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The electrogenic Na/K pump current (Ip) was studied in the dissociated neostriatal neurons of the rat by using the nystatin-perforated patch recording mode. The Ip was activated by external K+ in a concentration-dependent manner with an EC50 of 0.7 mM at a holding potential (VH) of -40 mV. Other monovalent cations also caused Ip and the order of potency was Tl+>K+, Rb+>NH4+, Cs+>Li+. The Ip decreased with membrane hyperpolarization in an external solution containing 150 mM Na+, while the Ip did not show such voltage dependency without external Na+. Ouabain showed a steady-state inhibition of Ip in a concentration- and temperature-dependent manner at a VH of -40 mV. The IC50 values at 20 and 30 degrees C were 7.1 x 10(-6) and 1.3 x 10(-6) M, respectively. The decay of Ip after adding ouabain well fitted with a single exponential function. At a VH of -40 Mv, the association (k+1) and dissociation (k-1) rate constants estimated from the time constant of the current decay at 20 degrees C were 4.0 x10(2) s-1 M-1 and 6.3 x 10(-3) s-1, respectively. At 30 degrees C, k+1 increased to 2.8 x 10(3) s-1 M-1 while k-1 showed no such change with a value of 1.8 x 10(-3) s-1. A continuous Na+ influx was demonstrated by both the Na+-dependent leakage current and tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ current, which resulted in the continuous activation of the Na/K pump. It was thus concluded that the Na/K pump activity was well-maintained in the dissociated rat neostriatal neurons with distinct functional properties and that the activity of the pump was tightly connected with Na+ influxes.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate a premium program for very high quality milk in a US cooperative. Data were available on a monthly basis from a large US milk cooperative from April 1998 through December 2005. The data set consisted of 36,930 observations representing producer-months. The actual amount of the low bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) premium varied from $0.15 per hundred pounds (cwt.) of milk to $1.00/cwt. with steps in between of $0.50 and $0.60 per cwt. of milk during the data collection period. Data analysis was done to evaluate the impact of the premium program on average BTSCC and on the probability of a producer to ship milk with <100,000 cells/mL in a given month. The results showed a strong effect of the premium program on both the average BTSCC and the probability of producing milk with very low BTSCC. On average, the BTSCC of all the milk in the cooperative was reduced by 22,000 cells during the high premium period. The probability of producing milk with BTSCC <100,000 doubled during some months of the high premium period from 4 to 8%, and an associated 10% increase in probability to produce milk below 200,000 cells/mL was observed. The data clearly indicate that premium offerings for very high quality milk affect the overall milk quality in the population affected by the premium. Producers responded to the high premiums and the overall impact on milk quality was substantial. We argue that the combination of a penalty program for high BTSCC milk with a premium program for very high quality milk (low BTSCC) provides a strong incentive for improvement of milk quality.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring cases of bovine clinical mastitis (CM) were studied among J5 vaccinates and controls on 3 commercial dairy farms. Milk production change and reproductive performance following CM were compared between the 2 groups. Among 306 controls and 251 vaccinates, there were 221 new cases of CM affecting 120 cows; 437 lactations never had a case of CM. Environmental pathogens made up 90% (159/176) of etiologic agents isolated. Change in daily milk production following CM was associated with J5 vaccination, days in milk (DIM) at onset of CM, and herd effect as well as each 2-way interaction between the 3 factors. The adjusted daily milk for 21 d following CM was 7.6 kg greater among J5 vaccinates than controls; however, this protective effect of vaccination waned with increasing DIM at onset of CM. A mixed linear model with autoregressive order 1 [AR(1)] correlation structure estimated the daily milk production of any cow (whether or not she had CM) on a given DIM. Cows with CM caused by nonagalactiae streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, or Klebsiella lost significant daily milk production for the entire lactation relative to nonmastitic cows. Another mixed linear model for only coliform CM cases (E. coli, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter) within the first 50 DIM showed milk loss for 21 d following coliform CM to be significantly less for J5 vaccinates than for controls, by 6 to 15 kg per day. Cows were significantly less likely to become pregnant if they had CM caused by E. coli (42% pregnant) or Streptococcus spp. (38% pregnant), whereas 78% (342/437) of cows with no mastitis conceived. Days open (number of days from calving until pregnancy) averaged 131 d for cows with no CM and 162 d for cows that had at least one case of CM. Days until conception, days until last breeding, days open, times bred, and percentage of cows pregnant by 200 DIM were not changed with J5 vaccination. Nonetheless, an important benefit of the use of J5 bacterin appears to be reduction of the loss of daily milk production following CM, whether all cases or only those caused by coliform bacteria were considered.  相似文献   
In the Netherlands, the mortality rate of ear-tagged calves <1 yr is one of the indicators that is continuously monitored in census data and is defined as the number of deceased calves relative to the number of calf-days-at-risk. In 2017, yearly calf mortality rates were published in the lay press and resulted in discussions about the calculation of this parameter among stakeholders because the same parameter appeared to be calculated in many different ways by different organizations. These diverse definitions of calf mortality answered different aims such as early detection of deviations, monitoring trends, or providing insight into herd-specific results, but were difficult to understand by stakeholders. The aim of this study was to evaluate several definitions of calf mortality for scientific validity, usefulness for policymakers, and comprehensibility by farmers. Based on expert consultations, 10 definitions for calf mortality were evaluated that assessed different age categories, time periods, and denominators. Differences in definitions appeared to have a large effect on the magnitude of mortality. For example, with the original mortality parameter, the mortality rate was 16.5% per year. When the first year of life was subdivided into 3 age categories, the mortality rate was 3.3, 4.5, and 3.1% for postnatal calves (≤14 d), preweaned calves (15–55 d), and weaned calves (56 d–1 yr), respectively. Although it was logical that these mortality rates were lower than the original, the sum of the 3 separate mortality rates was also lower than the original mortality rate. The reason was that the number of calves present in a herd and the risk of mortality are not randomly distributed over a calf's first year of life and the conditional nature of mortality rates when calculated for different age categories. Ultimately, 4 parameters to monitor calf mortality in Dutch dairy herds were chosen based on scientific value, usefulness for monitoring of trends, and comprehensibility by farmers: perinatal calf mortality risk (i.e., mortality before, during, or shortly after the moment of birth up to the moment of ear-tagging), postnatal calf mortality risk (≤14 d), preweaned calf mortality rate (15–55 d), and weaned calf mortality rate (56 d–1 yr). Slight differences in definitions of parameters can have a major effect on results, and many factors have to be taken into account when defining an important health indicator such as mortality. Our evaluation resulted in a more thorough understanding of the definitions of the selected parameters and agreement by the stakeholders to use these key indicators to monitor calf mortality.  相似文献   
P-element-induced recombination in Drosophila melanogaster occurs premeiotically. Recombinants are therefore expected to accumulate in the stem cells of the germline of P-element-carrying males. We show that both the recombination frequency and the incidence of "clustering" increase with the age of males carrying various P-element derivatives. The combination of end-deleted elements can lead to average recombination frequencies >50% with individual instances of 100% recombination. These elements also lowered the fertility of the carriers. We investigated these features by constructing an analytical and a computer simulation model of the course of events in the germline, incorporating the recently proposed hybrid element insertion (HEI) model of P-element activity. The model is able to predict extreme recombination levels, segregation ratio biases and lowered fertility through cell death in a single analysis.  相似文献   
毛孔釉疤是陶瓷生产中常见的主要缺陷之一.对产品质量影响很大。本文针对其产生原因做了深入分析.提出“釉坯的还税分离是产生毛孔釉疤的根本原因”这一新观点,对其形成过程做了细致的描述,认为毛孔、釉疤、水泡边、薄坯泡是同一类缺陷.并提供了克服方法和应用实例。  相似文献   
Holstein dairy cattle in 3 commercial herds were randomly allocated to J5 vaccination (n = 251) or untreated control (n = 306) groups. There were 221 new cases of clinical mastitis (CM) affecting 120 cows. Coliform mastitis cases had a higher percentage of severe quarter swelling or signs of systemic illness among control cows but not among J5 vaccinates, in comparison to noncoliform cases. Culling or death from CM affected 13 controls (4.3%) and 4 vaccinates (1.6%), with losses occurring earlier in lactation among controls, a higher hazard (probability of a cow dying on each day of lactation) for controls than vaccinates. The J5 vaccination was significantly associated with protection from culling for mastitis among the 15 Klebsiella cases; 2 out of 10 (20%) Klebsiella-infected controls were culled and 0 out of 5 vaccinates were culled. Cows in second lactation were at reduced hazard of culling for mastitis compared with older animals, even when adjusting for effects of J5 vaccination. When all CM cases (including subsequent new cases during the same lactation and multiple quarters or pathogens within the same cow on the same day) were evaluated, for the 221 cases of CM, the rate was significantly higher among vaccinates than controls (0.10 and 0.07 cases/30 d in milk, respectively). This was because J5 vaccinates had more subsequent new cases of CM in the same cow than controls. Pathogens isolated, which included mainly environmental bacteria, were not different among J5 vaccinates and controls. Immunization with J5 was associated with protection against severe clinical coliform mastitis signs, culling, and death loss from CM but not with any reduction in overall CM.  相似文献   
To better understand the transmission and epidemiology of human listeriosis, 647 Listeria monocytogenes isolates obtained from human listeriosis cases in four U.S. locations (Michigan, Ohio, New York State, and New York City) over 61 months (1998 to 2003) were characterized by automated EcoRI ribotyping. A total of 65 ribotypes were differentiated among the characterized isolates; 393, 227, and 24 isolates were classified into lineages I, II, and III, respectively, and 3 isolates were not classified to lineage. The three most common ribotypes (responsible for 39% of all cases) represented L. monocytogenes epidemic clones, each of which had previously been linked to at least two human listeriosis outbreaks. Categorical analyses revealed that ribotypes and lineages were nonrandomly distributed among the four locations. Temporal cluster analysis of cases identified 13 statistically significant temporal subtype clusters, which represented 26% of all cases. Three of these clusters matched previously described human listeriosis outbreaks. Isolates involved in clusters belonged to nine ribotypes. Four, eight, and one cluster were caused by lineages I, II, and III, respectively. The two largest clusters were both caused by the epidemic clone representing ribotype DUP-1044A. Categorical analyses revealed no significant associations between lineage or ribotype and clinical manifestation (central nervous system infection, septicemia, fetal infection, or other infection) or disease outcome (fatal or not fatal). Although human listeriosis cases are caused by isolates belonging to a diversity of EcoRI ribotypes, specific lineage I epidemic clones cause a large number of human listeriosis cases. Many human listeriosis cases can be grouped into statistically significant temporal clusters, including widely distributed and region-specific clusters associated with isolates of various ribotypes. L. monocytogenes lineages and EcoRI ribotypes do not appear to differ in their likelihood of causing different clinical manifestations or mortality.  相似文献   
Majority of iodine found in dairy milk comes from the diet and teat disinfection products used during milking process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 4 iodine‐based teat dips on milk iodide concentrations varying in iodine level (0.25% vs. 0.5%, w/w), normal low viscosity dip versus barrier dip, and application method (dip vs. spray) to ensure safe iodine levels in dairy milk when these products are used. The iodine exposure study was performed during a 2‐wk period. The trial farm was purged of all iodine‐based disinfection products for 21 d during a prestudy “washout period,” which resulted in baseline milk iodide range of 145 to 182 ppb. During the experiment, iodine‐based teat dips were used as post‐milking teat disinfectants and compared to a non‐iodine control disinfectant. Milk iodide residue levels for each treatment was evaluated from composited group samples. Introduction of different iodine‐based teat disinfectants increased iodide residue content in milk relative to the control by between 8 and 29 μg/L when averaged across the full trial period. However, residues levels for any treatment remained well below the consumable limit of 500 μg/L. The 0.5% iodine disinfectant increased milk iodide levels by 20 μg/L more compared to the 0.25% iodine. Compared to dip‐cup application, spray application significantly increased milk iodide residue by 21 μg/L and utilized approximately 23% more teat dip. This carefully controlled study demonstrated an increase in milk iodide concentrations from iodine disinfectants, but increases were small and within acceptable limits.  相似文献   
We conducted a longitudinal study to evaluate the effect of non-aureus staphylococci (NAS) causing subclinical intramammary infections (IMI) on quarter milk somatic cell count (qSCC) and quarter milk yield (qMY). In total, 324 quarters of 82 Holstein Friesian heifers were followed from calving to 130 d in milk (DIM) and were sampled 10 times each at 14-d intervals. The IMI status of each quarter was determined based on bacterial culture results at the current and previous or next sampling day, or both. The qSCC was determined on each sampling day and the average qMY on sampling day was available through stored daily milk weight data in the management program of the automatic milking system. A transient IMI (tIMI) was defined as a case where a specific pathogen was isolated from a quarter on only one sampling day and not on the previous or next sampling day. When the same bacterial strain, as defined by random amplification of polymorphic DNA-PCR, was isolated from the same quarter on multiple sampling days, it was defined as a persistent IMI (pIMI) status on those sampling days; a pIMI episode was defined as the combination of multiple consecutive pIMI statuses with the same bacterial strain on different sampling days. During this study, 142 subclinical IMI with NAS occurred in 116 different quarters from 64 animals, yielding in total 304 NAS isolates belonging to 17 different species. The prevalence of NAS was highest in the first 4 DIM. Overall, the predominant species was Staphylococcus chromogenes (52% of the isolates), followed by S. epidermidis (9.2%), S. xylosus (8.2%), and S. equorum (5.9%). Staphylococcus chromogenes was the only species for which an effect on qSCC and qMY could be analyzed separately; the other NAS species were considered as a group because of their low prevalence. Eighteen out of 40 IMI (45%) caused by S. chromogenes persisted over at least 2 sampling days, whereas only 10 of 102 (9.8%) IMI caused by other NAS species persisted for at least 2 sampling days. The average duration of pIMI episodes was 110.4 d for S. chromogenes and 70 d for the other NAS species. Remarkably, 17 of the 18 pIMI episodes with S. chromogenes started within the first 18 DIM. The qSCC was highest in quarters having a pIMI with a major pathogen, followed by quarters having a pIMI with S. chromogenes, and a pIMI with other NAS. Transient IMI with other NAS or with a major pathogen caused a small but significantly higher qSCC, whereas the qSCC in quarters having a tIMI with S. chromogenes was not statistically different compared with noninfected quarters. No significant differences in qMY were observed between quarters having a pIMI or tIMI with S. chromogenes or with the other NAS species compared with noninfected quarters, despite the higher qSCC. Quarters having a pIMI with major pathogens showed significantly lower daily milk production. Surprisingly, quarters that cured from an IMI with S. chromogenes had a significantly lower qMY than noninfected quarters.  相似文献   
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