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Mutations in the furrowed (fw) gene of Drosophila result in defects in the development of the eye and mechanosensory bristles. The eyes are reduced in size, have furrows or crevices in the retina, and show a disturbed patterning of ommatidia. In addition, the ommatidia have an altered morphology and often contain abnormal numbers of cells. The bristles show altered structure and polarity, and are occasionally duplicated or missing. These results suggest that the product of thefw gene is involved in cell determination events within sensory organs. Thefw gene has been cloned and shown to encode a protein homologous to vertebrate selectins. Like selectins, Fw contains a lectin-binding domain, ten complement binding repeats, and a transmembrane domain. The Fw protein is expressed in the larval imaginal discs where it might mediate carbohydrate-protein interactions necessary for proper development of a subset of adult sensory organs.  相似文献   
全球涤纶产量不断创下新的增长记录.2006年,全球涤纶产量超过2 700万t,占合成纤维总产量的67%.除了传统用途外,涤纶的应用领域在不断扩大,包括许多特殊应用领域,这就需要对纤维的性能加以提高和改造.除了色彩外,车用和户外纺织品、功能服装、运动装、袜子、医疗/卫生纺织品及许多其他纺织应用领域还需要防紫外线、抗菌、阻燃和防污等多种特殊功能.纳米材料所赋予的性能为涤纶开辟了新的应用领域.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated previously that pemphigus vulgaris (PV)-IgG induces activation of phospholipase C (PLC), production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and a rapid transient increase in [Ca2+]i in cultured human keratinocytes, leading to secretion of plasminogen activator and cell-cell detachment in cell culture. In the current study, to examine the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in the mechanism of blister formation in PV, we studied the PV-IgG-induced translocation of PKC isozymes from the cytosol to the particulate/cytoskeleton (p/c) fractions and the activation of PKC in human keratinocytes. Cells cultured in Eagle's minimum essential medium were incubated with PV-IgGs for 30 s, 1 min, 5 min, or 30 min. PV-IgG binding to the cell surface antigen (desmoglein III) induced translocation of PKC-alpha from the cytosol to the p/c fractions within 30 s, with a peak at 1 min that lasted at least 30 min. PKC-delta also was translocated within 1 min and reached a peak at 5 min but was reduced to basal levels at 30 min. Alternatively, PKC-eta translocation to the p/c fraction was induced slowly, taking more than 5 min, and was reduced to approximately half-maximum at 30 min, whereas PKC-zeta translocation reached a maximum at 30 s, rapidly returning to baseline by 5 min after PV-IgG stimulation. The total PKC activity in the p/c fraction also was increased after PV-IgG exposure, peaked at 1 min, and was sustained for at least 30 min. These findings suggest that a unique activation profile of PKC isomers may be involved in mediating the intracellular signaling events induced by PV-IgG binding to desmoglein III in cultured human keratinocytes.  相似文献   
The interaction between mutations at the RAD2 and HIM1 genes was studied. The RAD2 gene encodes endonuclease involved in nucleotide excision repair. Mutants at this gene are highly sensitive to the lethal effect of a variety of mutagens. The product of the HIM1 gene is needed for correction of mismatched bases and repair of premutational DNA damage. Mutations in this gene lead to the formation of the mutator phenotype and high sensitivity to induced mutagenesis. The double rad2 him1 mutant manifested the synergic type of interaction. The level of UV-induced mutagenesis in the double mutant was five times higher than in single mutants, and the absolute yield of forward mutations in five genes controlling adenine biosynthesis was 1 to 2%. UV-induced mutagenesis was increased, at low doses, by several orders of magnitude in the double mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The high level of mutagenesis in this mutant was caused by ethyl and methyl methanesulfonate. These properties of the stock with the double rad2 him1 mutation makes it promising as a tester in analysis of the gene toxicity of different substances.  相似文献   
Left ventricular myocardial contractility was found essential in dynamics of clinical IHD picture in patients on rehabilitation treatment at low mountain resorts. All the patients have previously undergone surgical myocardial revascularization. Patients with normal left ventricular myocardial contractility benefited most of all.  相似文献   
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), low-endophyte (< 5%) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and caucasian bluestem (Bothriochloa caucasica [Trin.] C.E. Hubbard) were fed as chopped hay to six Arabian geldings (BW 441 kg; SE 2) in intake and digestibility experiments to determine nutritional value for horses at maintenance. Each experimental design was a replicated Latin square. Alfalfa was higher in DM and CP digestibility, IVDMD, apparent absorption of Ca, K, and S, and voluntary intake than the grasses (P < .05). Caucasian bluestem was higher in Zn but was lower in CP, TNC, Mg, P, K, S, and Cu concentrations than tall fescue. Crude protein digestibility and apparent absorption of Mg, K, and S were higher (P < .05) for tall fescue than for caucasian bluestem. Geldings fed alfalfa for ad libitum intake had higher serum concentrations of vitamin A, blood urea nitrogen, P, S, and Cu than geldings fed grass hays. Serum Zn was higher (P < .05), whole blood Se tended to be higher (P < .06), and BUN was lower (P < .05) in geldings fed caucasian bluestem than in those fed tall fescue. All forages met requirements for CP, Ca, Mg, K, and Fe when fed for ad libitum intake but were deficient in Cu for horses at maintenance. Caucasian bluestem was borderline in CP and was deficient in P but was the only forage that met the Zn requirement for the horses. Based on these results, caucasian bluestem could be a useful hay for horses but may require supplementation of CP and P.  相似文献   
Antibodies (Abs) hydrolyzing proteins, DNA, and RNA are detected in the blood of patients with various autoimmune diseases. In the present work, homogeneous preparations of IgG Abs from the blood of the healthy donors as well as patients with A, B, C, and delta types of viral hepatitis, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, duodenal ulcer, and some types of cancer were purified. For the first time, the fraction of IgG and its Fab fragments of patients with viral hepatitis were shown to have high DNA- and RNA-hydrolyzing activity. In case of Abs from the healthy donors and patients with other diseases, high activity of Abs was not detected. The data obtained by various methods indicate that the activity of hepatitis Abs is an intrinsic property of the immunoglobulins. The relative rates of hydrolysis of cCMP, poly(U), poly(A), poly(C), and tRNA(Phe) by hepatitis Abs were compared with those of RNase A and other RNases from human blood. Significant differences in activities of Abs and nucleases in hydrolysis of model substrates were demonstrated. Thus, catalytically active Abs can appear in the blood of patients not only with autoimmune disorders, but with viral diseases as well.  相似文献   
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