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Beef meat was cooked at 373 K for 10 and 30 min to investigate the effect of the cooking conditions generally used during beef stew and curry preparation on protein digestibility. The cooked meats, along with a raw control, were digested using an in vitro digestion model to simulate gastric and small-intestinal conditions. Samples taken at different digestion times were analyzed using SDS-PAGE, RP-HPLC, ninhydrin assays for amino N and transmission electron microscopy. Simulated gastric conditions quickly led to the loss of basic sarcomere structure in raw meat myofibrils whereas the sarcomere structure of the compact cooked meat myofibrils remained intact after 30 min of gastric digestion. Prolonged cooking of meat (30 min) resulted in incomplete digestion of small MW (<10 kDa) peptides, as observed from SDS-PAGE. This agreed with the amount of ninhydrin-reactive amino N released during digestion, which decreased with an increase in cooking time. The RP-HPLC peak areas of the major identified amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine) also decreased with an increase in cooking time. This suggested the formation of “limit peptides” during prolonged cooking of beef, which were not further broken down into free amino acids by digestive enzymes and therefore might not be bioavailable.  相似文献   
This study aimed at assessing the probiotic potential of two high folate producing Streptococcus thermophilus strains (RD102 and RD104) isolated from Indian fermented milk products by both in vitro and in vivo tests. These strains were able to survive at pH 2.5 and 2% bile with a good bile salt hydrolase activity, cell surface hydrophobicity and sensitivity to most of the clinically important antibiotics. On evaluation for gastrointestinal transit tolerance these showed a viable count of 5 log cfu mL?1 and 7 log cfu mL?1, respectively in simulated gastrointestinal juice of pH 2.0 and 2% bile. During the in vivo feeding trial in mice the strains showed a viable count of about 7 log cfu g?1 faeces and 6 log cfu g?1 of large intestine, respectively. These strains were hence observed to possess favorable strain specific probiotic properties and have the potential to be a source of novel probiotics.  相似文献   
Models capable of predicting the product quality of sweet potato chips have been developed using response surface methodology and used to determine the optimum processing conditions. Moisture loss, oil uptake, crispness (measured using a bending-snapping test in the TA.XT2 Texture Analyser), and sensory attributes such as colour, flavour, and texture were used to assess the product quality in the preparation of sweet potato chips. The optimum conditions which were attained for maximum moisture loss (11.65% on wet basis), minimum oil uptake (2.57%), crispness (794.37 g), colour score (7), flavour score (7) and texture score (7) were: frying temperature, 174.7 °C; salt concentration, 0.45%; citric acid concentration, 0.37%; potassium metabisulphite concentration, 0.65%; and frying time, 26 s.  相似文献   
Skim milk and ultrafiltered milk were heated at temperatures in the range 80–140 °C for 4s in a UHT plate heat exchanger. The extent of denaturation of β-lactoglobulin and its association with the casein micelles increased with increase in heating temperature; the extent of association was markedly less than the amount that denatured. There was no noticeable difference in the extent of denaturation and association of β-lactoglobulin between skim milk and the corresponding ultrafiltered milk. The coagulation properties of renneted heated milks were measured by dynamic oscillation rheometry. Gelation times and storage modulus (G′) could be related to the extent of denaturation of β-lactoglobulin and its association with the casein micelles. Denaturation of β-lactoglobulin up to 60% had no effect on the gelation time, but additional denaturation markedly increased the gelation times. In contrast, G' decreased gradually with increase in the extent of denaturation of β-lactoglobulin and its association with casein micelles. The effects of β-lactoglobulin denaturation and association on coagulation properties were less pronounced in ultrafiltered milk. G' values for ultrafiltered milk were markedly higher than the corresponding skim milks under all heating conditions.  相似文献   
Physico-chemical properties of fried rice crackers were studied as a function of fish powder content, processing conditions, frying temperature and frying time. The results showed that addition of fish powder content at 5, 10 and 15 g/100 g reduced the oil uptake by approximately 10, 14 and 22 g/100 g (db), respectively in comparison to the control without fish powder. The deep fried rice crackers mixed with fish powder tended to be lower in hardness, lower in expansion ratio and higher in bulk density in comparison to the control sample. The color parameter, L of fried rice crackers decreased with increase in fish powder content. In contrast, a and b values increased with increase in fish powder content. The moisture content of deep fried rice crackers decreased with increase in frying temperature and frying time. The oil uptake in fried rice crackers increased with increase in frying time but decreased with increase in frying temperature. With increase in frying temperature and time, the texture of rice crackers became harder, the bulk density increased, and the expansion ratio decreased. The optimum conditions resulting in desirable physico-chemical properties and minimum oil uptake were rice crackers with fish powder content of 9 g/100 g, fried at a temperature of 220 °C for 60 s.  相似文献   
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