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S.C. Ray  C.W. Pao  B. Bose  W.F. Pong 《Carbon》2006,44(10):1982-1985
Annealing effect of amorphous carbon thin films on Si(1 0 0) substrates is studied by normal incidence and angle dependent carbon K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The angle dependence of the XANES signal shows that the graphitic basal planes are oriented perpendicular to the surface when the film is annealed at 1000 °C. Micro-Raman spectroscopy reveals two well-separated bands the D band at 1355 cm−1 and G band at ∼1600 cm−1, and their ID/IG intensity ratio indicates the formation of more graphitic film at higher annealing temperatures. X-ray diffraction pattern of 1000 °C temperature annealed film confirms the formation of graphite structure.  相似文献   
Compatibilized polypropylene (PP)/polyamide (PA6) blends with and without β nucleating agent (β‐NA) are prepared, and are designated as Blend‐0.3 and Blend‐0, respectively. The melting and crystallization characteristic of the blends crystallized under different cooling rates and different crystallization temperatures are studied. It is observed that high β‐PP content can be developed in Blend‐0.3 only at slow cooling rates (<5°C/min), whereas high α‐PP content is formed at fast cooling rates. Isothermal crystallization analysis of Blend‐0 indicates that PA6 is an effective NA for α‐PP in the lower temperature range, whereas the α‐nucleating effect disappears in the higher temperature range. Blend‐0.3 can, therefore, be viewed as a system containing both α‐ and β‐NAs, simultaneously. PA6 is competing with β‐NA in inducing PP crystallization. Under the normal injection of Blend‐0.3, the melt will be cooled through the higher temperature that favors the effectiveness of β‐NA rapidly because of the faster cooling rate. However, the α‐nucleation effect from PA6 predominate at the lower temperature. This explains the difficulty in obtaining high β‐PP content in Blend‐0.3 from injection molding. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2011. © 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: While diffuse deposition of fat may occur with corticosteroid (CS) administration both in the liver and in other organs, comparatively little is known about focal changes in the liver under corticosteroid medication. Therefore, we evaluated pattern and extent of focal hepatic steatosis by ultrasound (US) in patients receiving corticosteroids. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 93 patients with known inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) received corticosteroids during a period of at least six weeks prior to the ultrasound examination and 28 IBD-patients had no corticosteroids within the last three years. 13 additional patients received corticosteroids for other reasons than IBD for > 1 year. 80 healthy volunteers served as controls. Focal changes of the liver as assessed by high resolution ultrasound (Acuson 128, 3.5 and 5 MHz) were defined as areas of brighter echogenicity compared to the general aspect of the liver. The size of the hyperechoic areas was documented (photoprint). RESULTS: 40/93 IBD-patients with corticosteroids (43%) had definite areas of brighter echos in the hilus region of the liver. In IBD-patients without corticosteroids only one patient showed a focal brighter echogenicity, whereas in the non-IBD group with corticosteroids 8/13 had focal lesions (62%). In the control group only four healthy subjects showed brighter areas (5%). CONCLUSION: Bright focal areas in the liver hilus occur in > 40% of IBD-patients during corticosteroid medication. This phenomenon occurs in IBD-patients as frequently and as intense as in other patients with longstanding corticosteroid therapy. There is a hilar area of the liver with typical size and location which reacts to corticosteroid administration with hyperechoic reflexes at ultrasound investigation. This is important to know when it comes to the differential diagnosis of focal changes.  相似文献   
The scale of health state quality that should be used to compute quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) ranges from 0 (death) to 1.0 (excellent health); this is called the "Q" scale. But many cost-utility analyses (CUAs) in the literature use the upper anchor of the scale to denote only the absence of the particular health condition under investigation, and weight the disease state proportional to this endpoint; these are called "q" scales. Computations using q-scale health-state weights ignore the fact that the average patient is still subject to chronic and acute conditions comorbid with the condition being analyzed; the absence of a particular condition is not in general the same as excellent health, i.e., the Q scale is longer than a q scale. CUAs based on q scales yield "qALYs." Incremental $/qALY ratios are generally lower than $/QALY ratios; in the example presented, $/qALY must be inflated by about 15% to yield $/QALY. Other CUAs correctly weight disease states using the Q scale, but erroneously assign a quality weight of 1.0 to absence of the disease in the CUA computations. The results of such analyses are called "NP-QALYs," as the correction factor to compute QALYs is not a simple proportional adjustment. The authors suggest that analysis doing cost-utility analyses without access to primary data from treated patients use average age-specific health-related quality-of-life weights from population-based studies to represent the state of not having a particular disease. Consumers of CUAs should closely examine the nature of the QALYs in any published analyses before making decisions based on their results.  相似文献   
Stress fracture of the sternum is a rare condition which presents as acute anterior chest pain after repetitive upper-body exercise. Two case reports are presented and it is postulated that this is an often underdiagnosed condition which should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute chest pain in the athlete. Awareness of the injury together with meticulous clinical examination supported by good quality radiographs or isotope bone scan may lead to an increase in the diagnosis of this injury.  相似文献   
Signal detectability was measured in three temporal conditions as a function of the bandwidth and configuration of simultaneous maskers that either did or did not spectrally overlap the signal. The 20-ms signal was 250 Hz wide and was centered at 2500 Hz (fs). Although there were marked individual differences, performance was typically poorer when signal onset came 1 ms rather than 250 ms after the onset of a 420-ms masker, and poorest when signal onset came 1 ms after the onset of a 23-ms masker. The results support the idea that two separate across-channel processes contribute to temporal changes in signal detectability. One process contributes to the improvement observed as signal onset is delayed from masker onset, and its influence is reduced by the presence of masking components at fs only when the masker extends exclusively below fs. The other process is associated with the improvement observed as masker offset is delayed from signal offset, and its influence is reduced by the presence of masking components at fs when the masker extends exclusively above, or both below and above fs. Both of these processes are primarily activated by frequencies ranging from 0.6 to 0.8fs and 1.2 to 1.4fs. The data also demonstrate that the measured critical bandwidth narrows as signal onset is delayed from masker onset.  相似文献   
Bicarbonate transporters are the principal regulators of pH in animal cells, and play a vital role in acid-base movement in the stomach, pancreas, intestine, kidney, reproductive system and central nervous system. The functional family of HCO3- transporters includes Cl- -HCO3- exchangers, three Na+/HCO3- cotransporters, a K+/HCO3- cotransporter, and a Na+-driven Cl- -HCO3- exchanger. Molecular information is sparse on HCO3- transporters, apart from Cl- -HCO3- exchangers ('anion exchangers'), whose complementary DNAs were cloned several years ago. Attempts to clone other HCO3- transporters, based on binding of inhibitors, protein purification or homology with anion exchangers, have so far been unsuccessful. Here we monitor the intracellular pH and membrane voltage in Xenopus oocytes to follow the expression of the most electrogenic transporter known: the renal 1:3 electrogenic Na+/HCO3- cotransporter from the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum. We now report the successful cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a cation-coupled HCO3- transporter. The encoded protein is 1,035 amino acids long with several potential membrane-spanning domains. We show that when it is expressed in Xenopus oocytes, this protein is electrogenic, Na+ and HCO3- dependent, and blocked by the anion-transport inhibitor DIDS, and conclude that it is the renal electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter (NBC).  相似文献   
The most widely accepted model of human lung alveolar duct systems is that they are constructed from central helical fibres between the turns of which lie alveolar opening. Experimental difficulties of handling and sectioning lung tissue have made it difficult to confirm this. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was therefore used to generate optical serial sections of the lung that were reconstructed in three dimensions and displayed using volume rendering techniques. From images of the reconstructions, a new structure is proposed in which alveolar ducts consist of collections of connected oval, twisted loop structures with eccentric openings.  相似文献   
A previously unreported enzymatic activity is described for monomers of the beta 1 beta 1 isoenzyme of human alcohol dehydrogenase that were prepared from dimeric enzyme by freeze-thaw in liquid nitrogen. Whereas the dimeric enzyme has optimal activity at low substrate concentrations (2.5 mM ethanol, 50 microM NAD+; "low Km" activity), the monomer has its highest activity at high substrate concentrations (1.5 M ethanol, 2.5 mM NAD+; "high Km" activity). While the activity of the monomer does not appear to be saturated at 1.5 M ethanol, its maximal activity at this high ethanol concentration exceeds the Vmax of the dimer by about 3-fold. The apparent Km of NAD+ with monomers is 270 microM, and no activity could be detected with nicotinamide mononucleotide as cofactor. During gel filtration the high Km activity elutes at a lower apparent molecular weight position than the dimer. The kinetics of monomer-to-dimer reassociation are consistent with a second-order process with a rate constant of 240 M-1 s-1. The reassociation rate is markedly enhanced by the presence of NAD+. During refolding of beta 1 beta 1 following denaturation in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, an enzyme species with high Km activity and spectral properties similar to the freeze-thaw monomer is observed, indicating that a catalytically active monomer is an intermediate in the refolding pathway. The enzymatic activity of the monomer implies that the intersubunit contacts of beta 1 beta 1 are not crucial in establishing a catalytically competent enzyme. However, the differences in specific activity and Km between monomer and dimer suggest that dimerization may serve to modulate the catalytic properties.  相似文献   
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