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Two patients with chlamydial pneumonia of infancy are described. One recovered spontaneously without any specific antichlamydial treatment. The other, prior to a belated antimicrobial therapy, developed a persistent and protracted respiratory illness characterized by wheezing. Our observations suggest that: (1) untreated chlamydial pneumonia of infancy may spontaneously resolve, or may become a persistent and protracted disease, and (2) wheezing may be a very prominent manifestation of the disease and should be differentiated from wheezing due to bronchiolitis and bronchial asthma.  相似文献   
Agmatine is a guanidino compound abundant in bacteria and plants where it serves as a precursor for polyamine synthesis. It can interfere with several neurotransmission-related functions and can exert neuroprotective effects after brain injury. Agmatine was recently identified in mammalian brain and its synthesis by arginine decarboxylation was characterized. Its metabolism by the brain is, however, unknown. Here we report evidence indicating that agmatine can be selectively metabolized in the rat brain (cerebellum) into urea and thus, may lead to formation of putrescine, the precursor of polyamine synthesis. In addition, while agmatine can inhibit brain nitric oxide synthase, it did not serve as a substrate for nitric oxide formation.  相似文献   
The activity of a new photosensitizer, mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 (Npe6), was assessed in an ascending dose Phase I study for patients with superficial tumor. Eleven patients, with a total of 14 tumor sites, were treated with photodynamic therapy (PDT) using Npe6. Lesions included recurrent adenocarcinoma of the breast, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The phototherapy protocol consisted of a single i.v. injection of 0.5-3.5 mg/kg Npe6, followed 4 h later by 25-100 j/cm2 at 664 nm of light. PDT using Npe6 caused no significant toxicity with the exception of temporary generalized skin photosensitivity. In all cases, light treatment caused immediate tissue blanching, followed by a marked necrosis of the tumor mass. Regression of tumor occurred over 24-48 h after the light treatment and was followed by the formation of a heavy eschar over the tumor site. Tumor regression was short-lived at Npe6 doses of 1.65 mg/kg and below. In two of three patients, tumor regression was either incomplete or tumors recurred within the 12-week observation period. Increasing the Npe6 dose to 2.5 or 3.5 mg/kg combined with 100 J/cm2 of light energy resulted in better control of tumor regrowth with 66% (6/9) of sites remaining tumor-free through 12 weeks observation. This increased tumor response came at the expense of the tissue selectivity observed at Npe6 doses of 1.65 mg/kg and below. There was no apparent selectivity for destruction of tumor compared with normal skin at Npe6 doses of 2.5 mg/kg and above. These data demonstrate that Npe6 is both an effective and safe photosensitizer for use in PDT and provide the impetus for continued study in Phase II clinical trials.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: An evaluation of Internet end-to-end performance was conducted for the purpose of better understanding the overall performance of Internet pathways typical of those used to access information in National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases and, by extension, other Internet-based biomedical information resources. DESIGN: The evaluation used a three-level test strategy: 1) user testing to collect empirical data on internet performance as perceived by users when accessing NLM Web-based databases, 2) technical testing to analyze the Internet paths between the NLM and the user's desktop computer terminal, and 3) technical testing between the NLM and the World Wide Web ("Web") server computer at the user's institution to help characterize the relative performance of Internet pathways. MEASUREMENTS: Time to download the front pages of NLM Web sites and conduct standardized searches of NLM databases, data transmission capacity between NLM and remote locations (known as the bulk transfer capacity [BTC]), "ping" round-trip time as an indication of the latency of the network pathways, and the network routing of the data transmissions (number and sequencing of hops). RESULTS: Based on 347 user tests spread over 16 locations, the median time per location to download the main NLM home page ranged from 2 to 59 seconds, and 1 to 24 seconds for the other NLM Web sites tested. The median time to conduct standardized searches and get search results ranged from 2 to 14 seconds for PubMed and 4 to 18 seconds for Internet Grateful Med. The overall problem rate was about 1 percent; that is, on the average, users experienced a problem once every 100 test measurements. The user terminal tests at five locations and Web host tests at 13 locations provided profiles of BTC, RTT, and network routing for both dial-up and fixed Internet connections. CONCLUSION: The evaluation framework provided a profile of typical Internet performance and insights into network performance and time-of-day/day-of-week variability. This profile should serve as a frame of reference to help identify and diagnose connectivity problems and should contribute to the evolving concept of Internet quality of service.  相似文献   
Since the natural immune response to hepatitis C virus (HCV) is often unable to clear the infection, to enhance immunogenicity we studied substituted peptides from an HCV cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope (C7A2) from a conserved region of the HCV core protein (DLMGYIPLV) recognized by CTL lines from HLA-A2.1(+) HCV-infected patients and HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice. HLA-A2.1 binding, human and murine CTL recognition, and in vivo immunogenicity (using mice transgenic for human HLA-A2 in lieu of immunizing humans) were analyzed to define peptides with enhanced immunogenicity. Peptides substituted at position 1 showed enhanced HLA-A2 binding affinity, but paradoxically poorer immunogenicity. A peptide with Ala substituted at position 8 (8A) showed higher HLA-A2 binding affinity and CTL recognition and was a more potent in vivo immunogen in HLA-A2-transgenic mice, inducing higher CTL responses with higher avidity against native C7A2 than induced by C7A2 itself. These results suggest that peptide 8A is a more potent in vitro antigen and in vivo immunogen than C7A2 and may be useful as a vaccine component. They provide proof of principle that the strategy of epitope enhancement can enhance immunogenicity of a CTL epitope recognized by human CTL.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To determine whether an Na+-dependent monocarboxylate transport process exists on the mucosal side of the pigmented rabbit conjunctiva and to evaluate how it may contribute to the absorption of ophthalmic monocarboxylate drugs. METHODS: L-lactate was used as a model substrate. The excised pigmented rabbit conjunctiva was mounted in a modified Ussing chamber for the measurement of short-circuit current (Isc) and 14C-L.-lactate transport. RESULTS: When added to the mucosal side at 37 degrees C and at pH 7.4, applications of as much as 40 mM L- and D-lactate increased Isc in a saturable manner. By contrast, no change in Isc was observed at 4 degrees C or under the mucosal Na+-free condition. 14C-L-lactate transport in the mucosal-to-serosal (m-s) direction at 0.01 mM revealed directionality, temperature dependency, Na+ dependency, and ouabain sensitivity, but not pH dependency. L-lactate transport in the m-s direction consisted of a saturable Na+-dependent process by the transcellular pathway and a nonsaturable process by the paracellular pathway. For the saturable process, the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant was 1.9 mM, the maximum flux was 8.9 nanomoles/cm2 per hour, and the apparent Na+ :L-lactate coupling ratio was 2:1. 14C-L-lactate transport in the m-s direction was significantly inhibited (46% to 83%) by the mucosal presence of various monocarboxylate compounds, but not by dicarboxylate compounds, zwitterionic compound, D-glucose, amino acids, and peptidomimetic antibiotics. Monocarboxylate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the antibacterial fluoroquinolones inhibited 14C-L-lactate transport by 40% to 85%, whereas prostaglandins and cromolyn had no effect. CONCLUSIONS: An Na+-dependent monocarboxylate transport process that may be used by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs for transport appears to be present on the mucosal side of the pigmented rabbit conjunctiva. A possible physiologic role for the Na+-dependent monocarboxylate transport process may be to salvage tear lactate.  相似文献   
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