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The heat capacity of e-H 2 with powder of FeO(OH) used as a catalyst for ortho-para equilibration has been investigated using sealed cells fabricated at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and at the National Metrology Institute of Japan. An anomalous double peak has been observed in their heat capacities at temperatures just below the triple point independent of sources of H2 and FeO(OH) and designs of sealed cells. Supercooling behavior has been observed not only at the triple point but also at each anomalous peak resulting from a depression of the melting temperature of a portion of solid H 2 in close physical proximity to the catalyst. The reduction of the amount of catalyst suppresses the size of the anomalies and allows one to obtain more reliable melting curves for e-H2 at the triple point.  相似文献   
This article introduces an aerosol-based technique to make aqueous suspension of hydrophobic nanomaterial without adding dispersant. The method is intended for making a test-sample for evaluating the toxicities of nanomaterial by intra-tracheal administration. The method can wet the surface of hydrophobic nanomaterial within a few seconds. After the wetting process five to ten minutes of sonication assisted with manual stirring can fully disperse the hydrophobic nanomaterials in water. Two types of TiO2 nanomaterial were used in this study; Tayca JMT-150IB whose surfaces are coated with negatively charged hydrophobic functional group, and P25 whose surfaces are naturally hydrophilic. Nanomaterials are aerosolized by a dry-method and become micrometer-sized agglomerates. Then supersaturated water vapor is condensed onto these airborne agglomerates by using a growth tube collector. The collected suspension (CS) of hydrophobic nanomaterial (JMT-150IB) is prepared in two steps; airborne agglomerates are collected onto a flat surface then transferred to liquid-water and subsequently sonicated for complete dispersion. This method works equally well for making the CS of hydrophilic nanomaterial. Size distribution measurements of the CS show that airborne agglomerates of TiO2 dissociate into smaller units of agglomerates once they are captured into water, and the sizes of the agglomerates are in the nanometer to sub-micrometer range. Light scattering technique is used to show that a short sonication process can reproduce the particle number concentration of the CS after long storage.

Copyright © 2017 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

A butanol-type ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC, Model 3776, TSI, Inc., Shoreview, MN, USA), which can achieve a 50% detection efficiency diameter (d50) of 2.5 nm using a capillary-sheath structure, was modified and tested in the laboratory for airborne measurements. The aerosol flow rate through the capillary is a key factor affecting the quantification of aerosol particle number concentrations. A pressure-dependent correction factor for the aerosol flow rate was determined using a newly added mass flow meter for the sheath flow and the external calibration system. The effect of particle coincidence in the optical sensing volume was evaluated using an aerosol electrometer (AE, Model 3068B, TSI, Inc.) as a reference. An additional correction factor for the coincidence effect was derived to improve the quantification accuracy at higher concentrations. The particle detection efficiency relative to the AE was measured for mobility diameters of 3.1–50 nm and inlet absolute pressures of 101–40 kPa. The pressure dependence of the d50 value, asymptotic detection efficiency, and shape of the particle detection efficiency curve is discussed, along with simple theoretical calculations for the diffusion loss of particles and the butanol saturation ratio in the condenser.

© 2017 American Association for Aerosol Science  相似文献   

Rechargeable cells with lithium metal anodes have a very large theoretical energy density and are a promising cell system. However, rechargeable lithium metal cells are not yet currently commercially available. One of the biggest problems with the cells is the poor safety aspect resulting from the high chemical reactivity of lithium. We have been studying a cell system consisting of an amorphous (a-)V2O5P2O5 (95:5 in molar ratio) cathode, a lithium (Li) metal anode and an organic electrolyte in fabricating an AA-size prototype. In this paper, we report recent progress on our rechargeable lithium metal cell focusing on its safety.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with the initiation of breast-feeding in a predominantly Puerto Rican population living in inner-city Hartford, Conn. DESIGN: Retrospective study of 144 Latino women (mean +/- standard deviation age = 26.3 +/- 5.7 years) with children at least 1 year old but younger than 6 years old (mean +/- standard deviation age = 3.0 +/- 1.2 years) at the time of the survey. Women were recruited from agencies sponsoring health programs for mothers and children. They were interviewed in their homes (69%) or at the Hispanic Health Council, Hartford, Conn (31%). SUBJECTS/SETTING: Low-income Latino women who had at least 1 preschooler at the time of the interview. The women lived in inner-city Hartford, and the overwhelming majority were Puerto Rican and received welfare assistance and food stamps. Seventy-eight percent of the women chose to be interviewed in Spanish; the other 22% were interviewed in English. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Explanatory variables that related to breast-feeding initiation (P < or = .2) in bivariate chi 2 analyses were entered into a multivariate logistic regression model that was reduced using backward stepwise elimination procedures. RESULTS: Multivariate analyses indicated that breast-feeding the previous child, shorter length of maternal residence in the United States, not receiving prenatal bottle-feeding advice, more recent birth, and higher birth weight were positively associated with breast-feeding initiation. A major reason for choosing not to breast-feed was that women felt socially uncomfortable doing it. APPLICATIONS: Breast-feeding initiation was more likely in Latino women who received prenatal breast-feeding counselling and postpartum support. Mothers of low-birth-weight infants and women breast-feeding for the first time may need additional help. These findings can be used by programs like the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children to increase breast-feeding initiation.  相似文献   
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