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Although several epidemiological studies have examined the mortality among users of spit tobacco, none have compared mortality of former cigarette smokers who substitute spit tobacco for cigarette smoking (“switchers”) and smokers who quit using tobacco entirely.


A cohort of 116 395 men were identified as switchers (n = 4443) or cigarette smokers who quit using tobacco entirely (n = 111 952) when enrolled in the ongoing US American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II. From 1982 to 31 December 2002, 44 374 of these men died. The mortality hazard ratios (HR) of tobacco‐related diseases, including lung cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, were estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression modelling adjusted for age and other demographic variables, as well as variables associated with smoking history, including number of years smoked, number of cigarettes smoked and age at quitting.


After 20 years of follow‐up, switchers had a higher rate of death from any cause (HR 1.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01 to 1.15), lung cancer (HR 1.46, 95% CI 1.24 to 1.73), coronary heart disease (HR 1.13, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.29) and stroke (HR 1.24, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.53) than those who quit using tobacco entirely.


The risks of dying from major tobacco‐related diseases were higher among former cigarette smokers who switched to spit tobacco after they stopped smoking than among those who quit using tobacco entirely.Several epidemiological studies have examined morbidity and mortality among users of spit tobacco (spit‐tobacco users),1,2 but none have compared the mortality of former cigarette smokers who substitute spit tobacco for cigarette smoking (“switchers”) to those of smokers who quit using tobacco entirely. Comprehensive reviews by the US Surgeon General,3 and the International Agency for Research on Cancer4 and others5 have concluded that evidence is sufficient that the use of spit tobacco causes several types of cancer in humans. Although the evidence linking use of spit tobacco to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases is limited,6 these products cause acute increases in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as long‐term adverse effects on blood pressure and lipid profiles.7We compared mortality of switchers to those of former cigarette smokers who quit using tobacco entirely among men enrolled in a large prospective cohort.  相似文献   
Hexachlorocyclohexanes in the North American atmosphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Annually integrated air concentrations of alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) were determined in 2000/2001 at 40 stations across North America using XAD-based passive air samplers to understand atmospheric distribution processes on a continental scale. Elevated levels of gamma-HCH in the atmosphere of the Canadian Prairies are consistent with the ongoing use of lindane as a seed treatment on canola and confirm the feasibility of detecting the agricultural use of a pesticide using long-term integrated passive air sampling. In contrast to gamma-HCH, the atmospheric concentrations of alpha-HCH show a rather uniform distribution across Canada and the United States, which is expected for a chemical with no current use on the continent. Higher levels in the atmosphere over Atlantic Canada can be explained by alpha-HCH evaporating from the waters of the Labrador Current, which is supported bythe chiral composition of alpha-HCH and the temperature dependence of its atmospheric concentrations along the east coast of Canada. Similarly, alpha-HCH is volatilizing from Lake Superior. Atmospheric HCH levels increase with elevation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The results suggest that evaporation, in particular from cold water bodies, is an important source of alpha-HCH to the North American atmosphere. Low levels of HCHs in Central America hint at efficient degradation under tropical conditions. Chiral analysis shows that (+)-alpha-HCH is often enriched in air over continental areas and at the Pacific Coast, which is opposite to the enantiomeric enrichment in the proximity to the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. Passive air sampling is a powerful tool to discern the large-scale variability of semivolatile and persistent organic chemicals in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
A real-time PCR assay was designed to detect a 162-bp fragment of the ssrA gene in Listeria monocytogenes. The specificity of the assay for L. monocytogenes was confirmed against a panel of 6 Listeria species and 26 other bacterial species. A detection limit of 1-10 genome equivalents was determined for the assay. Application of the assay in natural and artificially contaminated culture enriched foods, including soft cheese, meat, milk, vegetables and fish, enabled detection of 1-5 CFU L. monocytogenes per 25g/ml of food sample in 30h. The performance of the assay was compared with the Roche Diagnostics 'LightCycler foodproof Listeria monocytogenes Detection Kit'. Both methods detected L. monocytogenes in all artificially contaminated retail samples (n=27) and L. monocytogenes was not detected by either system in 27 natural retail food samples. The method developed in this study has the potential to enable the specific detection of L. monocytogenes in a variety of food types in a time-frame considerably faster than current standard methods. The potential of the ssrA gene as a nucleic acid diagnostic (NAD) target has been demonstrated in L. monocytogenes. We are currently developing NAD tests based on the ssrA gene for a range of common foodborne and clinically relevant bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   
Lubricity, in particular mouthfeel, is an important factor in production of vegetable oil bases for food product formulations. Certain functional characteristics are necessary for good texture at various temperatures. These characteristics are dependent on degree of unsaturation, fatty acid distribution, and degree of geometrical isomerization during processing. Proper selectivity and activity of hydrogenation catalysts used in hardening of the oils are essential. Sufficient solid fat content must be balanced by necessary oxid ative stability. Products discussed include salad oils and their formulations in pourable and spoonable salad dressings, mayonnaises, frying oils, imitation dairy products, margarines and bakery shortenings. Past, present and future industry technology will be evaluated for each type of food fat product. Customer needs have greatly affected the course of research in this area.  相似文献   
The analysis of carbon oxidation data presented in a previous Fuel paper is shown to contain an error, as a result of which the intrinsic reactivity of carbon to oxygen is under-estimated by a factor of between one and four.  相似文献   
The environmental distribution and the biomagnification of a suite of perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and C8 to C14 perfluorinated carboxylates (PFCAs), was investigated in the food web of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Surficial seawater and sediment samples, as well as zooplankton, fish, and bottlenose dolphin tissue samples, were collected at two U.S. locations: Sarasota Bay, FL and Charleston Harbor, SC. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents were also collected from the Charleston area (n = 4). A solid-phase extraction was used for seawater and effluent samples and an ion-pairing method was used for sediment and biotic samples. PFCs were detected in seawater (range <1-12 ng/L), sediment (range <0.01-0.4 ng/g wet weight (ww)), and zooplankton (range 0.06-0.3 ng/g ww). The highest PFC concentrations were detected in WWTP effluents, whole fish, and dolphin plasma and tissue samples in which PFOS, C8 and C10-PFCAs predominated in most matrices. Contamination profiles varied with location suggesting different sources of PFC emissions. Biomagnification factors (BMFs) ranged from <1 to 156 at Sarasota Bay and <1 to 30 at Charleston. Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) for PFOS and C8-C11 PFCAs indicated biomagnification in this marine food web. The results indicate that using plasma and liver PFC concentrations as surrogate to whole body burden in a top marine predator overestimates the BMFs and TMFs.  相似文献   
Ion-exchange experiments were performed to evaluate the formation of the uranium-citrate and uranium-iron-citrate complexes over a wide concentration range; i.e., environmentally relevant concentrations (e.g., 10(-6) M in metal and ligand) and concentrations useful for spectroscopic investigations (e.g., 10(-4) M in metal and ligand). The stability of the well-known uranium-citrate complex was determined to validate the computational and experimental methods applied to the more complex system. Values of the conditional stability constants for these species were obtained using a chemical equilibrium model in FITEQL. At a pH of 4.0, the stability constant for uranium-citrate complex (log beta1,1) was determined to be 8.71+/-0.6 at I = 0. Analysis of the results of ion-exchange experiments for the U-Fe-citric acid system indicates the formation of the 1:1:1 and 1:1:2 ternary species with stability constants (log beta) of 17.10+/-0.41 and 20.47+/-0.31, respectively, at I= 0.  相似文献   
Natural organic matter (NOM) in drinking water supplies can provide precursors for disinfectant byproducts, molecules that impact taste and odors, compounds that influence the efficacy of treatment, and other compounds that are a source of energy and carbon for the regrowth of microorganisms during distribution. NOM, measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), was monitored daily in the White River and the Indiana-American water treatment plant over 22 months. Other parameters were either measured daily (UV-absorbance, alkalinity, color, temperature) or continuously (turbidity, pH, and discharge) and used with stepwise linear regressions to predict DOC concentrations. The predictive models were validated with monthly samples of the river water and treatment plant effluent taken over a 2-year period after the daily monitoring had ended. Biodegradable DOC (BDOC) concentrations were measured in the river water and plant effluent twice monthly for 18 months. The BDOC measurements, along with measurements of humic and carbohydrate constituents within the DOC and BDOC pools, revealed that carbohydrates were the organic fraction with the highest percent removal during treatment, followed by BDOC, humic substances, and refractory DOC.  相似文献   
Beef longissimus dorsi muscle samples matured over a 21 day period were analysed using three different analytical techniques; 1H NMR, GC–MS and HPLC. The data from the three experimental techniques were correlated with each other to determine if the results were statistically similar to each other. From our analysis we determined that the metabolites measured using 1H NMR were statistically similar to the compounds quantified using the chromatography techniques (p < 0.001). In addition, using PCA, we were able to show that different metabolites, measured using the various analytical techniques produced very similar scores and loadings plots for all the analysis and extraction techniques undertaken across the 21 day time domain. Using a combination of these three different techniques provides a unique and holistic insight into the biochemistry behind the conversion of muscle to meat which would not be possible using any single technique alone.  相似文献   
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