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Drift and vibration are the main factors limiting the resolution that can be attained with liquid-nitrogen (LN2)-cooled cryoholders. Tests with a Gatan holder show that resolution is usually anisotropic. We propose that the metallic heat-conducting element could be replaced by a heat pipe, because such a device can, in principle, minimize drift. The vibration problem could be combatted by using supercooled cryogens.  相似文献   
Si/SiGe n-type modulation-doped field-effect transistors grown on a very thin strain-relieved Si/sub 0.69/Ge/sub 0.31/ buffer on top of a Si(100) substrate were fabricated and characterized. This novel type of virtual substrate has been created by means of a high dose He ion implantation localized beneath a 95-nm-thick pseudomorphic SiGe layer on Si followed by a strain relaxing annealing step at 850/spl deg/C. The layers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Electron mobilities of 1415 cm/sup 2//Vs and 5270 cm/sup 2//Vs were measured at room temperature and 77 K, respectively, at a sheet carrier density of about 3/spl times/10/sup 12//cm/sup 2/. The fabricated transistors with Pt-Schottky gates showed good dc characteristics with a drain current of 330 mA/mm and a transconductance of 200 mS/mm. Cutoff frequencies of f/sub t/=49 GHz and f/sub max/=95 GHz at 100 nm gate length were obtained which are quite close to the figures of merit of a control sample grown on a conventional, thick Si/sub 0.7/Ge/sub 0.3/ buffer.  相似文献   
Automated monitoring of the microbiological quality of heat-processed foods by the resazurin reduction test was applied to microtitration plate incubator-fluorimeter technology. The appearance and disappearance of the fluorescing peak of resorufin was monitored on microtitration trays. Pasteurized or ultra-high temperature-treated starch-based soup was used as the model food system. Bacillus subtilis spores (ultra-high temperature treatment) and vegetative cells of Enterococcus faecalis (pasteurization) were inoculated into the soup before the heat treatment at levels which resulted in some survival. The timing of appearance of maximum fluorescence correlated with the number of bacteria in pre-incubated samples. Automated resazurin-reduction fluorimetry was compared with conventional plating, turbidometry and microcolony count by the direct epifluorescent filter technique. The results of the resazurin test correlated well with those of all the other methods tested. Fluorimetry had the advantage that the results could be read within 1–5h and the reproducibility was superior to the other methods.  相似文献   
A specimen fromt he fossil forest of Dunarobba (Central Italy) attributed toTaxodioxylon gypsaceum was chemically analyzed particularly for its terpene content. Main chemical constituents show variations related to ageing and carbonization process, while terpene content exhibits a drop of mono- and sesquiterpenes in favour of diterpenes and higher MW compounds. All components are exclusively hydrocarbons and represent alicyclic or partially aromatic structures. The identified families include abietane, phyllocladane, norabietane and norpimarane among diterpenes and traces of cadinane and selinane among sesquiterpenes.  相似文献   
This paper presents a 20-Gb/s 1:4-demultiplexer for future fiber-optic transmission systems. It uses an 0.4-μm emitter double polysilicon 21-GHz fT Si bipolar foundry process. This is the highest data rate of a 1:4-DEMUX reported so far in any technology. The 1:4-DEMUX features a tree-type architecture with one frequency divider and a channel switch circuit. The circuit design was carefully optimized to achieve high speed and moderate power dissipation. It consumes 1.4 W with a single -4.5-V supply  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of the sensitivity of coupled resonator filters in which some direct couplings are missing. The effect of changes in the coupling coefficients and resonant frequencies of the resonators is investigated by directly computing the gradient of the scattering parameters. It is shown that structures that are modular in the input-to-output direction are much less sensitive than those with modularity in the orthogonal direction for the same frequency response.  相似文献   
The problem of communication over a channel with unknown characteristics is addressed. The true channel is from a known set of channels, but the transmitter and receiver do not know which of these channels is actually in effect. The goal of a universal receiver is to provide nearly optimal demodulation regardless of the channel that is actually in effect. A parallel receiver implementation is proposed for a universal scheme to cope with such uncertainty. The parallel system consists of a finite number of receivers with the property that, for each channel in the set, the performance of at least one of the receivers will be within a specified performance range. Data verification is accomplished by an appropriate coding system. Sufficient conditions for the existence of such a universal receiver for a prescribed set of channels are established, procedures are outlined for the receiver design, and an example is given to illustrate the applicability of the theory. For M-ary signaling it is shown that, from an information-theoretic viewpoint, the data verification can be achieved at no extra cost by use of the intrinsic side information that is provided by an appropriate coding scheme that also provides error correction  相似文献   
Quenching with gases rather than oil or other liquid media has the advantages of reducing the risks concerning health and environment, while simultaneously homogenizing the quenching results and minimizing distortion due to a wide range of possible process parameter variations and the pure convective heat transfer. In this contribution, a coupled solution for increasing homogenization of quenching results within high pressure gas quenching will be presented. In the first stage, an experimental test facility was set up for flow investigations and in the second stage a numerical simulation model was generated. The numerical and experimental results of the flow through the chamber were compared for several boundary conditions. Finally, after complete verification of the simulation, the model may be used to assist in parameter variation for optimization of homogeneous high pressure gas quenching.  相似文献   
The deformation of a round membrane into a cylindrical matrix is considered. The relationship of pressure to time of the process of pneumatic forming in the superplastic condition is established. The results obtained are compared with known data. A conclusion is drawn on the applicability of the proposed approach for calculation of the production parameters of forming of axisymmetric parts in the superplastic condition.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 11, pp. 71–75, November, 1993.  相似文献   
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