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Ferroelectric materials are well‐suited for a variety of applications because they can offer a combination of high performance and scaled integration. Examples of note include piezoelectrics to transform between electrical and mechanical energies, capacitors used to store charge, electro‐optic devices, and nonvolatile memory storage. Accordingly, they are widely used as sensors, actuators, energy storage, and memory components, ultrasonic devices, and in consumer electronics products. Because these functional properties arise from a noncentrosymmetric crystal structure with spontaneous strain and a permanent electric dipole, the properties depend upon physical and electrical boundary conditions, and consequently, physical dimension. The change in properties with decreasing physical dimension is commonly referred to as a size effect. In thin films, size effects are widely observed, whereas in bulk ceramics, changes in properties from the values of large‐grained specimens is most notable in samples with grain sizes below several micrometers. It is important to note that ferroelectricity typically persists to length scales of about 10 nm, but below this point is often absent. Despite the stability of ferroelectricity for dimensions greater than ~10 nm, the dielectric and piezoelectric coefficients of scaled ferroelectrics are suppressed relative to their bulk counterparts, in some cases by changes up to 80%. The loss of extrinsic contributions (domain and phase boundary motion) to the electromechanical response accounts for much of this suppression. In this article, the current understanding of the underlying mechanisms for this behavior in perovskite ferroelectrics is reviewed. We focus on the intrinsic limits of ferroelectric response, the roles of electrical and mechanical boundary conditions, grain size and thickness effects, and extraneous effects related to processing. In many cases, multiple mechanisms combine to produce the observed scaling effects.  相似文献   
As part of a continued push for high permittivity dielectrics suitable for use at elevated operating temperatures and/or large electric fields, modifications of BaTiO3 with Bi(M)O3, where M represents a net‐trivalent B‐site occupied by one or more species, have received a great deal of recent attention. Materials in this composition family exhibit weakly coupled relaxor behavior that is not only remarkably stable at high temperatures and under large electric fields, but is also quite similar across various identities of M. Moderate levels of Bi content (as much as 50 mol%) appear to be crucial to the stability of the dielectric response. In addition, the presence of significant Bi reduces the processing temperatures required for densification and increases the required oxygen content in processing atmospheres relative to traditional X7R‐type BaTiO3‐based dielectrics. Although detailed understanding of the structure–processing–property relationships in this class of materials is still in its infancy, this article reviews the current state of understanding of the mechanisms underlying the high and stable values of both relative permittivity and resistivity that are characteristic of BaTiO3‐Bi(M)O3 dielectrics as well as the processing challenges and opportunities associated with these materials.  相似文献   
Holliday Junctions are critical DNA intermediates central to double strand break repair and homologous recombination. The junctions can adopt two general forms: open and stacked-X, which are induced by protein or ion binding. In this work, fluorescence spectroscopy, metal ion luminescence and thermodynamic measurements are used to elucidate the ion binding site and the mechanism of junction conformational change. Förster resonance energy transfer measurements of end-labeled junctions monitored junction conformation and ion binding affinity, and reported higher affinities for multi-valent ions. Thermodynamic measurements provided evidence for two classes of binding sites. The higher affinity ion-binding interaction is an enthalpy driven process with an apparent stoichiometry of 2.1 ± 0.2. As revealed by Eu3+ luminescence, this binding class is homogeneous, and results in slight dehydration of the ion with one direct coordination site to the junction. Luminescence resonance energy transfer experiments confirmed the presence of two ions and indicated they are 6–7 Å apart. These findings are in good agreement with previous molecular dynamics simulations, which identified two symmetrical regions of high ion density in the center of stacked junctions. These results support a model in which site-specific binding of two ions in close proximity is required for folding of DNA Holliday junctions into the stacked-X conformation.  相似文献   
Analysis of the hornet’s hemolymph revealed the presence of C16 and C18 fatty acids (70%), which were accompanied by minor quantities (ranging from 0.1% to 0.6%) of the following acids: C10∶0, C11∶0, C12∶0, C13∶0, C14∶0, C15∶0, C16∶0, and C17∶0. The hemolymph of the queen larvae contained more C18∶1 than the hemolymph of the worker larvae, and the percentage of C16∶1 was higher in the fat body and the midgut than in the hemolymph. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   
The heartwood of bald cypress,Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich., resisted feeding attack by the Formosan subterranean termite,Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. Hexane-extracted heartwood, however, was consumed at > 12 times the amount of sound heartwood eaten. A bioassay usingT. distichum sapwood as a feeding substrate was employed to assess the antitermitic activity of successive hexane, acetone, and methanol extracts of heartwood shavings and isolates derived from the active hexane extract. Two fractions, eluted from the crude hexane extract by liquid chromatography, significantly reduced termite feeding compared to the parent extract, while a third fraction was less active than the original hexane extract. Each fraction contained one major component. All three components were structurally related diterpenes. The two most active heartwood constituents were identified by GC-MS and NMR as ferruginol and manool, while the third and least active, but most prevalent, compound in heartwood was identified as nezukol. Results of bioassays suggest that these allelochemicals act principally as feeding deterrents with accompanying termite mortality due to starvation.  相似文献   
The e.m.f. of a concentration cell for SO x (x=2,3)-O2 incorporating Nasicon as the main solid electrolyte has been measured in the temperature range 720 to 1080 K. The cell arrangement can be represented as, $$Pt, O'_2 + SO'_2 + SO'_3 \left| {Na_2 SO_4 \left\| {\left. {Nasicon} \right\|} \right.} \right.\left. {Na_2 SO_4 } \right|SO''_3 + SO''_2 + O''_2 , Pt$$ The Na2SO4 acts both as an auxiliary electrode, converting chemical potentials of SO x and O2 to equivalent sodium potentials, and as an electrolyte. The presence of Na2SO4 provides partial protection of Nasicon from chemical reaction with gas mixtures containing SO x . The open circuit e.m.f. of the cell is in close agreement with values given by the Nernst equation. For certain fixed inlet gas compositions of SO2+O2, the e.m.f. varies non-linearly with temperature. The intrinsic response time of the cell to step changes in gas composition is estimated to vary from ~2.0 ksec at 723K to ~ 0.2 ksec at 1077K. The cell functions well for large differences in partial pressures of SO3(p″SO 3/p′SO 3≈104) at the electrodes.  相似文献   
Large-scale helium liquefaction systems, being energy-intensive, demand judicious selection of process parameters. An effective tool for design and analysis of thermodynamic cycles for these systems is exergy analysis, which is used to study the behavior of a helium liquefaction system based on modified Claude cycle. Parametric evaluation using process simulator Aspen HYSYS® helps to identify the effects of cycle pressure ratio and expander flow fraction on the exergetic efficiency of the liquefaction cycle. The study computes the distribution of losses at different refrigeration stages of the cycle and helps in selecting optimum cycle pressures, operating temperature levels of expanders and mass flow rates through them. Results from the analysis may help evolving guidelines for designing appropriate thermodynamic cycles for practical helium liquefaction systems.  相似文献   
Spatial organization of proteins into microscopic structures has important applications in fundamental and applied research. Preserving the function of proteins in such microstructures requires generic methods for site-specific capturing through affinity handles. Here, we present a versatile bottom-up surface micropatterning approach based on surface functionalization with maleimides, which selectively react with organic thiols. Upon UV irradiation through a photomask, the functionality of illuminated maleimide groups was efficiently destroyed. Remaining maleimides in nonilluminated regions were further reacted with different thiol-functionalized groups for site-specific protein immobilization under physiological conditions. Highly selective immobilization of His-tagged proteins into tris(nitrilotriacetic acid) functionalized microstructures with very high contrast was possible even by direct capturing of proteins from crude cell lysates. Moreover, we employed phosphopantetheinyl transfer from surface-immobilized coenzyme A to ybbR-tagged proteins in order to implement site-specific, covalent protein immobilization into microstructures. The functional integrity of the immobilized protein was confirmed by monitoring protein-protein interactions in real time. Moreover, we demonstrate quantitative single-molecule analysis of protein-protein interactions with proteins selectively captured into these high-contrast micropatterns.  相似文献   
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is widely used as an analytical platform for metabolomics. Many studies make use of 1D spectra, which have the advantages of relative simplicity and rapid acquisition times. The spectral data can then be analyzed either with a chemometric workflow or by an initial deconvolution or fitting step to generate a list of identified metabolites and associated sample concentrations. Various software tools exist to simplify the fitting process, but at least for 1D spectra, this still requires a degree of skilled operator input. It is of critical importance that we know how much person-to-person variability affects the results, in order to be able to judge between different studies. Here we tested a commercially available software package (Chenomx' NMR Suite) for fitting metabolites to a set of NMR spectra of yeast extracts and compared the output of five different people for both metabolite identification and quantitation. An initial comparison showed good agreement for a restricted set of common metabolites with characteristic well-resolved resonances but wide divergence in the overall identities and number of compounds fitted; refitting according to an agreed set of metabolites and spectral processing approach increased the total number of metabolites fitted but did not dramatically increase the quality of the metabolites that could be fitted without prior knowledge about peak identity. Hence, robust peak assignments are required in advance of manual deconvolution, when the widest range of metabolites is desired. However, very low concentration metabolites still had high coefficients of variation even with shared information on peak assignment. Overall, the effect of the person was less than the experimental group (in this case, sampling method) for almost all of the metabolites.  相似文献   
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