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A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed for the determination of losartan and its E-3174 metabolite in human plasma, urine and dialysate. For plasma, a gradient mobile phase consisting of 25 mM potassium phosphate and acetonitrile pH 2.2 was used with a phenyl analytical column and fluorescence detection. For urine and dialysate, an isocratic mobile phase consisting of 25 mM potassium phosphate and acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) pH 2.2 was used. The method demonstrated linearity from 10 to 1000 ng/ml with a detection limit of 1 ng/ml for losartan and E-3174 using 10 microl of prepared plasma, urine or dialysate. The method was utilized in a study evaluating the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of losartan in patients with kidney failure undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The results of a Phase II study of concurrent chemotherapy and accelerated fractionation radiation therapy followed by surgical resection for patients with both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus are presented. Pretreatment and postinduction staging were correlated with pathologic findings at surgery to assess the role of surgical resection and the predictive value of noninvasive staging techniques. METHODS: Patients received 2 induction courses with 4-day continuous intravenous infusions of cisplatin (20 mg/m2/day) and 5-fluorouracil (1000 mg/m2/day) beginning on Day 1 and Day 21, concurrent with a split course of accelerated fractionation radiation (1.5 grays [Gy] twice daily, to a total dose of 45 Gy). All patients were subsequently referred for surgical resection. A single, identical postoperative course of chemotherapy and 24 Gy accelerated fractionation radiation was planned for patients with residual tumor at surgery. RESULTS: Seventy-four patients were entered on this study; 72 patients were considered eligible and evaluable. Induction toxicity included nausea (85%), increased dysphagia (90%), neutropenia (<1000/mm3) (43%), thrombocytopenia (<20,000/mm3) (10%), and reversible nephrotoxicity (8%). Sixty-seven patients (93%) underwent surgery, and 65 (90%) were found to have resectable tumors. Twelve of these patients (18%) died perioperatively, and 18 (27%) had no residual pathologic evidence of disease. Resolution of symptoms and normalization of radiographic studies, endoscopy, or esophageal ultrasound did not identify pathologic complete responders accurately. No patient completing induction therapy and surgery experienced a locoregional recurrence. The Kaplan-Meier 4-year projected recurrence free and overall survival rates were 49% and 44%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Although this regimen is feasible, there was significant preoperative toxicity and perioperative mortality. Nonetheless, the recurrence free and overall survival rates were encouraging. However, no staging tool can predict a pathologic complete response after induction therapy accurately, suggesting a continued need for surgical resection.  相似文献   
Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is an autosomal dominant, generalized skeletal dysplasia in humans that has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6. We report linkage of a CCD mutation to 6p21 in a large family and exclude the bone morphogenetic protein 6 gene (BMP6) as a candidate for the disease by cytogenetic localization and genetic recombination. CCD was linked with a maximal two-point LOD score of 7.22 with marker D6S452 at theta = 0. One relative with a recombination between D6S451 and D6S459 and another individual with a recombination between D6S465 and CCD places the mutation within a 7 cM region between D6S451 and D6S465 at 6p21. A phage P1 genomic clone spanning most of the BMP6 gene hybridized to chromosome 6 in band region p23-p24 using FISH analysis, placing this gene cytogenetically more distal than the region of linkage for CCD. We derived a new polymorphic marker from this same P1 clone and found recombinations between the marker and CCD in this family. The results confirm the map position of CCD on 6p21, further refine the CCD genetic interval by identifying a recombination between D6S451 and D6S459, and exclude BMP6 as a candidate gene.  相似文献   
The sequenced yeast genome offers a unique resource for the analysis of eukaryotic cell function and enables genome-wide screens for genes involved in cellular processes. We have identified genes involved in cell surface assembly by screening transposon-mutagenized cells for altered sensitivity to calcofluor white, followed by supplementary screens to further characterize mutant phenotypes. The mutated genes were directly retrieved from genomic DNA and then matched uniquely to a gene in the yeast genome database. Eighty-two genes with apparent perturbation of the cell surface were identified, with mutations in 65 of them displaying at least one further cell surface phenotype in addition to their modified sensitivity to calcofluor. Fifty of these genes were previously known, 17 encoded proteins whose function could be anticipated through sequence homology or previously recognized phenotypes and 15 genes had no previously known phenotype.  相似文献   
Pretreatment of murine leukaemia L1210 cells with non-lethal concentrations of various antimetabolites increased the in vitro invasive capacity of these cells into monolayers of rat embryo fibroblasts. The increase in invasive capacity was partly correlated with the induced cell cycle arrest. The concomitant increase in cell surface fucosylation and inhibition of invasion with sulphate indicate a role for glycoproteins in this process. Our results suggest that treatment with antimetabolites may lead to a more aggressive phenotype by altering cell surface properties.  相似文献   
The widespread use of bicarbonate dialysate and reprocessed high-efficiency and "high-flux" dialyzers has raised concerns about the increased risk of reverse-transfer of dialysate contaminants into the blood compartment. To evaluate this concern, the reverse-transfer of bacterial products from contaminated bicarbonate dialysate into the blood compartment was compared during in vitro dialysis with new or reprocessed high-flux polysulfone dialyzers. In vitro dialysis was carried out at 37 degrees C by use of a counter-current recirculating loop dialysis circuit with either new high-flux polysulfone dialyzers or dialyzers reprocessed once or 20 times with formaldehyde (0.75%) and bleach (< 1%) with an automated system. Heparinized whole blood from healthy volunteers was circulated through the blood compartment, and bicarbonate dialysate was circulated in the dialysate compartment. The dialysate was challenged sequentially by 1:1000 and 1:100 dilutions of a sterile Pseudomonas aeruginosa culture supernatant (bacterial challenge). Samples were drawn from the blood and dialysate compartments 1 h after each challenge. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were harvested by Ficoll-Hypaque separation from whole blood in the blood compartment and a 5 x 10(6) PBMC/mL cell suspension was prepared. Likewise, dialysate samples (0.5 mL) were added to 0.5 mL suspension of 5 x 10(6) PBMC/mL drawn at baseline. All PBMC suspensions were incubated upright in a humidified atmosphere at 37 degrees C with 5% CO2 for 24 h, and total interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) cytokine production (cell-associated and secreted) was measured by radioimmunoassay. Eight experiments were performed for each arm of the study with the same donor for each arm. One hour after contaminating the dialysate with a 1:1000 dilution of the bacterial challenge, IL-1 alpha production by PBMC harvested from the blood compartment was 160 +/- 0, 171 +/- 11, and 270 +/- 35 pg, respectively, for new dialyzers, dialyzers reprocessed once, and dialyzers reprocessed 20 times (P = 0.004). One hour after challenging the dialysate with 1:100 dilution, IL-1 alpha production by PBMC harvested from the blood compartment was 188 +/- 20, 228 +/- 35, and 427 +/- 67 pg, respectively, for new dialyzers, dialyzers reprocessed once, and dialyzers reprocessed 20 times (P = 0.006). IL-1 alpha production by PBMC from dialyzers reprocessed 20 times was significantly greater than both new and dialyzers reprocessed once. However, there were no significant differences between new dialyzers and dialyzers reprocessed once. Similarly, after the 1:1000 challenge, TNF alpha production by PBMC harvested from the blood compartment was 160 +/- 0, 160 +/- 0, and 213 +/- 22 pg, respectively, for new dialyzers, dialyzers reprocessed once, and dialyzers reprocessed 20 times (P = 0.008). After the 1:100 challenge, TNF alpha production was 168 +/- 8, 188 +/- 20, and 225 +/- 32 pg, respectively, for new dialyzers, dialyzers reprocessed once, and dialyzers reprocessed 20 times (P = 0.20). These results demonstrate that reprocessing of high-flux polysulfone dialyzers with bleach increases the risk of reverse-transfer of bacterial products from contaminated dialysate, and this risk appears to increase with the number of reuses. Consequently, units that reprocess membranes with bleach and have suboptimal water quality might subject their patients to a higher risk of cytokine-related morbidity.  相似文献   
Caspases are fundamental components of the mammalian apoptotic machinery, but the precise contribution of individual caspases is controversial. CPP32 (caspase 3) is a prototypical caspase that becomes activated during apoptosis. In this study, we took a comprehensive approach to examining the role of CPP32 in apoptosis using mice, embryonic stem (ES) cells, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) deficient for CPP32. CPP32(ex3-/-) mice have reduced viability and, consistent with an earlier report, display defective neuronal apoptosis and neurological defects. Inactivation of CPP32 dramatically reduces apoptosis in diverse settings, including activation-induced cell death (AICD) of peripheral T cells, as well as chemotherapy-induced apoptosis of oncogenically transformed CPP32(-/-) MEFs. As well, the requirement for CPP32 can be remarkably stimulus-dependent: In ES cells, CPP32 is necessary for efficient apoptosis following UV- but not gamma-irradiation. Conversely, the same stimulus can show a tissue-specific dependence on CPP32: Hence, TNFalpha treatment induces normal levels of apoptosis in CPP32 deficient thymocytes, but defective apoptosis in oncogenically transformed MEFs. Finally, in some settings, CPP32 is required for certain apoptotic events but not others: Select CPP32(ex3-/-) cell types undergoing cell death are incapable of chromatin condensation and DNA degradation, but display other hallmarks of apoptosis. Together, these results indicate that CPP32 is an essential component in apoptotic events that is remarkably system- and stimulus-dependent. Consequently, drugs that inhibit CPP32 may preferentially disrupt specific forms of cell death.  相似文献   
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