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Previous epidemiologic studies of poisonings in Hong Kong are regional hospital-or poison information center-based and have focused on either adults or children. This paper reports on the territory-wide hospitalization and mortality rates, comparing medicinal and non-medicinal poisonings in the general population. Between 1980 and 1995, the figures for hospitalizations and mortality due to medicinal (ICD codes 960-977) or non-medicinal (ICD codes 980-989) poisonings were obtained from the Annual Reports of the Department of Health, Hong Kong Government. Rates of medicinal poisonings increased between 1980/81 (57.3/100,000) and 1987/88 (80.9/100,000), but then declined (59.1/100,000) in 1993/94. Rates of non-medicinal poisonings were rather static (49-53/100,000) between 1980/81 and 1988/89, but then declined (22.0/100,000) in 1994/95. Between 1980/81 and 1988/89, rates of fatal medicinal poisonings (0.73-1.31/100,000) were similar to those of fatal non-medicinal poisonings (0.98-1.70/100,000). However, from 1989/90, there was an increase in the rates of fatal medicinal poisonings (1.94-2.80/100,000), although rates for non-medicinal poisonings remained much the same (0.80-1.38/100,000). Hospitalizations due to poisonings are now less common in Hong Kong than before, due largely to a greater decline in non-medicinal poisonings.  相似文献   
Despite modern medical advances, the morbidity and mortality rates associated with spinal epidural abscess remain significant, and the diagnosis is elusive. The incidence of spinal epidural abscess is approximately one to two cases per 10,000 among all patients admitted to hospitals. The symptoms of spinal epidural abscess are varied but include lower back pain, fever, local tenderness and neurological deficit especially in such high risk groups as patients with diabetes, intravenous drug abuse, chronic renal failure, alcoholism, liver disease and immunocompromization. Accumulation of data is difficult in that many physicians will never see a case during their careers. Herein, we present a case with lower back pain associated with both lower legs weakness. His abdomenon CT revealed retroperitonium and right perirenal abscess. External drainage as well as antibiotic treatment was done immediately. However, the lower legs weakness became severe and a lumbar spine MRI revealed T11-L4 epidural abscesses and L2-3 intervertebral space pus formation. Then, the patient was transfered to our Neurosurgical Ward for further treatment. His postoperative condition improved in both lower legs. This case report is to enhance the recognition and treatment of spinal epidural abscess, a rare affliction.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prenatal characteristics of congenital nephrosis of the Finnish type (CNF). Patients presenting with elevated maternal serum and/or amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein levels, normal ultrasound examinations and normal fetal karyotypes were included. A retrospective cohort study was conducted using questionnaires sent to all board certified clinical geneticists. Perinatal outcome, including histologic verification of CNF, was obtained. Forty index cases met the above criteria. Ten cases ultimately did not have the diagnosis of CNF, with a median MSAFP level of 7.59 MoM (range 2.7-27.64 MoM) and a median AFAFP level of 10.99 MoM (range 1.47-128.6 MoM). In the affected cohort of index pregnancies, the initial median MSAFP level was 14.49 MoM (range 3.1-38.0 MoM); the median AFAFP level was 40.0 MoM (range 2.4-80.9). MSAFP and AFAFP levels may be lower than previously recognized in patients carrying fetuses with CNF. There is significant overlap between the affected and unaffected patients.  相似文献   
TY 《网络与信息》2009,23(9):15-15
毫无疑问,网络视频是如今互联网的热点,网民热衷于网络视频已不是一两天了.通常下载到自己想要的视频都要费些功夫,但如果你的网速比较高,就完全能够用QQ旋风边下边播功能,做到下载和播放两不误.掌握QQ旋风视频播放和下载这些实用的技巧,将提升你的娱乐生活品质.  相似文献   
TY 《网络与信息》2009,23(11):10-11
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"99%下载门"说的就是在IE浏览器或其他下载软件下载网络资源时,进行到99%时就停了,不能结束下载的问题.关于这类问题相信不少朋友都遇到过,那么出现这种情况主要是由什么原因引起的?有什么切实可行的解决办法呢?下面就一起来讨论讨论.  相似文献   
TY 《网络与信息》2008,(12):44-44
现在是高效率的时代,忙碌上班、忙碌生活.使用电脑同样是这样,我们都希望能通过最便捷的方法,来实现电脑应用需求.在操作系统中,除了桌面快捷方式外,就数右键菜单可以放置一些常用操作,来提升我们的应用效率了.右键菜单怎么玩?下面就精心为大家准备了几个火热技巧,千万别错过.  相似文献   
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