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水库工程的建设不仅可以提高水资源利用效率,调节天然合理径流量的变化,而且还对水库的热量起到调节作用。水温预测是水利水电工程环境影响评价所需要的重要内容之一,准确模拟和预测水库的水温分布规律,并加以调控,对改善库区及下游河道的水生生态有着重大意义。水温预测方法大致可以分为两大类,即经验公式法和数学模拟法。经验公式法具有简单实用,并且需要的参数较少;数学模拟法在理论上比较严密,并且随着计算科学的发展,越来越成为研究的主要手段和方法;数学模拟方法预测软件昂贵,所需参数较多。  相似文献   
对2012年呼兰河流域的暴雨、洪水特性进行了分析,说明了变化规律,认识该流域水文特性,并对其成因及特性进行了归纳,为流域综合治理等提供科学的决策依据,其形成洪水主要是7月25—26日和7月28—29日的两次范围广、强度大的降雨过程。8月4日凌晨呼兰河秦家站出现洪峰,洪峰流量达到1 090 m3/s为2005年迁站以来第一位洪水。  相似文献   
In the light of the needs to develop high-performance heat transfer component for nation-level large-scale scientific projects of China,a hypervapotron experimental platform with supply of heat flux 1 10 MW m-2 was established.With this platform,the multiphase flow and heat transfer phenomena on the surface of triangular fin when the subcooled water flowed through were observed and measured with the planar laser induced fluorescence(PLIF) and high-speed photography techniques.The temperature contour on the slice plane of fin symmetry was measured and the heat flux contour was processed based on gradient computation.It is confirmed that:1) PLIF with high-speed photography is very powerful technique to investigate the multiphase flow of hypervapotron quantitatively;2) evaporation is the primary way in heat transfer mechanism of hypervapotron flow under the condition of high heat flux.The techniques and results obtained will provide useful reference in the R&D of hypervapotron technology in China.  相似文献   
Due to overvoltage produced by inverter output,inverter-fed motor insulation systems often experience fast electrical aging process,especially when partial discharge(PD) is incepted.Before putting into use,the PD detection should be performed on inverter-fed motors at repetitive square voltages to avoid the PD caused insulation deterioration when the motors are collected to inverters having specific characteristics.However,unlike PD tests at AC/DC voltages proposed in IEC 60270,the PD detection at repetitive square voltages is much more complex because of serious interference generated by impulse generator.To solve the problem,ultra-high frequency(UHF) method seems recommendable for its preferable signal-to-noise ratio(SNR).The chief aim of this study is to investigate PD pulse and statistical characteristics of turn-to-turn insulation for inverter-fed traction motors.A square-shaped Archimedes antenna,specially designed for the PD detection at repetitive square voltages of fast rise times,was used to perform PD tests on turn-to-turn insulation models.Time and frequency analysis results indicate that energy component of generator disturbance and PD pulses are mainly distributed in the 0-0.5 GHz and 0.6-1.5 GHz range,respectively.Based on the results,suitable filter was designed for power disturbance suppression.Additionally,resorting to the sensor unit(i.e.antenna and filter) and the PD test system,the PD statistical features at square voltages of different frequencies were obtained.Experimental results show that higher frequency will give rise,statistically,to PD of lower magnitudes distributing at smaller phases.A reasonable interpretation of this phenomenon was presented.Lastly,according to the PD statistical features,some suggestions for the PD detection system design,generator parameter optimization and the PD pulse extracting were given.The results of this work would be beneficial to the increase of the sensitivity when performing the PD detection on insulation systems for inverter-fed motors at repetitive square voltages and thus,improving the reliability of inverter-fed motors.  相似文献   
介绍了大气污染控制工程课程教学改革研究的内容,提出了由教学内容、教学形式、教学平台与教学评价等4方面组成的立体化课程教学模式,并讨论了该模式下教学资源平台的建设,给出了大气污染控制工程课程的评价和考核方法.该模式在实践教学中取得了比较好的成效.  相似文献   
为了揭示城市热岛形成机制,基于MODIS资料,结合自动气象站实测的气象资料,利用地表能量参数化方法估算了地表热通量,分析了城乡地表热通量的空间分布及变化特征.结果表明城乡地气热交换差异明显,与相关文献对比证明该方法是可行、有效的.  相似文献   
为满足实验室单克隆抗体的制备研究,本实验特对实验室常用的制备单抗的模拟抗原(Ac-NK16-Ahx-3)进行ELISA间接法检测,进而建立一种高效的检测方法。通过对不同稀释度待测抗体的免疫吸附测定,检测出它的最终灵敏度为0.078mg/mL,最佳二抗稀释倍数为300倍,其最佳拟合曲线为y=-0.0732x+0.6875,R2=0.8619。并且,通过统计学方法进行统计分析,确定出各实验组的相关性及变异系数,从而排除实验中的操作误差,最终可确定最佳的实验条件,并保证实验的准确性。  相似文献   
采用二次固相反应法制备Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3介电陶瓷,研究了掺杂钴、钇离子对钛酸锶钡介电性能的影响。结果表明,陶瓷样品Y3+、Co3+的最佳掺杂浓度分别为0.04mol%和0.05mol%,最佳烧结温度为1340℃,样品的相对介电常数为4200,介电损耗(tanδ)为0.005。样品的结构为四方晶系,P4mm空间群。获得了高介电常数、低损耗的Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3介电陶瓷。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the theoretical prediction of global buckling loads for carbon fiber composite pyramidal truss core sandwich columns. Different from thin plate structures, transverse shear effect can not be neglected for sandwich structures. In addition, the attributes of the laminated face sheets are considered in the present paper. A zig-zag displacement approximation is made. Based on the principle of minimum potential energy, equilibrium equations and boundary conditions are derived via the variational method. The critical buckling loads under various boundary conditions are presented. In order to validate the reasonableness of the equivalent-core method, the strain energies stored in the actual discrete truss members and the equivalent continuous homogenous core layer are calculated respectively and compared, and a good agreement is obtained. The proposed analytical method is verified by comparing with the published theoretical predictions and experimental results.  相似文献   
基于传统单输入单输出系统的CPU芯片散热控制方法存在控制效果滞后、波动大、耗能高的问题,难适应未来多核高主频芯片的散热要求.引入芯片功耗非线性前馈和核温度跟踪以及表面温度反馈等措施,代替传统的核间温度比例跟踪控制策略.采用实测所得的温度和功耗数据,就传统方法和新方法的控制效果进行了数值计算的仿真和分析.结果验证:相比于传统方法,功耗前馈和多温度PID结合的CPU芯片散热控制策略不仅散热效果更好、耗电较少,而且具有参数可变、适应性强的优点,具有正确性和可行性.  相似文献   
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