post occlusion hyperemia may have the same mechanism.  相似文献   
The Clausen modification of the peripheral blood buffy coat leukocyte migration test was used to test patients with multiple sclerosis, normal subjects and patients with other neurologic diseases for cell-mediated immunity to commercial measles virus, purified nuclear core material from a human neurotropic strain of measles virus, as well as to commercial preparations of rubella, mumps and parainfluenza HA2. Leukocytes of multiple sclerosis patients showed significantly less mean inhibition of migration in the presence of both measles antigens, mumps and parainfluenza but no difference from controls when incubated with rubella. No correlation could be found between the degree of migration inhibition and concomitant serum anti-measles neutralization antibody titers to the same strain of virus. The use of purified viral antigens might result in more meaningful studies of the status of cellmediated immunity to viral antigens in multiple sclerosis. The relationship of our findings to other studies in this area and to the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis is discussed.  相似文献   
The effect of exogenous adenine nucleotides on CO2 fixation and oxygen evolution was studied with mesophyll protoplast extracts of the C4 plant Digitaria sanguinalis. Exogenous ATP was found to stimulate the rate of pyruvate and pyruvate+oxalacetate induced CO2 fixation, as well as reverse the inhibition of CO2 fixation of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and several electron transport inhibitors. The ATP-dependent stimulation of CO2 fixation varied from 40 to 70 mumol CO2 fixed/mg chlorophyll per h, suggesting that ATP was crossing the chloroplast membranes at rates of 80-140 mumol/mg chlorophyll per h, since 2 ATP are required for each CO2 fixed. Fixation of CO2 could also be induced in the dark by exogenous ATP, in which case ADP accumulated outside the chloroplasts...  相似文献   
Fourteen women with amenorrhea-galactorrhea were treated with bromo-ergocryptine. Serum prolactin hPRL, hLH, hFSH, estradiol 17-beta (E2), and progesterone values were determined before and during treatment. No consistent pretreatment hormonal pattern was found. During treatment hPRL levels fell in 13 of 14 patients, and E2 rose in 12 of 14 patients. Levels of hLH became normal, and amounts of hFSH did not change. Galactorrhea lessened in all cases and ceased in 11. Menses resumed in 11 patients and 3 women became pregnant. Cessation of galactorrhea and resumption of menses occurred irrespective of initial hPRL or hLH levels. It is suggested that improvement of galactorrhea and resumption of menses in some patients with normal hPRL values are the result of increased serum E2 levels and may be due to a direct action of bromo-ergocryptine on the ovary. Bromo-ergocryptine may also be effective in treatment of amenorrhea, unassociated with galactorrhea or elevated hPRL levels.  相似文献   
Short-term cultures of androgen-responsive Shionogi 115 (S115) cells exhibited density-dependent regulation of proliferation rate in the presence or absence of testosterone. The average surface area per cell exposed to the growth medium was inversely proportional to population density. By contrast, long-term cultures (serially passaged in testosterone-containing medium for several months) did not exhibit density-dependent regulation of proliferation rate when grown in testosterone-containing medium. In this medium, cells became elongated and no longer exhibited any obvious decrease in exposed surface area with increasing density. Nevertheless, when subcultured into testosterone-free medium, these cells reverted to an epithelial morphology and exhibited density-dependent regulation of proliferation rate. These relationships suggested that the proliferation rate of cells decreased with density in proportion to the decrease in exposed surface area...  相似文献   
The presence of pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EC) represents risks to public health and to economy of Brazilian beef industry. In this context, the application of lactic acid (LA) is an efficient practice employed to reduce bacterial count without compromising consumer safety. Our aim was to verify the inhibitory effect of LA application combined with aging and different packaging on EC and its effects on beef color. The LA effect on EC counts was concentration dependent during aging and storage, with T2 (10% of LA added) demonstrating greater (p < .05) reductions than T1 (5% of LA added). Aging did not affect (p > .05) EC counts, however reduced (p < .05) the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria. LA application promoted a decrease on beef redness (p > .05) after application and during storage. LA treatment (T2) promoted a reduction in E. coli O157:H7, despite the effects on beef color.

Practical applications

The present data evidence a breakthrough in lactic acid (LA) researches once evaluate the inhibitory effect of aging, LA concentration and package on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the influence of these technologies in beef color. Moreover, the data presented allow clarifying the meat industry about the potential use of LA preservation on beef.  相似文献   
Mechanical properties of tri-arm polyisobutylene based ionomers have been investigated. Number average molecular weights (¯Mn's) of the polymers were varied from 8,300 to 34,000. The ionomer of lowest ¯Mn (8,300) exhibits very low extension at break (~ 150%) while the others with ¯Mn's of 11,000, 14,000 and 34,000 show very high extensions, often exceeding 1,000%, and display relatively low permanent set and low hysteresis behavior. Since the ionic bonding is located exclusively at the chain ends, end-linked pseudo networks are formed due to coulombic attractions.At higher temperatures the coulombic interactions are weakened and the networks can be compression molded (~150°C).  相似文献   
This study evaluated the influence of packaging atmosphere (air versus 50% N2/50% CO2) on microbiological (mesophiles, psychrotrophs), physical (gas measurement) and chemical (pH, total volatile basic nitrogen [TVB‐N], NH3, H2S and biogenic amines) parameters in freshwater prawns during storage at 0 ± 1 °C for 240 h. To select the most appropriate packaging, 21 batches of each treatment were analysed. Both the packaging permeability and the combination of gases affected the shelf life, but the modified‐atmosphere packaging (MAP) was more efficient than air packaging, increasing the shelf life by 40 h. The parameters of pH and TVB‐N showed no statistical difference between the two atmosphere conditions all along the storage period. The biogenic amine agmatine showed potential for use as a quality indicator due to the increased concentration during storage. In further studies, this amine can be applied as an indicator for public health issue.  相似文献   
Many river rehabilitation projects to enhance the aquatic habitat focus on the creation of pool and riffle habitat by the implementation of flow deflectors, with various degrees of successes and failures. A more comprehensive understanding of the complex three‐dimensional flow dynamics that induces scour around instream structures is required for a more effective design. The objective of this study is to examine the three‐dimensional mean and turbulent flow characteristics around paired flow deflectors for various types of deflector design in a laboratory flume. Three deflector angles (45°, 90° and 135°) and two deflector heights (with flow under and over the deflector height) were tested over a smooth (plexiglas) bed and a sand bed. Three‐dimensional velocity measurements were taken with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter at several planform positions at two heights above the bed. Results show that the 90° deflectors create the most important disturbance in the mean flow field, in turbulence intensity and bed shear stress. There is, however, a marked difference in the spatial distribution of the mean and turbulent parameters over a mobile bed and over a smooth, fixed bed. This stresses the importance of understanding the feedback between bed topography and flow dynamics and limits the applicability of conclusions drawn from plane bed experiments to natural rivers. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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