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Parts of katG and rpoB from 27 Russian Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates were sequenced to detect mutations causing resistance to isoniazid (INH) and rifampin (RMP), respectively. All 24 INH-resistant isolates had a mutated katG, and 22 of them (91.7%) carried a mutation coding for a Ser315Thr shift. An rpoB mutation was noted for each of the 21 RMP-resistant isolates, with Ser531Leu being the most prevalent change encoded. Only two isolates had identical IS6110 fingerprints.  相似文献   
A biochemical approach was used to identify proteins which interact with human BRCA1. Through this work, a kinase activity which co-purifies with BRCA1 has been identified. This kinase activity, which phosphorylates BRCA1 in vitro, was originally identified in Sf9 insect cells but is also present in cells of human origin including breast and ovarian carcinoma cell lines. The BRCA1 kinase activity in vitro is associated with a fragment of BRCA1 encompassing amino acids 329-435. This peptide is also phosphorylated in various human cell lines. A computer-assisted sequence analysis revealed that this peptide was a potential substrate for phosphorylation by PKA, PKC, or CKII. However, phosphorylation by these kinases could not be demonstrated in vitro indicating the presence of another kinase activity. Phosphorylation in vitro requires a minimal domain of BRCA1 encompassing amino acids 379-408. Notably, deletion of this minimal domain abolishes growth suppression by BRCA1 indicating that this domain, as well as phosphorylation within this domain, may be important for BRCA1 function.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: An extensive literature describes structural lesions in apraxia, but few studies have used functional neuroimaging. We used positron emission tomography (PET) to characterize relative cerebral glucose metabolism in a 65-year-old, right-handed woman with progressive decline in ability to manipulate objects, write, and articulate speech. OBJECTIVE: To characterize functional brain organization in apraxia. DESIGN AND METHODS: The patient underwent a neurological examination, neuropsychological testing, magnetic resonance imaging, and fludeoxyglucose F 18 PET. The patient's magnetic resonance image was coregistered to her PET image, which was compared with the PET images of 7 right-handed, healthy controls. Hemispheric regions of interest were normalized by calcrine cortex. RESULTS: Except for apraxia and mild grip weakness, results of the neurological examination were normal. There was ideomotor apraxia of both hands (command, imitation, and object) and buccofacial apraxia. The patient could recognize meaningful gestures performed by the examiner and discriminate between his accurate and awkward pantomime. The magnetic resonance image showed moderate generalized atrophy and mild ischemic changes. Positron emission tomographic scans showed abnormal fludeoxyglucose F 18 uptake in the posterior frontal, supplementary motor, and parietal regions, the left affected more than the right. Focal metabolic deficit was present in the angular gyrus, an area hypothesized to store conceptual knowledge of skilled movement. CONCLUSIONS: Greater parietal than frontal physiological dysfunction and preserved gesture recognition are not consistent with the theory that knowledge of limb praxis is stored in the dominant parietal cortex. Gesture comprehension may be more diffusely distributed.  相似文献   
The stability of enalapril 1 mg/mL (as the maleate) in deionized water, citrate buffer solution, and a sweetened suspending agent at two temperatures was studied. Twenty enalapril 10-mg tablets were crushed to a powder. Deionized water, citrate buffer solution, or sweetened vehicle was added to produce three 200-mL batches of each liquid; the expected final concentration of enalapril in each was 1 mg/mL. Each formulation was stored in 10 60-mL bottles, 5 of which were stored at 4 degrees C and 5 at 25 degrees C. Samples were collected on days 0, 7, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 91 for visual inspection and analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography; pH was measured at each sampling time as well. The mean concentration of enalapril in the three liquids at 4 degrees C was > 94% of the initial concentration throughout the 91-day study period. At 25 degrees C, the mean concentration of enalapril was > 90% for 56 days and > 92% for 91 days in both citrate buffer solution and sweetened vehicle. The pH of the liquid prepared with deionized water and stored at 25 degrees C decreased by 2.0 pH units. Enalapril 1 mg/mL (as the maleate) in three extemporaneously compounded oral liquids was stable for 91 days at 4 and 25 degrees C with the exception of enalapril in deionized water, which was stable for only 56 days at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   
A fixed-ratio schedule of water reinforcement (FR-10) was used to examine the relative contributions of pharmacological and behavioral mechanisms in the development of tolerance to the disruptive effects of LSD and mescaline in the rat. Rats treated daily with LSD or mescaline before operant testing developed tolerance to the impairement of responding, while rats treated daily after each session did not display tolerance when the drugs were administered before testing. These results indicate that behavioral compensatory mechanisms may be involved in the development of tolerance to the disruptive effects of LSD and mescaline on fixed-ratio (FR-10) performance.  相似文献   
A regional anaesthetic technique is described using a blind anatomical approach to the obturator nerve and nerve to quadratus femoris, as a means of alleviating the disabling pain of chronic osteoarthritis of the hip, when arthroplasty is not available.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the predictive value of sperm morphology assessed by strict criteria on IVF outcome. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of all IVF cycles (January 1987 to December 1992). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All patients were assigned to one of three groups based on sperm morphology: P-pattern (< 4% normal forms), G-pattern (4% to 14% normal forms), and N-pattern (> 14% normal forms). Morphology pattern was related to other semen characteristics and IVF outcome. RESULTS: Despite corrective measures at oocyte insemination, the fertilization rate was significantly different among the three morphology groups, P < G < N. N-pattern sperm produced a mean fertilization rate over 85% regardless of low motility or concentration. In a cohort study, P-pattern cycles produced a lower implantation rate and lower ongoing pregnancy rate, independent of the lower fertilization rate. CONCLUSIONS: Strict morphology is an excellent biomarker of sperm fertilizing capacity, independent of motility and concentration. P-pattern sperm may denote a poorer prognosis for establishing a pregnancy, even after a satisfactory fertilization rate is achieved.  相似文献   
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