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A study has been made of the adsorption of bacteriophage R17 and reovirus type 3 by the amorphous aluminosilicate clay mineral allophane. In agreement with previous studies of virus adsorption to other minerals such as montmorillonite and aluminium hydroxide, the principal factors influencing adsorption were found to be mixing time, pH and the concentrations and isoelectric points of both the virus and the absorbent. However, allophane was found to be a much better adsorbent for reovirus and R17 over the pH range 5–7, the natural pH range of many fresh waters.By using highly purified radioactive reovirus it was possible to follow both the distribution of radioactive virus in a clay suspension and the specific infectivity of the virus. This study revealed that when adsorbed virus was eluted by neutral phosphate solutions it retained its physical integrity but was of a lower specific infectivity.  相似文献   
Janssen RP  Verweij W 《Water research》2003,37(6):1320-1350
Groundwater samples were taken from seven bore holes at depths ranging from 2 to 41m nearby drinking water pumping station Vierlingsbeek, The Netherlands and analysed for Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm and Eu. Shale-normalized patterns were generally flat and showed that the observed rare earth elements (REE) were probably of natural origin. In the shallow groundwaters the REEs were light REE (LREE) enriched, probably caused by binding of LREEs to colloids. To improve understanding of the behaviour of the REE, two approaches were used: calculations of the speciation and a statistical approach.For the speciation calculations, complexation and precipitation reactions including inorganic and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) compounds, were taken into account. The REE speciation showed REE(3+), REE(SO(4))(+), REE(CO(3))(+) and REE(DOC) being the major species. Dissolution of pure REE precipitates and REE-enriched solid phases did not account for the observed REEs in groundwater. Regulation of REE concentrations by adsorption-desorption processes to Fe(III)(OH)(3) and Al(OH)(3) minerals, which were calculated to be present in nearly all groundwaters, is a probable explanation.The statistical approach (multiple linear regression) showed that pH is by far the most significant groundwater characteristic which contributes to the variation in REE concentrations. Also DOC, SO(4), Fe and Al contributed significantly, although to a much lesser extent, to the variation in REE concentrations. This is in line with the calculated REE-species in solution and REE-adsorption to iron and aluminium (hydr)oxides. Regression equations including only pH, were derived to predict REE concentrations in groundwater. External validation showed that these regression equations were reasonably successful to predict REE concentrations of groundwater of another drinking water pumping station in quite different region of The Netherlands.  相似文献   
Air speeds induced by mechanical ventilation systems in the occupied zone are studied experimentally in seven railway stations in Hong Kong. Values of air speed at different positions are measured. From these values, air speed contours and turbulence intensities are calculated. Macroscopic numbers describing airflow in a space including the Reynolds number and the jet momentum number are estimated and their potential uses are discussed.  相似文献   
The authors’ group has been conducting full-scale measurements of wind velocities with Doppler sodars. It is very important to accurately assess the profiles of mean wind speeds and turbulence intensities in relation to terrain roughness. In this study, the profiles were evaluated for all data measured over a long period at a seashore and two inland sites. It is confirmed that for strong winds the profiles can be approximated by a single power law at altitudes between 50 and 340 m. The power law exponents of the mean wind speed profiles are approximately 0.1 for wind from the sea and 0.2-0.3 for wind blown over land. Those of the turbulence intensity profiles are approximately 0 and −0.2 to 0.4, respectively.  相似文献   
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a program to install air quality network stations throughout the country in order to measure concentration of the ambient air pollutants. The site selection of these stations is an important objective to be accomplished and must be done based on scientific and rational work. To accomplish this objective, a modified version of atmospheric transport and dispersion model, known as air resources laboratories - atmospheric transport and dispersion (ARLATAD) model, is used to evaluate long range transport and diffusion of air pollutants from major pollution causing sources such as refineries, open-air burning of associated gases of oil fields and major industries.Hourly meteorological data for a period of three years (from 1977 to 1979) on wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and temperature from 20 synoptic stations in Saudi Arabia is processed and used as model input. In addition to these, meteorological data from three upper air stations is also processed in order to determine base and top of critical inversion heights.Various pollution causing sources are identified within the study area. Air trajectories are drawn with sources as the origins of the trajectories and the dispersion characteristics is studied with distance and time. Based on long term meteorological records, the adversely affected zones are statistically identified for potential station sites.  相似文献   
A model is developed for predicting and simulating the mechanical behaviour and failure mode of brittle porous granular rocks loaded in compression. It is based on a fracture mechanics analysis applied to cracks emanating from the surface of cylindrical pores in two-dimensional, which is well suited to the microstructure of such rocks. It is also consistent with the usual experimental procedure used for biaxial compression tests since the numerical scheme is implemented under the assumption of imposed axial strain. The model takes into account interactions between neighbouring cracks, which grow when their stress intensity factor reaches the fracture toughness of the rock. The simulation of crack growth from cylindrical holes, associated with a failure criterion based on the coalescence of interacting cracks, allows one to calculate the critical stress at rupture and to derive theoretical stress–strain curves.The present model is then used to compare theoretical results with laboratory data obtained on four sandstones with porosity ranging between 13% and 25.5% which were deformed under conventional triaxial compression conditions at confining pressures between 0 and 35 MPa. The comparison shows that by using a small number of parameters (pore size, pore density, fracture toughness, and elastic moduli), the model is able to predict the rock behaviour during the compression tests and the stress level at rupture in a quite accurate way, when the microstructural parameters introduced are consistent with the observations.  相似文献   
In Japan, development of underground shopping malls beneath the street is controlled by many laws and regulations. Nonetheless, demands for such development nowadays are increasing in densely populated cities because of the advantages, both in terms of economics and the public interest. This case history deals with the construction process and precautionary measures taken against potential disasters in the development of the east side of Yokohama Station.  相似文献   
The paper has investigated the disinfecting effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on the microorganisms of E. coli in water. It has been found that disinfection kinetics depend on the intensity of the hydrodynamic cavitation field, the microbial load, and gas content. We have studied structure and morphology variation of the E. coli bacteria. It has been demonstrated that the antimicrobial effect is achieved owing to the physicochemical effects of the cavitation field, under whose influence there occurs mechanical destruction of cells and chemical disinfection by the radicals of hydroxyl and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
This survey is intended to characterize the noise impact due to electrical energy substations in the city of Curitiba over the population living in their vicinity. This impact has been studied with the aid of a computational tool capable of mapping the acoustical field of substations and their vicinity. Several factors have been considered in this survey: (1) sound power of the transformers; (2) vehicle flow on the surrounding roads; (3) positioning of the firewalls, buildings and walls; and (4) terrain topography. Four substations have been analyzed, and an acoustical map has been traced for each of them. With these maps it was possible to visualize what was the incident noise level on the building facades. The predicted noise levels have been compared to the environmental legislation of the noise emissions in effect in the city.  相似文献   
In this paper, the impact of endogenous information provision to drivers in road transport is investigated. A static economic equilibrium model is used, which allows potential road users to buy information on the prevailing (stochastic) traffic situation. It takes for granted that an individual will try to acquire proper information when the private benefits of doing so exceed the private costs. By using an information model for road users, the interesting result is found that the provision of endogenous information leads to a strict Pareto improvement. Furthermore, the model shows that — depending on the price of information — it can be efficiency improving to subsidise or tax the motorist information to the user. Finally, there is a relationship between fine congestion pricing and subsidising motorist information. It turns out that the social welfare maximising subsidy under first-best congestion pricing is equal to zero. However, subsidising information may be an attractive policy instrument when a flat congestion pricing scheme is preferred.Participates in the VSB-fonds sponsored research project Transport and Environment  相似文献   
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