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OBJECTIVE: Seminal vesicle cysts combined with ipsilateral renal agenesis represent a rare urological anomaly. We searched the literature to review the clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapeutic treatment options of this anomaly. METHODS: A pooled analysis was performed of 52 cases of seminal vesicle cysts combined with ipsilateral renal agenesis, including our own observation. The evaluation included: patient age at diagnosis, race, laterality (R/L), presence of ureteral remnant in the cyst, presenting symptoms, diagnostic examinations, treatment and outcome. RESULTS: The mean age at diagnosis was 30.2 years. The majority presented in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th decade of their lives. Only 2 patients (4%) were of African origin, all others were Caucasians. The distribution R:L was 2:1. Ureteral remnants were present in 14 patients (27%). The most common symptoms were: dysuria (37%), frequency (33%), perineal pain (29%), epididymitis (27%), pain following ejaculation (21%) and scrotal pain (13%). Infertility was found in 9 patients (17%). The cyst was palpable by digital rectal examination in 79%. All patients underwent intravenous urography, and 88% underwent cystoscopy. Other frequently performed investigations are: ultrasonography (27%), CT scanning (27%), vasovesiculography (46%) and urethrocystography (23%). The final treatment was open surgery in 74%, aspiration in 6%, transurethral deroofing of the cyst in 6% and spontaneous rupture in 4%. In 6% no treatment was given and in 4% the treatment is unknown. All patients were free of symptoms after open exploration. The success rates after transurethral deroofing and aspiration were 75 and 30% respectively. CONCLUSION: Seminal vesicle cysts combined with ipsilateral renal agenesis are a rare urological anomaly, occurring in men in the 2nd to 4th decade of their life. They present with symptoms of bladder irritation and obstruction and with pain in the perineum and scrotum. Epididymitis is frequently found. The diagnostic work-up consists of a digital rectal examination, transrectal and abdominal ultrasonography, CT scan and a cystoscopy. Open surgery and transurethral deroofing of the cyst give excellent results (100 and 75% cure respectively). Aspiration of the cyst should only be used for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   
Mosaic organization of DNA nucleotides   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Long-range power-law correlations have been reported recently for DNA sequences containing noncoding regions. We address the question of whether such correlations may be a trivial consequence of the known mosaic structure ("patchiness") of DNA. We analyze two classes of controls consisting of patchy nucleotide sequences generated by different algorithms--one without and one with long-range power-law correlations. Although both types of sequences are highly heterogenous, they are quantitatively distinguishable by an alternative fluctuation analysis method that differentiates local patchiness from long-range correlations. Application of this analysis to selected DNA sequences demonstrates that patchiness is not sufficient to account for long-range correlation properties.  相似文献   
An open question in computational molecular biology is whether long-range correlations are present in both coding and noncoding DNA or only in the latter. To answer this question, we consider all 33301 coding and all 29453 noncoding eukaryotic sequences--each of length larger than 512 base pairs (bp)--in the present release of the GenBank to dtermine whether there is any statistically significant distinction in their long-range correlation properties. Standard fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis indicates that coding sequences have practically no correlations in the range from 10 bp to 100 bp (spectral exponent beta=0.00 +/- 0.04, where the uncertainty is two standard deviations). In contrast, for noncoding sequences, the average value of the spectral exponent beta is positive (0.16 +/- 0.05) which unambiguously shows the presence of long-range correlations. We also separately analyze the 874 coding and the 1157 noncoding sequences that have more than 4096 bp and find a larger region of power-law behavior. We calculate the probability that these two data sets (coding and noncoding) were drawn from the same distribution and we find that it is less than 10(-10). We obtain independent confirmation of these findings using the method of detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), which is designed to treat sequences with statistical heterogeneity, such as DNA's known mosaic structure ("patchiness") arising from the nonstationarity of nucleotide concentration. The near-perfect agreement between the two independent analysis methods, FFT and DFA, increases the confidence in the reliability of our conclusion.  相似文献   
Abnormal optical properties of liquid-crystalline dispersions (phases) formed as a result of phase exclusion of double-stranded DNA and RNA from water-salt poly(ethylene glycol) solutions and X-ray parameters of these phases are compared. It is shown that the cholesteric packing of nucleic acid molecules is realized at the certain osmotic pressure of a solvent only. A comparison of the optical properties of liquid-crystalline phases (dispersions) to their X-ray parameters allows one to put forward a suggestion on various hydratation (fluctuation) regimes of the nucleic acid behaviour under the condensed phases formation and factors, influencing the mode of packing of these molecules in phases formed. It is shown as well, that immobilization of DNA cholesteric liquid-crystalline particles in the content of polymeric matrix is accompanied by the stabilization of these particles and, hence, their specific abnormal optical activity as well as by formation of particles having a structure, which corresponds to the "optically isotropic ordered liquid" without abnormal optical activity. Data on stabilization of the cholesteric structure of liquid-crystalline DNA dispersions by creation of polymeric chelate bridges between the neighbouring DNA molecules, fixed in the structure of liquid-crystalline dispersions, are shown.  相似文献   
The paper analyzes the standard legal and methodological assurance of the quality and safety of animal food raw materials and foodstuffs (meat, meat products, fish, shellfish, crayfish and their processing products) by the parasitic purity rates according the requirements under the Russian Federation's laws "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population", "On Protection of Consumer's Rights", "On Certification of Products and Services", those of SanPiN, such as "Sanitary Requirements for the Quality and Safety of Food Raw Materials and Foodstuffs" and 3.2.569-96 "Prevention of Parasitic Diseases in the Russian Federation".  相似文献   
The "disease-specific" (dsp) region next to the hrp gene cluster of Erwinia amylovora is required for pathogenicity but not for elicitation of the hypersensitive reaction. A 6.6-kb apparent operon, dspEF, was found responsible for this phenotype. The operon contains genes dspE and dspF and is positively regulated by hrpL. A BLAST search revealed similarity in the dspE gene to a partial sequence of the avrE locus of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato. The entire avrE locus was sequenced. Homologs of dspE and dspF were found in juxtaposed operons and were designated avrE and avrF. Introduced on a plasmid, the dspEF locus rendered P. syringae pv. glycinea race 4 avirulent on soybean. An E. amylovora dspE mutant, however, elicited a hypersensitive reaction in soybean. The avrE locus in trans restored pathogenicity to dspE strains of E. amylovora, although restored strains were low in virulence. DspE and AvrE are large (198 kDa and 195 kDa) and hydrophilic. DspF and AvrF are small (16 kDa and 14 kDa) and acidic with predicted amphipathic alpha helices in their C termini; they resemble chaperones for virulence factors secreted by type III secretion systems of animal pathogens.  相似文献   
We propose a generalized Lévy walk to model fractal landscapes observed in noncoding DNA sequences. We find that this model provides a very close approximation to the empirical data and explains a number of statistical properties of genomic DNA sequences such as the distribution of strand-biased regions (those with an excess of one type of nucleotide) as well as local changes in the slope of the correlation exponent alpha. The generalized Lévy-walk model simultaneously accounts for the long-range correlations in noncoding DNA sequences and for the apparently paradoxical finding of long subregions of biased random walks (length lj) within these correlated sequences. In the generalized Lévy-walk model, the lj are chosen from a power-law distribution P(lj) varies as lj(-mu). The correlation exponent alpha is related to mu through alpha = 2-mu/2 if 2 < mu < 3. The model is consistent with the finding of "repetitive elements" of variable length interspersed within noncoding DNA.  相似文献   
Exposure of the gonadotrope cells to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) reduces their responsiveness to a new GnRH stimulation (homologous desensitization). The time frame as well as the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are yet unclear. We studied in a gonadotrope cell line (alphaT3-1) the effects of short as well as long term GnRH pretreatments on the GnRH-induced phospholipases-C (PLC), -A2 (PLA2) and -D (PLD) activities, by measuring the production of IP3, total inositol phosphates (IPs), arachidonic acid (AA) and phosphatidylethanol (PEt) respectively. We demonstrated that although rapid desensitization of GnRH-induced IP3 formation did not occur in these cells, persistent stimulation of cells with GnRH or its analogue resulted in a time-dependent attenuation of GnRH-elicited IPs formation. GnRH-induced IPs desensitization was potentiated after direct activation of PKC by the phorbol ester TPA, suggesting the involvement of distinct mechanisms in the uncoupling exerted by either GnRH or TPA on GnRH-stimulated PI hydrolysis. The levels of individual phosphoinositides remained unchanged under any desensitization condition applied. Interestingly, while the GnRH-induced PLA2 activity was rapidly desensitized (2.5 min) after GnRH pretreatments, the neuropeptide-evoked PLD activation was affected at later times, indicating an important time-dependent contribution of these enzymatic activities in the sequential events underlying the GnRH-induced homologous desensitization processes in the gonadotropes. Under GnRH desensitization conditions, TPA was still able to induce PLD activation and to further potentiate the GnRH-evoked PLD activity. AlphaT3-1 cells possess several PKC isoforms which, except PKCzeta, were differentially down-regulated by TPA (PKCalpha, betaII, delta, epsilon, eta) or GnRH (PKCbetaII, delta, epsilon, eta). In spite of the presence of PKC inhibitors or down-regulation of PKC isoforms by TPA, the desensitizing effect of the neuropeptide on GnRH-induced IPs, AA and PEt formation remained unchanged. In conclusion, in alphaT3-1 cells the GnRH-induced homologous desensitization affects the GnRH coupling with PLC, PLA2 and PLD by mechanism(s) which do not implicate TPA-sensitive PKC isoforms, but likely reflect time-dependent modification(s) on the activation processes of the enzymes.  相似文献   
Pacemaker therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation means the best current pacemaker therapy for patients with bradycardias with the aim to avoid the onset of atrial fibrillation and to establish DDD pacing despite of a history of atrial tachyarrhythmias. The newer application of pacing is the suppression of atrial arrhythmias in patients with medical refractory atrial tachyarrhythmias. Patients with slow ventricular rates and permanent atrial fibrillation should receive a VVI-pacemaker, if the bradycardias causes syncope, dizziness or a decrease of their exercise tolerance. In case of chronotropic incompetence the pacemaker should provide rate responsive pacing. Patients with sick sinus syndrome should receive an atrial (AAI) or dual-chamber (DDD) pacemaker, because patients with these in contrast to VVI-pacemakers develop less often atrial fibrillation and subsequent complications such as atrial thromboembolism. A dual-chamber or VDD-pacemaker--the latter connected to a VDD-single-lead--is indicated in patients with advanced AV-block. Atrial fibrillation occurs in 3 to 6% of the patients with no history of arrythmia and is, if pacemakers have no automatic mode switch, an often reason to program the devices to the VVI-pacing mode. Nowadays, most DDD(R)-pacemakers provide an automatic mode switch: During an atrial tachycardia the pacemaker switches to a VVI/VVIR mode and restores the initial DDD(R)-pacing mode with termination of the arrhythmia. In respect to the newer applications, one approach to prevent atrial tachyarrhythmias is permanent atrial pacing. As lower pacing rates of 80 to 90 ppm are usually needed and many patients hardly tolerate these pacing rates, new algorithms are under clinical investigation. Another approach is the simultaneous depolarization of the right and left atrium. Biatrial pacing is performed with one lead in the high right atrium and another lead in the coronary sinus. Another solution is bifocal atrial pacing with leads placed in the high right atrium and in the coronary sinus ostium. One effect of the new pacing techniques is to shorten interatrial conduction times. Therefore, biatrial pacing has become a therapy to prevent atrial arrhythmias deriving from delayed interatrial conduction times. As atrial reentry circuits seem to be important in atrial fibrillation, multisite atrial pacing is also performed in patients with medical refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Preliminary results suggest a more effective prevention of atrial fibrillation; nevertheless, these techniques should be still restricted to patients enrolled in clinical studies.  相似文献   
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