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Galactosyltransferase, sialyltransferase, and fucosyltransferase were used to create a panel of complex oligosaccharides that possess multiple terminal sialyl-Le(x) (NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal[Fuc alpha 1-3] beta 1-4GlcNAc) and GalNAc-Le(x) (GalNAc[Fuc alpha 1-3]beta 1-4GlcNAc). The enzymatic synthesis of tyrosinamide biantennary, triantennary, and tetraantennary N-linked oligosaccharides bearing multiple terminal sialyl-Le(x) was accomplished on the 0.5 mumol scale and the purified products were characterized by electrospray MS and 1H NMR. Likewise, biantennary and triantennary tyrosinamide oligosaccharides bearing multiple terminal GalNAc-Le(x) determinants were synthesized and similarly characterized. The transfer kinetics of human milk alpha 3/4-fucosyltransferase were compared for biantennary oligosaccharide acceptor substrates possessing Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc, GalNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc, and NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc which established NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc as the most efficient acceptor substrate. The resulting complex oligosaccharides were chemically tethered through the tyrosinamide aglycone to the surface of liposomes containing phosphatidylthioethanol, resulting in the generation of glycoliposomes probe which will be useful to study relationships between binding affinity and the micro- and macro-clustering of selectin ligand.  相似文献   
1. Whole cell patch clamp techniques were used to study the effects of 4030W92 (2,4-diamino-5-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-6-fluoromethylpyrimidine), a new antihyperalgesic agent, on rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones. 2. In small diameter, presumably nociceptive DRG neurones under voltage-clamp, 4030W92 (1-100 microM) produced a concentration-related inhibition of slow tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ currents (TTXR). From a holding potential (Vh) of -90 mV, currents evoked by test pulses to 0 mV were inhibited by 4030W92 with a mean IC50 value of approximately 103 microM. 3. The inhibitory effect of 4030W92 on TTX(R) was both voltage- and use-dependent. Currents evoked from a Vh of -60 mV were inhibited by 4030W92 with a mean IC50 value of 22 microM, which was 5 fold less than the value obtained at -90 mV. Repeated activation of TTX(R) by a train of depolarizing pulses (5 Hz, 20 ms duration) enhanced the inhibitory effects of 4030W92. These data could be explained by a preferential interaction of the drug with inactivation states of the channel. In support of this hypothesis 4030W92 (30 microM) produced a significant hyperpolarizing shift of 10 mV in the slow inactivation curve for TTX(R) and markedly slowed the recovery from channel inactivation. 4. Fast TTX-sensitive Na+ currents (TTXs) were also inhibited by 4030W92 in a voltage-dependent manner. The IC50 values obtained from Vhs of -90 mV and -70 mV were 37 microM and 5 microM, respectively. 4030W92 (30 microM) produced a 13 mV hyperpolarizing shift in the steady-state inactivation curve of TTXs. 5. High threshold voltage-gated Ca2+ currents were only weakly inhibited by 4030W92. The reduction in peak Ca2+ current amplitude produced by 100 microM 4030W92 was 20+/-6% (n=6). Low threshold T-type Ca2+ currents were inhibited by 17+/-8% and 43+/-3% by concentrations of 4030W92 of 30 microM and 100 microM, respectively (n=6). 6. Under current clamp, some cells exhibited broad TTX-resistant action potentials whilst others showed fast TTX-sensitive action potentials in response to a depolarizing current injection. In most cells a long duration (800 ms) supramaximal current injection evoked a train of action potentials. 4030W92 (10-30 microM) had little effect on the first spike in the train but produced a concentration-related inhibition of the later spikes. The number of spikes per train was significantly reduced from 9.7+/-1.5 to 4.2+/-1.0 and 2.6+/-1.1 in the presence of 10 microM and 30 microM 4030W92, respectively (n=5). 7. Thus, 4030W92 is a potent voltage- and use-dependent inhibitor of Na+ channels in sensory neurones. This profile can be explained by a preferential action of the drug on a slow inactivation state of the channel that results in a delayed recovery to the resting state. This state-dependent modulation by 4030W92 of Na+ channels that are important in sensory neurone function may underlie or contribute to the antihyperalgesic profile of this compound observed in vivo.  相似文献   
We previously showed that inoculation of rhesus macaques with molecularly cloned lymphocytetropic simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac239) results in SIV-associated nephropathy (SIVAN) and that the glomerulosclerotic lesions were associated with the selection of macrophagetropic (M-tropic) variants (V. H. Gattone et al., AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 14:1163-1180, 1998). In the present study, seven rhesus macaques were inoculated with M-tropic SIVmacR71/17E, and the renal pathology was examined at necropsy. All SIVmacR71/17E-infected macaques developed AIDS, and most developed other systemic complications, including SIV-induced encephalitis and lentivirus interstitial pneumonia. There was no correlation between the length of infection (42 to 97 days), circulating CD4(+) T-cell counts, and renal disease. Of the seven macaques inoculated with SIVmacR71/17E, five developed significant mesangial hyperplasia and expansion of matrix and four were clearly azotemic (serum urea nitrogen concentration of 40 to 112 mg/dl). These same five macaques developed focal segmental to global glomerulosclerotic lesions. Increased numbers of glomerular CD68(+) cells (monocytes/macrophages) were found in glomeruli but not the tubulointerstitium of the macaques inoculated with SIVmacR71/17E. All macaques had glomerular deposits of immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and tubuloreticular inclusions, and six of seven had IgA deposition. However, there was no correlation between the presence of circulating anti-SIVmac antibodies, immunoglobulin deposition, and glomerular disease. Tubulointerstitial infiltrates were mild, with little or no correlation to azotemia, while microcystic tubules were evident in those with glomerulosclerosis or azotemia. The four most severely affected macaques were positive for diffuse glomerular immunostaining for viral core p27 antigen, and there was intense staining in the glomeruli of the two macaques with the most severe glomerulosclerosis. Viral sequences were isolated from glomerular and tubulointerstitial fractions from macaques with severe glomerulosclerosis but only from the tubulointerstitial compartment of those that did not develop glomerulosclerosis. Interviral recombinant viruses generated with env sequences isolated from glomeruli confirmed the M-tropic nature of the virus found in the glomeruli. The correlation between the increased number of CD68(+) cells (monocytes/macrophages) in the glomeruli, the localization of p27 antigen in the glomeruli, and the glomerular pathology confirms and extends our previous observations of an association between glomerular infection and infiltration by M-tropic virus and SIVAN.  相似文献   
Thymomas are often associated with a variety of autoimmune disorders including various cytopenias. Rare cases have been associated with pancytopenia. We describe a patient with an invasive thymoma treated with thymectomy and subsequent radiation therapy. A few months later, rapidly progressing pancytopenia developed. Treatment with antibiotics, immunoglobulin, high-dose steroids and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) had no effect, and the patient died within two months of overwhelming septicaemia complicated with intracranial haemorrhage. We review the literature and discuss therapies.  相似文献   
Psychoanalytic Psychosomatics derive their selfassessement from the fact that they have turned into a recognized speciality in medical science. High rates of epidemiological occurrance of psychogenetic diseases as well as the proofed efficiency of psychoanalytic methods of treatment encourage psychosomati specialists to take care of a great number of diseased, chronically disabled or high-risk persons. The differences to traditional organic medicine are shown up by ennumerating some of the common but rarely considered facts where supply with psychoanalytic-psychosomatic treatment of patients is concerned: All the therapeutic work is here done by the therapist himself. This is the cause for an exceptionally high Doctors'-time-expenditure for each patient. In spite of his psychotherapy is not expensive compared with average costs of other forms of medical treatment. Further topics are: The question of postgraduate training in psychoanalytic psychosomatics, the special patient-doctor reltionship and other special problems arising during psychotherapy in hospital and outpatient work. These problems are discussed in regard to cooperative collegues from other medical disciplines; dealing c.i. with their transference problems to patients they send to psychotherapy.  相似文献   
Periarticular fibrous muscle contractures in adults from repeated injections in the same site is predictable. The causes of joint contracture in children are many and complex, but in adults it seems certain that this phenomenon is the result of repeated injections of analgesics or other agents into 1 muscle area. Any drug if repeatedly injected locally may cause fibrosis of the muscle and subsequent joint contracture. Five cases of bilateral abduction contracture of the shoulder in adults including the first case of bilateral abduction contractures of shoulder and hip plus bilateral flexion contracture of elbow and extension contracture of a knee are reported. No underlying disease which might predispose to this fibrosis of muscles was noted. The frequency and period of injections were variable over several years. In all patients the interference in activtities of daily living were serious, but the deformities were corrected by release of the fibrous band with relief of discomfort and restoration of joint motion without recurrence. Noting the potential complication of repeated intramuscular injections in one area, this practice should be avoided whenever possible in adults, as well as in children.  相似文献   
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