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多孔硅发光机制的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从量子力学的基本理论出发讨论了量子限制效应,推导出多孔硅有效禁带宽度增量并用量子限制效应和表面态及其物质在发光中作用的理论解释了PS光致发光的实验现象。  相似文献   
采用阳极氧化腐蚀的方法制备了多孔硅(PS),这种PS的微结构为纳米量级的,并具有光致发光特性,这无疑将对全硅光电子学的发展具有很大意义。根据大量实验与理论分析,提出了这种PS发光的物理机制:纳米量子限制效应和表面态及其物质在发光中的作用,从量子力学的薛定锷方程出发,用沟道势阱的近似模型,推导得到进入量子线的电子和空穴的能量势垒,PS的有效带宽E=E_0+ΔE,对于Si(E_0=1.12ev)。完美地解释了目前在PS研究中的PL谱的篮移现象。  相似文献   
用慢正电子束测量了三种不同生长工艺的MBE GaAs薄膜。结果表明,正电子束发射产额参数F_L能反映薄膜的缺陷状况,结晶完整性差的薄膜其F_L值也较低。同时还发现,掺Si的n型GaAs在约600℃显著分解,该温度明显低于本征GaAs梓品开始分解的温度。  相似文献   
A new electron trap state SD was found by DLTS measurement under light illumination in Si doped A.lxGa1-xAs. This new trap energy level ESD is shallower than the DX center energy in the gap and the concentration of SD is comparable to that of DX centers. The emission activation energy Ec=0.20±0.05eV and capture activation energy Ec= 0.17±0.05eV. The SD DLTS peak has never been detected previously because under dark and thermal equilibrium condition most of the electrons occupy the deeper DX states and most of SD states are empty. However, when the sample is illuminated by light, electrons are excited to the conduction band and then re-captured by SD since the deeper DX states have a slower electron capture rate, thus a new DLTS peak corresponding to SD appears. Constant temperature capacitance transient C-t and transient C-V measurements were also used to further confirm the existence of SD states.  相似文献   
The thermal ionization energy ET of DX centers in AlxGa1-xAs and its dependence with the value of x and the pressure are very important for estab- lishing the model of DX centers. The conventional DLTS and Hall methods used to DX center measurement have some ambiguities in theoretical analysis and experiments and the values of ET determined are different with those methods. The new constant temperature transient C-V measurement is based on the fact that at low temperature both electron capture and emission rates of DX centers are very slow. During the transient C-V measurement, change; of bias voltages and capacitance measurements are completed in a time duration much shorter than the electron capture and emission time constants, therefore the electrons occupied on the DX centers are considered to be frozen. The density of DX centers, the distribution profile of electrons on DX centers in the depletion region of a Schottky diode at a constant reverse bias, and the density of free electrons in conduction band in the bulk and their temperature dependence have been measured.  相似文献   
在波长300~1 100nm范围内,对GaAs进行了电反射光谱的研究。建立了电反射光谱的测试系统,并对实验和理论作了详细分析。推导了某一固定波长电反射光谱与半导体表面掺杂浓度的理论关系。并利用电反射光谱的实验曲线计算了GaAs的表面掺杂浓度,所得结果与电化学C—V的测试结果一致,其精度为5%。  相似文献   
华为携手世纪互联共建东莞数据中心:日前,华为和世纪互联签订战略合作协议,双方将共建领先的电信第三方数据中心,其中,世纪互联的东莞数据中心将成为2014年的首选合作项目之一。该项目建成后,将进一步提升东莞的网络数据服务能力,带动东莞互联网产业的发展。  相似文献   
竞争情报有点“虚”:当企业掌握得了它的时候,它就是强有力的武器,能够料敌先机制胜市场;掌握不了,就算设立部门、摆出摊子也只会成为花架子,一点实际效果也没有。  相似文献   
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