Russian Electrical Engineering - This paper presents the results of a study of the effect of the characteristics of the traction power-supply system on the indicator of the energy supply of... 相似文献
Concrete structures may deteriorate over time due to aggressive service environments, leading to a reduction in their strengths, stiffnesses and reliabilities. In general, the assessment of time-dependent reliability of ageing structures must consider uncertainties in structural deterioration as well as non-stationarities in the structural load processes. This paper develops an approximate method for assessing the impact of structural deterioration and non-stationary live loads on structures, which requires only low-dimensional integration and reduces the cost of assessing time-dependent reliability over a service life extending to 50 years significantly. This approximate method is demonstrated through several examples. The importance of non-stationarities in the resistance and load processes on time-dependent reliability is illustrated and the accuracy of the method is confirmed in several cases utilising Monte Carlo simulation. 相似文献
Research of a metal of the stop valve case (SVC) of the K-300-23.5 LMZ turbine (steel grade 15Kh1M1FL), destroyed after operation for 331000 hours, is performed. It’s chemical composition and properties are determined as follows: a short-term mechanical tensile stress at 20°C and at elevated temperature, critical temperature, fragility, critical crack opening at elevated temperature, and long-term strength. Furthermore, nature of the microstructure, packing density of carbide particles and their size, and chemical composition of carbide sediment are estimated. A manifestation of metal properties for the main case components by comparison with a forecast of the respective characteristics made for the operating time of 331000 hours is tested. Property-time relationships are built for the forecast using statistical treatment of the test results for the samples cut out from more than 300 parts. Representativeness of the research results is proved: the statistical treatment of their differences are within the range of ±5%. It has been found that, after 150000 hours of operation, only the tensile strength insignificantly depends on the operating time at 20°C, whereas indicators of strength at elevated temperature significantly reduce, depending on the operating time. A brittle-to-ductile transition temperature (BDTT) raises, a critical notch opening changes in a complicated way, a long-term strength reduces. It has been found empirically that the limit of a long-term strength of the SVC metal at 540°C and the operating time of 105 hours is almost 1.6 times less than the required value in the as-delivered state. It is possible to evaluate a service life of the operating valves with the operating time of more than 330000 hours with respect to the long-term strength of the metal taking into account the actual temperature and stress. Guidelines for the control of similar parts are provided. 相似文献
The results are presented of experimental investigations into liquid metal heat transfer performed by the joint research group consisting of specialist in heat transfer and hydrodynamics from NIU MPEI and JIHT RAS. The program of experiments has been prepared considering the concept of development of the nuclear power industry in Russia. This concept calls for, in addition to extensive application of water-cooled, water-moderated (VVER-type) power reactors and BN-type sodium cooled fast reactors, development of the new generation of BREST-type reactors, fusion power reactors, and thermonuclear neutron sources. The basic coolants for these nuclear power installations will be heavy liquid metals, such as lead and lithium-lead alloy. The team of specialists from NRU MPEI and JIHT RAS commissioned a new RK-3 mercury MHD-test facility. The major components of this test facility are a unique electrical magnet constructed at Budker Nuclear Physics Institute and a pressurized liquid metal circuit. The test facility is designed for investigating upward and downward liquid metal flows in channels of various cross-sections in a transverse magnetic field. A probe procedure will be used for experimental investigation into heat transfer and hydrodynamics as well as for measuring temperature, velocity, and flow parameter fluctuations. It is generally adopted that liquid metals are the best coolants for the Tokamak reactors. However, alternative coolants should be sought for. As an alternative to liquid metal coolants, molten salts, such as fluorides of lithium and beryllium (so-called FLiBes) or fluorides of alkali metals (so-called FLiNaK) doped with uranium fluoride, can be used. That is why the team of specialists from NRU MPEI and JIHT RAS, in parallel with development of a mercury MHD test facility, is designing a test facility for simulating molten salt heat transfer and hydrodynamics. Since development of this test facility requires numerical predictions and verification of numerical codes, all examined configurations of the MHD flow are also investigated numerically. 相似文献
This paper is devoted to simulations of a valve electric engine with excitation from high-energy permanent rare-earth magnets. A feature of the design of the engine under consideration is that a stator is manufactured using the polycapillary glass-fiber technique. The conductors of the distributed stator winding are placed in holes pm the tube wall. The cylindrical bipolar rotor is made of iron–neodymium–boron. The assumption accepted in the work during the solving the Laplace equation has made it possible to obtain analytical solutions for the magnetic flux, emf, current, electromagnetic torque, and electromagnetic power. 相似文献
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology - Mineral phase characterization and thorough understanding of its transformation behavior during combustion are imperative to know the... 相似文献
The Jerada anthracite mine in Morocco was abandoned in 2001 after producing approximately 20 million tonnes of solid waste. The acid generating potential of these wastes was determined by performing tests on five samples collected from relatively older and more recent waste deposits. No carbonate minerals were identified. Pyrite was the only sulphide mineral observed and much of it had been completely transformed into Fe-oxides. Analysis of the waste indicated low levels (<1 %) of Ca and Mg, while Fe and Al concentrations generally exceeded 5 %. Modified Sobek static tests and column kinetic tests were conducted for 24 months. The static test results were not conclusive (20 <net neutralising potential <20 Kg CaCO3/t). Leachates from the kinetic tests for three of the five samples showed an initially acidic pH, while those of the remaining two became acidic by the end of the tests. Sulfate concentrations (SO42?) decreased over time from 5000 to 200 mg/L. 相似文献
Slope stability accidents are one of the leading causes of destruction at open pit mining operations. Such interception of the seepage water results in the water inflow from the surrounding aquifer towards the mine excavations. In order to design an effective drainage scheme for an open pit mine, prediction of water inflow into the pit is essential. These changes have resulted in some failures and instability problems in different parts of Gol-E-Gohar iron open pit mine. It seems that main parameters which effect the failure and instability of the mine slopes are high pressure of groundwater and system of discontinuities (faults, joins, and bedding planes), which intersect the pit walls. The analysis results indicate that stability of the final pit slopes is sensitive to multi-planar failures and confined water in the walls pit is also a factor adversely affecting the stability. Problems associated with groundwater at the site were also assessed with the analyses of piezometric level and groundwater inflow. 相似文献
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of 49Fe-49Co-2V, also known as Hiperco® 50A or Permendur-2V, greatly improves the strength and ductility of... 相似文献
Titanium alloys are processed to develop a wide range of microstructure configurations and therefore material properties. While these properties are typically measured experimentally, a framework for property prediction could greatly enhance alloy design and manufacturing. Here a microstructure-sensitive framework is presented for the prediction of strength and ductility as well as estimates of the bounds in variability for these properties. The framework explicitly considers distributions of microstructure via new approaches for instantiation of structure in synthetic samples. The parametric evaluation strategy, including the finite element simulation package FEpX, is used to create and test virtual polycrystalline samples to evaluate the variability bounds of mechanical properties in Ti-6Al-4V. Critical parameters for the property evaluation framework are provided by measurements of single crystal properties and advanced characterization of microstructure and slip system strengths in 2D and 3D. Property distributions for yield strength and ductility are presented, along with the validation and verification steps undertaken. Comparisons between strain localization and slip activity in virtual samples and in experimental grain-scale strain measurements are also discussed.