Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - The phase composition, type II microstresses, and coherent scattering domains (CSDs) of multicomponent (medium- and high-entropy) bcc solid solutions with an... 相似文献
It is obvious that the performance of firms hinges upon the dynamics of both industry‐ and firm‐specific factors. A less obvious, and perhaps a more important, line of inquiry is that to the extent that they have a bearing on firm performance, how much do these two groups of factors respectively predict firm performance? To date, performance differences among construction firms that stem from industry‐ and firm‐specific differential effect has remained largely unexplored. Using a dataset comprising 526 firms across various construction‐related sectors, the sector‐by‐sector firm performance variation that is attributable to the heterogeneity of both industry‐ and firm‐specific characteristics was empirically examined. That statistically significant results of different effect sizes are found indicates that although these factors are often assumed to be intertwined it is possible to study their respective impact on firm performance. Future studies could usefully replicate and extend this study to construction firms in other countries to further investigate what drives firm performance under different national, industry and firm contexts. 相似文献
The 1101 km length of the Andalusian coast (Spain) was assessed for coastal scenery at 45 specific locations. Selected areas covered resort (3), urban (19), village (8), rural (10) and remote (5) bathing areas. Scenery was analyzed for physical and human parameters via 26 selected parameters. These parameters were obtained by interviews of >500 people on European beaches. Each parameter was assessed via a one-to-five-point attribute scale, which essentially ranged from presence/absence or poor quality (1), to excellent/outstanding (5). Results were subsequently weighted by interviewing >600 bathing area users (not all 26 parameters have equal weight) and subjected to fuzzy logic mathematics in order to reduce recorder subjectivity. High weighted averages for attributes 4 and 5 (excellent/outstanding) reflected high scenic quality, vice versa for attributes 1 and 2. Sites were classified into five classes ranging from Class 1 sites having top grade scenery to Class 5, poor scenery. Seven sites each were found in Classes 1 and 2; 10 sites each in Classes 3 and 5; 11 sites in Class 4. The finest coastal scenery was found in remote areas whilst urban areas scored mainly as Class 3 or 4. Three out of the ten rural sites had Class 3 and 4 values assigned them whereas the rest scored as Class 1 and 2; village sites invariably had scores within Class 3 and 4. Of the three resort sites investigated, one scored as a Class 1 site, the others as Class 3. 相似文献
Ancient semi-natural deciduous woodland is a rare and threatened habitat cited by the European Union's Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Current protection of this endangered habitat in the UK takes the form of site-specific reserve designations but, if the habitat is to be conserved and enhanced, a landscape-scale selective targeting system is required. In the absence of suitable species data, physical attributes of habitat patches are used as surrogate indicators of biodiversity. Using a land-use database held on a geographical information system, values of four abiotic criteria (patch area, patch shape, nearest-neighbour distance and surrounding land use) of 48 ancient semi-natural woodland patches in part of the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty were calculated. In order to validate the findings, three lists of floral and faunal species, indicative of ancient semi-natural woodland, were compiled, and the patches ranked according to their alpha diversity using each list. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were calculated for patch alpha diversity and patch area (0.322 to 0.482), patch shape (0.275 to 0.465) and nearest-neighbour distance ( - 0.092 to - 0.223). Multiple regression indicated that between 15 and 22% of the variation in alpha patch diversity was explained by the abiotic factors. It is suggested that spatial targeting at the landscape scale is a valuable approach to habitat conservation. 相似文献
Estimation is the first step in the project development process. Information technology provides an efficient platform for estimators to obtain quotations and specifications for their bid estimates. However, in practice, project overhead estimation relies heavily on the professional judgement and intuition of the estimators. This reduces the overall accuracy and reliability of the bid and a better understanding of the factors affecting project overheads is fundamental before any improved estimating methods can be devised. Unfortunately, the published literature on this topic is very limited. Using exploratory factor analysis, we aim to bridge the current knowledge gap by highlighting the principal factors affecting project overheads. Questionnaires detailing 27 variables were sent to quantity surveying managers of large contractors in Hong Kong. Seventy-nine valid responses were analysed by exploratory factor analysis. From the results, eight factors were extracted with their latent properties identified with reference to the expert opinions collected from telephone interviews. The findings clarify some misconceptions about the factors affecting project overheads and provide useful evidence for practitioners and researchers to understand project overheads. Estimators who address the identified factors when assessing future project overhead costs can improve the accuracy of their cost estimates and project budgets. 相似文献
Fibre Chemistry - Under modern conditions the creation of materials for sanitary hygiene and medical products based on cellulose is of paramount importance. Development and improvement in this area... 相似文献
Glass and Ceramics - A system for technological regulation of adverse environmental impacts (AEI) that is based on the best available technologies (BAT) was analyzed. The expediency of updating the... 相似文献
Data on the reactions and processes occurring under the conditions of the alkaline activation of carbon substances—the production of activated carbons by the thermolysis of carbon substances in the presence of alkali metal hydroxides MOH—are summarized. The following most important activation processes were recognized: (1) the interaction of functional groups with MOH and the formation of intermediate structures with the C-O-M group; (2) their conversion into metal-containing compounds (primarily, M2CO3 and M2O) in reactions with carbon, especially, with terminal C atoms on the periphery of graphenes; and (3) the reduction of M2CO3 and M2O to the metal M, which is intercalated into the interlayer spaces of crystallites. The mechanism of alkaline activation was studied in most detail for KOH as an activating agent. The thermally initiated reduction of potassium oxide with carbon and the intercalation of potassium metal are the two most important processes for the development of the microporosity of activated carbon. 相似文献
Bio-ethanol is well known for its use as a gasoline additive. However, it can be blended in low portions to traditional gasoline although it has a corrosive nature. By taking advantage of modern continuous reactor technology and heterogeneous alumina catalysts, ethanol can be upgraded to 1-butanol in fixed beds. Butanol has more feasible properties as fuel component in comparison to ethanol. Mathematical modeling of reaction kinetics revealed a simple kinetic model could be used to describe the complex reaction process on a Cu/alumina catalyst. The reaction kinetics model is based on five parallel reactions in which ethanol reacts to 1-butanol, acetealdehyde, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether and diethoxyethane, respectively.