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针对基于EMD、WPT的特征提取方法各自存在的问题,采用将EMD与WPT结合的信号分解方法用于包络特征的提取,保证信号的分解不仅具有较高的分辨率,并且能够避免虚假IMF分量带来的错误信息。在包络特征的提取及结合之后,采用了基于PCA的特征选择方法对缺陷信号的特征数据集进行最有效特征的分类识别。根据以上特征提取及识别方法,使用Matlab以及Labview的混合编程进行了面向S700K-C型电动转辙机的故障诊断系统操作,并通过应用试验证明了该系统能够准确、快速地提取出故障信号。 相似文献
采用宏观形貌观察、化学成分分析、电化学性能测试、腐蚀产物分析等,对某天然气井口Z型管管异径接头环焊缝的泄漏原因进行分析,结合3D建模和腐蚀模拟试验对法兰面均匀腐蚀和焊缝局部腐蚀进行了综合分析。结果表明:法兰、异径接头、管体材质化学成分与组织正常,焊条选择与母材相匹配,未发生未焊透和未熔合缺陷;法兰装配后在两法兰端面间产生装配间隙,这是天然气中的腐蚀介质进入该间隙导致法兰面发生均匀腐蚀的原因;法兰与异径接头对焊错边量较大,异径接头与管体内焊缝余高明显,进而导致管件内错边和内焊缝余高处产生湍流和流体回流现象,在流体冲刷和腐蚀的作用下加剧了焊缝金属的损失,从而在焊缝内形成凹槽,导致焊缝壁厚快速减薄,最终在焊缝上发生穿孔泄漏。 相似文献
Andrade BR Salama AA Caja G Castillo V Albanell E Such X 《Journal of dairy science》2008,91(6):2299-2306
Lactation artificially induced (ART) by steroid hormones and natural lactation (NAT) after lambing were compared in 2 dairy sheep breeds (Manchega and Lacaune) in 2 experiments conducted during winter and spring. In experiment 1, ART ewes (14 Manchega and 9 Lacaune) were induced into lactation in winter by the standard protocol, which consisted of s.c. injections of estradiol and progesterone administered in 2 portions daily from d 1 to 7. Hydrocortisone acetate was injected s.c. daily on d 18 to 20. Milking was initiated on d 21 and continued for 13 wk. A similar group of NAT ewes was selected for the contemporary comparison of NAT vs. ART lactation. All Lacaune ewes, but only 3 of the 14 Manchega ewes (21%), were successfully induced into lactation. Despite the successful induction of lactation in Lacaune ewes, milk yield was much lower than that obtained in NAT lactation (1.23 ± 0.14 vs. 2.51 ± 0.15 L/ d). Milk composition from wk 5 to 13 did not differ between groups, except for whey protein, which was greater in ART than in NAT ewes (1.47 vs. 1.25%). In experiment 2, 19 Manchega ewes were divided into 2 groups and induced into lactation in spring by using the standard induction protocol, similar to that used in experiment 1 (control, n = 9), or the standard protocol modified with bovine somatotropin (bST, 250 mg/ewe on d 11; n = 10). Manchega ewes had an improved response to the standard protocol of lactation induction in spring compared with winter. Milk yield in bST-treated Manchega ewes was 98% greater than that in control ewes (402 ± 85 vs. 203 ± 86 mL/d). The use of bST during mammogenesis did not affect milk composition. In conclusion, marked differences between Manchega and Lacaune dairy ewes were observed in their response to lactation induction when using the standard protocol during different photoperiod conditions. The Manchega ewes were unable to establish lactation in winter but were able to do so in spring. The response to lactation induction in dairy ewes seems to be related to their endogenous levels of prolactin and growth hormone, the use of which should be explored more deeply in future research. 相似文献
新标准下川东钻井废水处理现状与对策 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
四川石油管理局川东钻探公司所勘探区域的勘探井点大都落在重庆市境内环境敏感的田园中,给勘探钻井的环境保护工作增加了困难,现有的废水处理工艺已不以达到国家规定的新的污水排放标准,必须进行改进,文章根据国家颁布的新的水污染排放标准,统计分析了该公司钻井废水治理全面达标率现状,找出了影响全面达标率的主要因素,并进一步对5年来我公司所钻的近100口井,共进行的近400余次监测结果中的主要因素进行了统计分析,找出了与新标准要求下的差距,提出了相应对策和建议。 相似文献
修补在精纺产品染整加工中的作用吉林市毛纺织工业集团公司杨萍李兴贵高明杰王东旭1前言我公司的前身成立于1962年,现已发展成为由10个企业构成,具有万锭生产规模的毛纺、织、染全能的大型现代化国营企业。其技术装备达到国际一流水平,产品质量列入国内先进行列... 相似文献
精纺呢绒库存积压产品的改染处理措施杨萍张桂芹刘彦清孙丛岭王春生1前言众所周知,近几年精纺呢绒市场萧条,严重滑坡。使企业举步维艰,生存困难。一是产品滞销、大量积压、库存上升;二是资金沉淀,经济效益每况愈下,大批企业亏损,面临着倒闭的严重威胁。而且,这种... 相似文献
Compared to processed meat product made from normal pork, products made from pale soft exudative (PSE) pork have higher cook loss (CL) and weaker texture. In this study interactions between a range of processing conditions (ionic strength, polyphosphate addition, polyphosphate chain length, pH, cooking temperature and time between preparation and cooking), and their effect on the texture [shear stress (SS), true shear strain (TSS)] and CL of gels made from normal and PSE pork were examined. Of the processing conditions studied, ionic strength, polyphosphate addition and polyphosphate chain length affected the functional properties of normal and PSE pork differently. Generally, the functional properties of normal pork were superior to PSE pork, with no combination of conditions making all the functional properties of PSE pork equal to those of normal pork under the same conditions. The combination of conditions that was most effective in reducing the difference between normal and PSE pork was high ionic strength in the presence of added polyphosphate. Under these conditions there was no significant difference in CL between normal and PSE pork, although the texture (SS and TSS) of the PSE pork samples was still inferior. 相似文献
提高放映机的技术质量,其中放映机输片系统技术质量的好坏,将是关键的问题。放映机在经过一段时间的使用之后,必然会产生磨损和相对位置的改变,轻者降低技术质量,重者不能正常工作。在电影放映工作中,保持放映机的技术指标、确保放映质量对提高上座率,是很重要的问题。放映单位 相似文献
通过对中小软件企业在项目过程中存在的问题分析,提出了引入第三方软件项目咨询的解决方案。以具体软件项目咨询实践为例,结合软件工程与项目管理方法论,论述了软件项目咨询为提高中小软件企业的项目实效所发挥的作用。 相似文献