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As part of an ongoing effort to prepare therapeutically useful orally active thrombin inhibitors, we have synthesized a series of compounds that utilize nonbasic groups in the P1 position. The work is based on our previously reported lead structure, compound 1, which was discovered via a resin-based approach to varying P1. By minimizing the size and lipophilicity of the P3 group and by incorporating hydrogen-bonding groups on the N-terminus or on the 2-position of the P1 aromatic ring, we have prepared a number of derivatives in this series that exhibit subnanomolar enzyme potency combined with good in vivo antithrombotic and bioavailability profiles. The oxyacetic amide compound 14b exhibited the best overall profile of in vitro and in vivo activity, and crystallographic studies indicate a unique mode of binding in the thrombin active site.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Increasing concentrations of desflurane result in progressive decreases in blood pressure (BP) and, unlike other currently marketed, potent volatile anesthetics, heightened sympathetic nervous system activity. This study aimed to determine whether baroreflex mechanisms are involved in desflurane-mediated sympathetic excitation. METHODS: Healthy volunteers were anesthetized with desflurane (n = 8) or isoflurane (n = 9). Heart rate (HR; measured by electrocardiograph), blood pressure (BP; measured by arterial catheter), and efferent sympathetic nerve activity (SNA; obtained from percutaneous recordings from the peroneal nerve) were monitored. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated at baseline while volunteers were conscious and during 0.5, 1, and 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) anesthesia via bolus injections of nitroprusside (100 microg) and phenylephrine (150 microg) to decrease and increase BP. To prevent the BP decline with increasing depths of anesthesia, phenylephrine was infused to maintain mean BP at the 0.5 MAC level. RESULTS: The HR, BP, and SNA were similar between the groups at the conscious baseline measurement. Efferent SNA did not change during higher MAC of isoflurane, but it increased progressively as desflurane concentrations were increased beyond 0.5 MAC, despite maintaining BP at the 0.5 MAC value with phenylephrine infusions (P < 0.05). Cardiac baroslopes (based on changes in HR) were progressively and similarly decreased with increasing concentrations of isoflurane and desflurane (P < 0.05). Sympathetic baroslopes (based on SNA) decreased with increasing isoflurane concentrations but were maintained with increasing concentrations of desflurane; the response was significantly different between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in basal levels of SNA with increasing concentrations of desflurane persisted despite "fixing" BP and thus is probably not due to hypotension and unloading of the baroreceptors. Further, the preservation of reflex increases in SNA to nitroprusside during desflurane indicates that desflurane preserves one component of the baroreflex in humans when BP is "fixed."  相似文献   
The Extradenticle (Exd) protein in Drosophila acts as a cofactor to homeotic proteins. Its nuclear localization is regulated. We report the cloning of the Drosophila homothorax (hth) gene, a homolog of the mouse Meis1 proto-oncogene that has a homeobox related to that of exd. Comparison with Meis1 finds two regions of high homology: a novel MH domain and the homeodomain. In imaginal discs, hth expression coincides with nuclear Exd. hth and exd also have virtually identical, mutant clonal phenotypes in adults. These results suggest that hth and exd function in the same pathway. We show that hth acts upstream of exd and is required and sufficient for Exd protein nuclear localization. We also show that hth and exd are both negative regulators of eye development; their mutant clones caused ectopic eye formation. Targeted expression of hth, but not of exd, in the eye disc abolished eye development completely. We suggest that hth acts with exd to delimit the eye field and prevent inappropriate eye development.  相似文献   
Attachment of an adenovirus (Ad) to a cell is mediated by the capsid fiber protein. To date, only the cellular fiber receptor for subgroup C serotypes 2 and 5, the so-called coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) protein, has been identified and cloned. Previous data suggested that the fiber of the subgroup D serotype Ad9 also recognizes CAR, since Ad9 and Ad2 fiber knobs cross-blocked each other's cellular binding. Recombinant fiber knobs and 3H-labeled Ad virions from serotypes representing all six subgroups (A to F) were used to determine whether the knobs cross-blocked the binding of virions from different subgroups. With the exception of subgroup B, all subgroup representatives cross-competed, suggesting that they use CAR as a cellular fiber receptor as well. This result was confirmed by showing that CAR, produced in a soluble recombinant form (sCAR), bound to nitrocellulose-immobilized virions from the different subgroups except subgroup B. Similar results were found for blotted fiber knob proteins. The subgroup F virus Ad41 has both short and long fibers, but only the long fiber bound sCAR. The sCAR protein blocked the attachment of all virus serotypes that bound CAR. Moreover, CHO cells expressing human CAR, in contrast to untransformed CHO cells, all specifically bound the sCAR-binding serotypes. We conclude therefore that Ad serotypes from subgroups A, C, D, E, and F all use CAR as a cellular fiber receptor.  相似文献   
The immunosuppressive agent FK 506 is widely used in liver transplant patients. Neurotoxicity is a major complication of its use. We report progressive and irreversible neurologic complications occurring in a 39-year-old woman who underwent liver transplantation and was treated with FK 506. Neuropathologic examination revealed multiple vasculitic lesions. The possibility of an FK 506-mediated toxic effect on the cerebral vessels is suggested.  相似文献   
An Escherichia coli O157:H7 subtyping method based on PCR amplification of variable DNA sequences between the repetitive element IS3 was developed. Template DNA was prepared by boiling cells in Chelex. Two separate IS3 PCR amplifications were performed for each isolate: one with a single primer (primer IS3A) and one with two primers (primers IS3A and IS3B). The IS3 PCR subtyping method was applied to 35 epidemiologically related and unrelated E. coli O157:H7 isolates that had been previously characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE identified 25 different subtypes (difference of one or more bands). PCR with single primer IS3A and primer pair IS3A-IS3B identified 6 and 14 different subtypes, respectively. By combining the results of the two PCR amplifications, 15 different IS3 PCR subtypes were identified. While not as sensitive as PFGE, IS3 PCR subtyping grouped all outbreak-related isolates. IS3 PCR banding patterns were reproducible between amplifications and between subcultures. IS3 PCR could serve as a simple, rapid screening method for the identification of unrelated E. coli O157:H7 isolates.  相似文献   
We here demonstrated the prophylactic effect of an extract (KM-110) from Viscum album coloratum, a Korean mistletoe, on tumor metastasis produced by highly metastatic tumor cells, colon 26-M3.1 carcinoma, B16-BL6 melanoma and L5178Y-ML25 lymphoma cells, using experimental models in mice. Intravenous (i.v.) administration of KM-110 (100 microg/mouse) 2 days before tumor inoculation significantly inhibited lung metastasis of B16-BL6 and colon 26-M3.1 cells, and liver and spleen metastasis of L5178Y-ML25 cells. The prophylactic effect of KM-110 on tumor metastasis was evident with various administration routes, i.e. subcutaneous, oral, intranasal as well as i.v., and was dependent upon the dose of KM-110 administered. Furthermore, mice given KM-110 (100 microg) 2 days before tumor inoculation showed significantly prolonged survival rates compared with the untreated mice. In a time course analysis of NK activity, i.v. administration of KM-110 (100 microg) significantly augmented NK cytotoxicity to Yac-a tumor cells from 1 to 3 days after KM-110 treatment. Furthermore, depletion NK cells by injection of rabbit anti-asialo GM1 serum completely abolished the inhibitory effect of KM-110 on lung metastasis of colon 26-M3.1 cells. These results suggest that KM-110 possesses immunopotentiating activity which enhances the host defense system against tumors, and that its prophylactic effect on tumor metastasis is mediated by NK cell activation.  相似文献   
An attempt was made to clarify whether the site of postchiasmal lesions affects subjective perception of homonymous visual field defects during stimulation with flickering random dot patterns (white noise-field). Out of 56 patients with homonymous hemianopia, 38 (68%) perceived scotomata in this situation, but 18 (32%) discerned none at all. Neuroradiologic superposition of cerebral lesions detected by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that nearly all patients who perceived their scotomata had lesions involving the primary visual cortex or the perigeniculate region, whereas those who received no scotoma had lesions centered within the optic radiation. Functional MRI of six normal subjects during stimulation with flickering random dot patterns indicated predominant activation of the primary visual cortex. Since noise-field defects were most frequently perceived by patients whose lesion involved the primary visual cortex, it appears that the sensitivity of noise-field campimetry depends on the site of damage in the visual pathway. The explanation for this may be that damage to long-range horizontal connections impairs filling-in processes.  相似文献   
Patients with nasal obstruction often have associated snoring. It is uncertain whether surgery, which relieves the nasal obstruction, will also relieve the snoring. We have reviewed 96 patients who complain of both nasal obstruction and snoring and who underwent nasal surgery. Snoring was completely relieved in 48 patients (50%), was less loud in a further 38 patients (40%), unchanged in 8 patients, and louder in 2. Patients who had nasal polypectomy as part of their nasal surgery obtained the greatest snoring relief. The relationship between nasal obstruction and snoring is complex and the alteration of airflow patterns after nasal surgery is postulated to be important in influencing snoring relief. This study suggests that, when snoring and nasal obstruction coexist, nasal surgery should be considered as the first line of surgical treatment.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S) randomized 4444 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and serum cholesterol 5.5 to 8.0 mmol/L (213 to 310 mg/dL) with triglycerides < or =2.5 mmol/L (220 mg/dL) to simvastatin 20 to 40 mg or placebo once daily. Over the median follow-up period of 5.4 years, one or more major coronary events (MCEs) occurred in 622 (28%) of the 2223 patients in the placebo group and 431 (19%) of the 2221 patients in the simvastatin group (34% risk reduction, P<.00001). Simvastatin produced substantial changes in several lipoprotein components, which we have attempted to relate to the beneficial effects observed. METHODS AND RESULTS: The Cox proportional hazards model was used to assess the relationship between lipid values (baseline, year 1, and percent change from baseline at year 1) and MCEs. The reduction in MCEs within the simvastatin group was highly correlated with on-treatment levels and changes from baseline in total and LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, and less so with HDL cholesterol, but there was no clear relationship with triglycerides. We estimate that each additional 1% reduction in LDL cholesterol reduces MCE risk by 1.7% (95% CI, 1.0% to 2.4%; P<.00001). CONCLUSIONS: These analyses suggest that the beneficial effect of simvastatin in individual patients in 4S was determined mainly by the magnitude of the change in LDL cholesterol, and they are consistent with current guidelines that emphasize aggressive reduction of this lipid in CHD patients.  相似文献   
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