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ABSTRACT: : The effective dynamic viscosity was measured in the graphite water-based nanofluids. The shear thinning non-Newtonian behavior is observed in the measurement. On the basis of the best fitting of the experimental data, the viscosity at zero shear rate or at infinite shear rate is determined for each of the fluids. It is found that increases of the particle volume concentration and the holding time period of the nanofluids result in an enhancement of the effective dynamic viscosity. The maximum enhancement of the effective dynamic viscosity at infinite rate of shear is more than 24 times in the nanofluids held for 3 days with the volume concentration of 4% in comparison with the base fluid. A transmission electron microscope is applied to reveal the morphology of aggregated nanoparticles qualitatively. The large and irregular aggregation of the particles is found in the 3-day fluids in the drying samples. The Raman spectra are extended to characterize the D and G peaks of the graphite structure in the nanofluids. The increasing intensity of the D peak indicates the nanoparticle aggregation growing with the higher concentration and the longer holding time of the nanofluids. The experimental results suggest that the increase on effective dynamic viscosity of nanofluids is related to the graphite nanoparticle aggregation in the fluids.  相似文献   


A series of Zn2+ and W6+ doped tin oxide (SnO2) thin films with various dopant concentrations were prepared by spray pyrolysis deposition, and were characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, contact angle, absorbance, current density–voltage (J–V) and photocurrent measurements. The results showed that W6+ doping can prevent the growth of nanosized SnO2 crystallites. When Zn2+ ions were used, the crystallite sizes were proved to be similar with the undoped sample due to the similar ionic radius between Zn2+ and Sn4+. Regardless of the dopant ions’ type or concentration, the surface energy has a predominant dispersive component. By using Zn2+ dopant ions it is possible to decrease the band gap value (3.35 eV) and to increase the electrical conductivity. Photocatalytic experiments with methylene blue demonstrated that with zinc doped SnO2 films photodegradation efficiencies close to 30% can be reached.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method to compensate the dimensional deviation, irrespective of the sources for its components, and to integrate the dimensional verification and dimensional control processes. Nowadays, approach in compensation of dimensional deviation is based on decomposing the deviation. The decomposing criterion is the error source such as positioning errors, thermal deformation, mechanical loads, tool wear, kinematical errors, dynamic force, and motion control. Then, one or even more components are modeled and compensated. On contrary, the proposed method is based on the decomposing of the tool path and consideration of the batch samples. The decomposition criteria ignores the error sources as: (1) speed of variation in space of the total deviation value for the tool path decomposition and (2) the speed of variation in time of the deviation model parameters values for batch samples decomposition. The data from the geometry holistic monitoring are used for both modeling and compensation of systematic component of the total error, also for checking the compliance with technical requirements. Two algorithms for processing of the data provided by geometry monitoring, namely the adaptive?Cpredictive algorithm and adaptive?Coptimal algorithm, are presented. Nine experimental batches were machined to verify the efficiency of the proposed method using various model structures and processing algorithms. The results of method application have shown a reduction of deterministic and even nondeterministic part of the total error in what concern accuracy and precision. For the entire batch, the level of remanent error is less than 5% for deterministic part, and less than 75% for nondeterministic part. These results are clearly better than the other results reported; moreover, they refer to the whole processing error and entire batch.  相似文献   
Soft, stimulus-responsive 3D structures created from crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) have been fabricated at unprecedented sub-micron resolution by direct laser writing (DLW). These structures absorb considerable quantities of solvent (e.g., water, alcohol, and acetone) to produce PIL hydrogels that exhibit stimulus-responsive behavior. Due to their flexibility and soft, responsive nature, these structures are much more akin to biological systems than the conventional, highly crosslinked, rigid structures typically produced using 2-photon polymerization (2-PP). These PIL gels expand/contract due to solvent uptake/release, and, by exploiting inherited properties of the ionic liquid monomer (ILM), thermo-responsive gels that exhibit reversible area change (30?±?3%, n?=?40) when the temperature is raised from 20?°C to 70?°C can be created. The effect is very rapid, with the response indistinguishable from the microcontroller heating rate of 7.4?°C?s?1. The presence of an endoskeleton-like framework within these structures influences movement arising from expansion/contraction and assists the retention of structural integrity during actuation cycling.  相似文献   
This paper deals with interpolatory product integration rules based on Jacobi nodes, associated with the Banach space of all s-times continuously differentiable functions, and with a Banach space of absolutely integrable functions, on the interval \([-1,1]\) of the real axis. In order to highlight the topological structure of the set of unbounded divergence for the corresponding product quadrature formulas, a family of continuous linear operators associated with these product integration procedures is pointed out, and the unboundedness of the set of their norms is established, by means of some properties involving the theory of Jacobi polynomials. The main result of the paper is based on some principles of Functional Analysis, and emphasizes the phenomenon of double condensation of singularities with respect to the considered interpolatory product quadrature formulas, by pointing out large subsets (in topological meaning) of the considered Banach spaces, on which the quadrature procedures are unboundedly divergent.  相似文献   
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of two‐dimensional grease flow through an asymmetric discontinuity. The behaviour of the fluid is described using Navier—Stokes equations, numerically solved by the finite‐element method. The FLFI program was used for this purpose. For this type of discontinuity, the velocity profile in the lubricant film, the shape and the dimensions of the stagnant core, the flow capacity, and the pressure distribution have been obtained. The results are useful in the design of bearings, if one considers the discontinuities in the carrying region as orifices, canals, or pockets for lubrication.  相似文献   
This paper presents and investigates a novel approach for constructing a family of intersymbol interference (ISI)-free pulses that shows comparable or better ISI performance in the presence of sampling errors, compared with some recently proposed pulses. We propose and discuss a new parametric method for the design of Nyquist filter characteristics using constraints in frequency characteristics construction. The method for constructing the filter characteristics uses a piecewise polynomial approximation of an ideal optimized staircase characteristic by spline functions. The spline polynomials are used to approximate a function that must pass through specified points. The performances of new ISI-free pulses are studied with respect to the ISI error probability. This family provides flexibility in designing an appropriate pulse even after the roll-off factor has been chosen. The results for error probability outperform the fourth-degree polynomial pulse [4].  相似文献   
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are having a profound effect in society and organizations. However, the literature on ICT adoption—from selection to implementation—has not been well integrated into leadership theory. This is particularly true in terms of adoption. Leaders must adopt ICTs not only for their own competence—an antecedent condition for what is considered e-leadership, but choose, recommend, and support implementation of ICTs for their organizations/units to use. Leaders are also expected to become effective in dealing and navigating the challenges of leading within the digital space. At this moment, there are two pertinent literatures: the technology adoption literature and the enterprise resource planning literature—which can be considered an important special case of leadership change management literature—and which could provide the theoretical basis for developing a unified theoretical perspective on e-leadership. This article provides a framework and propositions to connect these literatures by focusing on the effects of individual leader characteristics on the ICT adoption process from both a personal and enterprise-wide perspective. Study limitations and future research opportunities are outlined.  相似文献   
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