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Monolithic integration of a 1.55-μm InGaAsP/InP distributed feedback (DFB) laser and an electroabsorption (EA) modulator was studied. The difference between the lasing photon energy and the bandgap energy of the modulator waveguide was designed to be 30-40 meV, taking into account the linewidth-enhancement factor and the zero-bias absorption loss. The integrated devices were grown by three-step vapor phase epitaxy (VPE). The CW threshold current at 20°C of the DFB laser part with a buried heterostructure was 30-60 mA and the breakdown voltage of the modulator part with a strip-loaded stripe geometry was 20-40 V, and these values indicated satisfactory crystal quality in the VPE epitaxial layers. The operating voltage of the modulator to give on:off ratios of 10:1 and 100:1 was 1.5- 4 V and 2.5-6.5 V, respectively, depending on the length in the range200-500 mum. A 3-dB bandwidth of about 2.5 GHz and a linewidth-enhancement factor of about 1.6 were obtained for the integrated modulator.  相似文献   
[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 75(1) of Journal of Applied Psychology (see record 2008-10492-001). An error exists in Figure 2 and the accompanying text of the article. The corrected information is included in the erratum.] The problem of assessing fit of structural equation models is reviewed, and two sampling studies are reported that examine the effects of sample size, estimation method, and model misspecification on fit indices. In the first study, the behavior of indices in a known-population confirmatory factor analysis model is considered. In the second study, the same problem in an empirical data set is examined by looking at antecedents and consequences of work motivation. The findings across the two studies suggest that (a) as might be expected, sample size is an important determinant in assessing model fit; (b) estimator-specific, as opposed to estimator-general, fit indices provide more accurate indications of model fit; and (c) the studied fit indices are differentially sensitive to model misspecification. Some recommendations for the use of structural equation model fit indices are given. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles is an autosomal recessive muscular disorder, characterized clinically by weakness of the distal muscles in the lower limbs in early adulthood. Recently, the gene locus for familial vacuolar myopathy with autosomal recessive inheritance (hereditary inclusion body myopathy) was mapped to chromosome 9 by genome-wide linkage analysis of nine Persian-Jewish families. Since both disease conditions share similar clinical, genetic, and histopathological features, we analyzed seven families with distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles using ten microsatellite markers within the region of the hereditary inclusion body myopathy locus. Significantly high cumulative pairwise lod scores were obtained with three markers: D9S248 (Z(max) = 5.90 at theta = 0), D9S43 (Z(max) = 5.25 at theta = 0), and D9S50 (Z(max) = 4.23 at theta = 0). Detection of obligate recombination events as well as multipoint linkage analysis revealed that the most likely location of the distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles gene is in a 23.3-cM interval defined by D9S319 and D9S276 on chromosome 9. The results raise the possibility that distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles and hereditary inclusion body myopathy in Persian Jews are allelic diseases.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Crush syndrome is a form of traumatic rhabdomyolysis characterized by systemic involvement, in which acute renal failure is potentially life-threatening. METHODS: Clinical and laboratory data of 14 crush-syndrome patients transferred to a tertiary emergency department after the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake were analyzed. The patients were buried under collapsed houses for the average of 6.7 +/- 5.7 (SD) hours (range, 1 to 24 hours). They were referred to us 6 to 250 hours after the earthquake. RESULTS: Of those who arrived at our institution within 40 hours, 25% (two of eight) developed renal failure, whereas all six patients who arrived after 40 hours developed renal failure. Peak serum creatine kinase ranged from 6,677 to 134,200 U/L (51,674 +/- 41,776). Renal failure was highly associated with massive muscle damage (serum creatine kinase above 25,000 U/L) and insufficient initial fluid resuscitation (below 10,000 mL/2 days). CONCLUSIONS: Prompt and adequate, if not massive, fluid resuscitation is the key to preventing renal failure after such injury.  相似文献   
Transduction of dendritic cells (DC) can result in presentation of tumor-associated antigens and induction of immunity against undefined epitopes. The present studies demonstrate adenovirus (Ad)-mediated transduction of the beta-galactosidase gene in mouse DC. Similar transductions have been obtained with the gene encoding the DF3/MUC1 tumor-associated antigen. We show that the Ad-transduced DC are functional in primary allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions. Mice immunized with Ad-transduced DC develop cytotoxic T lymphocytes that are specific for the beta-galactosidase or DF3/MUC1 antigens. The results also demonstrate that Ad MUC1-transduced DC induce a specific response which inhibits the growth of DF3/MUC1-positive tumors. These findings support the usefulness of Ad-transduced DC for in vivo immunization against tumor-associated antigens.  相似文献   
A 59-year-old man, who had had right middle and lower lobectomy for pulmonary tuberculosis, admitted for the treatment of empyema with fistula. Closure of empyema space with free rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap was performed following open window thoracotomy and thoracoplasty. As he previously underwent two major operation, lobectomy by posterolateral approach and gastrectomy for gastric ulcer, free rectus abdominis flap was chosen instead of omental flap or latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap. Postoperative CT film showed that this flap was filled up in all interstices of the empyema cavity. The pedicle vessels to this flap are large enough to provide long stalks, so microsurgical anastomosis can be accomplished safely. The use of free rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap is one of a useful maneuver for chronic empyema with fistula.  相似文献   
Vascular parkinsonism is thought to be a distinct parkinsonian syndrome associated with small deep infarcts and white matter lesions (WMLs). We studied the prevalence of parkinsonian features (bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, and gait disorder) in relation to small deep or territorial infarcts and WMLs on computed tomography (CT) in 62 lacunar and 41 territorial stroke patients, at 3.0 (median) years of follow up. One or more parkinsonian signs were found in 36% of these patients; 11% clinically had parkinsonism. Parkinsonian signs were found more frequently in lacunar than in territorial stroke patients: bradykinesia in 45% and 7%, rigidity in 13% and 7%, tremor in 6% and 7%, and gait disorder in 16% and 7%, respectively. Patients with WMLs at study entry (n = 16) were compared with those without WMLs (n = 87): 56% and 25% had bradykinesia, 25% and 8% rigidity, 25% and 3% tremor, and 38% and 8% gait disorder, respectively. Regression analysis with adjusted odds ratios ([a]OR) showed that WMLs at study entry were associated with bradykinesia ([a]OR 8.0, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.6-41.6), gait disorder ([a]OR 7.1, 95% CI 1.5-33.7), and tremor ([a]OR 7.0, 95% CI 1.2-40.3). Bradykinesia was associated with lacunar stroke at study entry ([a]OR 11.5, 95% CI 2.4-54.9). Thus, one third of our stroke patients had one or more parkinsonian signs, and 10% clinically had a parkinsonian syndrome that differed from Lewy body parkinsonism: infrequent resting tremor, but frequent gait disorder. Parkinsonian signs were associated with WMLs and lacunar stroke. Therefore, this study favors a distinct vascular parkinsonian syndrome.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare the safety and efficacy of a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium given orally every 12 hours (amoxicillin, 875 mg; clavulanate, 125 mg) with that given every 8 hours (amoxicillin, 500 mg; clavulanate, 125 mg) for the treatment of patients with acute bacterial maxillary sinusitis. DESIGN: Multicenter double-blind randomized double-dummy controlled trial. SETTING: Physicians' offices and ambulatory care clinics. PATIENTS: One hundred seventy patients at least 18 years of age with acute bacterial maxillary sinusitis who could be treated with an oral antimicrobial agent were randomized, and data from 134 were suitable for evaluation. Four patients were withdrawn from this study because of adverse effects. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate orally every 12 hours (amoxicillin, 875 mg; clavulanate, 125 mg) or every 8 hours (amoxicillin, 500 mg; clavulanate, 125 mg) for 14 days. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Clinical success at the end of therapy. RESULTS: Clinical success at the end of therapy was similar for the 2 treatment groups, 93% and 88% of patients in the every 12-hour and every 8-hour groups, respectively (P = .76; 95% confidence interval, -4.0% to 15.6%). Clinical success rates at follow-up 2 to 4 weeks after the end of therapy were also similar in the 2 groups. Adverse events related to treatment were reported with similar frequency in the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: Amoxicillin and clavulanate given every 12 hours is as effective and as safe as administration every 8 hours for the treatment of acute bacterial maxillary sinusitis.  相似文献   
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