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基于单片机信号处理的自动聚焦系统通过对CCD图像传感器输出的视频信号进行滤波,析出反映聚焦清晰程度的高频分量,单片机采样、分析、控制马达转动镜头至对焦清楚的位置。为了避免该系统设计过程中调试硬件带来的困难和复杂性,先将视频信号用图像采集卡采集到计算机上,然后使用Matlab这一功能强大的软件对该系统的关键技术进行仿真分析,并给出实验仿真结果,为系统的硬件电路设计和算法实现提供支持。  相似文献   
In this work, we present our experience in implementing two different cryptographic algorithms in an FPGA: IDEA and AES. Both implementations have been done by means of mixing Handel-C and VHDL and using partial and dynamic reconfiguration in order to reach a very high performance. In both cases, we have obtained very satisfactory results, achieving 27.948 Gb/s in the IDEA algorithm and 24.922 Gb/s in the AES algorithm.  相似文献   
引言当在那些出现输出短路和过载情况的应用中使用降压型稳压器时,在全速运作的情况下,将电感器电流保持于受控状态所需的占空比可以低于稳压器的最小占空比.  相似文献   
综述移动宽带互联网正在发生的变化,对LBS、应用商店及UGC所影响的业务和热点商业模式进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   
对目前移动多媒体广播中央业务分发和地方业务集成实施方案进行了详细介绍,并对其改进方案进行了研究和实验室测试,最后提出了一种具有前瞻性的设想方案.  相似文献   
王娟 《光电子.激光》2009,(9):1181-1185
提出了一种新的视觉坐标测量数学模型,利用参数法推导了基于平面四控制点坐标的解析解,通过最小二乘法对摄像机坐标系下的平面四控制点进行平面拟合,进而求得被测点的三维坐标,并通过大量实验与采用共线三控制点的计算模型进行了对比,结果表明,利用本文所提出的方法计算简单,被测点坐标的测量重复性特别是Z坐标的测量重复性得到显著提高。分析了影响测量系统的主要因素,通过实验纠正了图像畸变对测量系统的影响。  相似文献   
This article presents a technique to solve the problem of multi-focus image fusion. This technique is based on the maximization of a linear function with spatial coherence constraints. The final fused image is computed as the sum of the source images using a segmentation map. We can compute the segmentation map using the Simplex method, where the objective function includes one variable associated with each pixel. The Simplex method requires a huge amount of memory resources to produce it. We present an algorithm called CPW-S, which uses some strategies to solve the problem in a context with fewer variables; images are split into regions, thus reducing the computational effort. We present results for two pairs of synthetic images in order to quantify the results, obtaining more than \(98\%\) of pixel accuracy for the segmentation map. We also present results for several pairs of real images (widely used in the literature) and a triad of multi-focus images. The resulting fused images are qualitatively good for all the real images included in the experiments.  相似文献   
对广播电视发射传输信息管理系统进行了方案设计,并给出了系统网络结构。此外,还对系统软件模块进行了划分和阐述。该信息管理系统除了能够实现各种数据录入、修改、查询、统计等功能以外,还可以实现Intranet/Internet网上综合查询。  相似文献   
As Codesign problems become larger and more realistic, the required time to estimate their solutions turns into an important bottleneck. This paper presents a new approach to improve the traditional estimation techniques, in order to avoid this drawback. The presented method has been successfully tested on a large experimental benchmark, attaining quality levels close to those provided by the Synopsys Behavioral Compiler. Finally, a case study based on the standard H.261 video co-dec is described, proving the convenience of the technique on real-life situations. The obtained results show a significant improvement in the process time, while keeping the good precision and fidelity levels that the traditional estimation models usually offer.  相似文献   
文中论述了智能变电站与数字化变电站的主要区别,从智能化变电站的结构体系、智能设备的顺序特点、智能一次设备的功能等方面进行了详细的描述;重点探究了智能变电站的高级应用程序;在智能变电站的运用、维护以及处理突发事件等方面给出了建议。  相似文献   
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