At present, the prospects for development of district heating that can increase the effectiveness of nuclear power stations (NPS), cut down their payback period, and improve protection of the environment against harmful emissions are being examined in the nuclear power industry of Russia. It is noted that the efficiency of nuclear cogeneration power stations (NCPS) is drastically affected by the expenses for heat networks and heat losses during transportation of a heat carrier through them, since NPSs are usually located far away from urban area boundaries as required for radiation safety of the population. The prospects for using cogeneration power units with small or medium power reactors at NPSs, including combined-cycle units and their performance indices, are described. The developed thermal scheme of a cogeneration combined-cycle unit (CCU) with an SBVR-100 nuclear reactor (NCCU) is presented. This NCCU should use a GE 6FA gasturbine unit (GTU) and a steam-turbine unit (STU) with a two-stage district heating plant. Saturated steam from the nuclear reactor is superheated in a heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG) to 560–580°C so that a separator–superheater can be excluded from the thermal cycle of the turbine unit. In addition, supplemental fuel firing in HRSG is examined. NCCU effectiveness indices are given as a function of the ambient air temperature. Results of calculations of the thermal cycle performance under condensing operating conditions indicate that the gross electric efficiency ηel NCCUgr of = 48% and Nel NCCUgr = 345 MW can be achieved. This efficiency is at maximum for NCCU with an SVBR-100 reactor. The conclusion is made that the cost of NCCU installed kW should be estimated, and the issue associated with NCCUs siting with reference to urban area boundaries must be solved. 相似文献
The results are presented of experimental investigations into liquid metal heat transfer performed by the joint research group consisting of specialist in heat transfer and hydrodynamics from NIU MPEI and JIHT RAS. The program of experiments has been prepared considering the concept of development of the nuclear power industry in Russia. This concept calls for, in addition to extensive application of water-cooled, water-moderated (VVER-type) power reactors and BN-type sodium cooled fast reactors, development of the new generation of BREST-type reactors, fusion power reactors, and thermonuclear neutron sources. The basic coolants for these nuclear power installations will be heavy liquid metals, such as lead and lithium-lead alloy. The team of specialists from NRU MPEI and JIHT RAS commissioned a new RK-3 mercury MHD-test facility. The major components of this test facility are a unique electrical magnet constructed at Budker Nuclear Physics Institute and a pressurized liquid metal circuit. The test facility is designed for investigating upward and downward liquid metal flows in channels of various cross-sections in a transverse magnetic field. A probe procedure will be used for experimental investigation into heat transfer and hydrodynamics as well as for measuring temperature, velocity, and flow parameter fluctuations. It is generally adopted that liquid metals are the best coolants for the Tokamak reactors. However, alternative coolants should be sought for. As an alternative to liquid metal coolants, molten salts, such as fluorides of lithium and beryllium (so-called FLiBes) or fluorides of alkali metals (so-called FLiNaK) doped with uranium fluoride, can be used. That is why the team of specialists from NRU MPEI and JIHT RAS, in parallel with development of a mercury MHD test facility, is designing a test facility for simulating molten salt heat transfer and hydrodynamics. Since development of this test facility requires numerical predictions and verification of numerical codes, all examined configurations of the MHD flow are also investigated numerically. 相似文献
This paper is devoted to simulations of a valve electric engine with excitation from high-energy permanent rare-earth magnets. A feature of the design of the engine under consideration is that a stator is manufactured using the polycapillary glass-fiber technique. The conductors of the distributed stator winding are placed in holes pm the tube wall. The cylindrical bipolar rotor is made of iron–neodymium–boron. The assumption accepted in the work during the solving the Laplace equation has made it possible to obtain analytical solutions for the magnetic flux, emf, current, electromagnetic torque, and electromagnetic power. 相似文献
A technique has been devised for determination of the error and interference immunity of the analog- to-digital conversion path in automatic control systems using moving digital averaging. The estimates of the errors and interference immunity of the analog-to-digital conversion path under the moving averaging have been analyzed and compared with the corresponding estimates obtained under averaging within the time-sampling interval and in the absence of averaging. Effective analytical expressions have been obtained to analyze the estimates of the errors and interference immunity of the analog-to-digital conversion of stationary random signals and additive interference. The calculated errors for various differentiable and nondifferentiable random signals given by autocorrelation functions have been analyzed. The influence of the number of the averaged readouts of the random signal and the time-sampling interval on the estimates of the errors and interference immunity have been investigated. The advantage of the moving averaging over the averaging within the time-sampling interval has been demonstrated. The calculated ratios allow, with the known signal and interference models and preset permissible-error estimate, selecting the parameters of the conversion path, i.e., the time-sampling interval, the number of the readouts of the converted sum of the random signal and interference under the averaging, and the effective number of bits of the analog-to-digital converter, under the conditions when the lag error cannot be excluded and the latter is excluded. The equations that allow the evaluation of the interference immunity of the conversion path are provided. 相似文献
The purpose of the paper was to compare two well-known model selection strategies, the so-called Specific-to-General, Stge, and General-to-Specific, Gets, in a context of spatial SUR models. The two strategies use a battery of misspecification tests obtained in a maximum likelihood framework. The robust tests to local misspecification errors in the alternative hypothesis and the common factor test have been developed with this purpose. The paper includes a Monte Carlo experiment to compare their performance in a situation of small sample sizes. The results are mixed: Both alternatives work well under ideal conditions, but their efficiency deteriorates for different departures such as non-normality or endogeneity. All in all, Stge appears to be slightly preferable although our impression is that the two are complementary and can be used in common. The paper finishes with an application to the case of productivity for a large set of European regions. 相似文献
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology - The lignite samples collected from Giral lignite field of Barmer basin have been subjected to petrological investigation. The data generated... 相似文献
This article presents the results of experimental studies on a coal mine. According to the results, the current of single phase-to-earth fault in the network under 1000 V has a value less than the current of the residual current device set point. This article presents a method aimed to improving the efficiency of the residual current device used on excavators and drill-rings at mining enterprises. Indeed, the method developed to improve the efficiency of residual current devices under 1000 V is based on setting up a direct current into three-phase mains with a fixed set-point of protection against any phase-to-ground insulation damage, where electric equipment is switched off due to increases of capacitance between a conductor and earth when live-line bare-hand touching of electric equipment occurs. 相似文献
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of 49Fe-49Co-2V, also known as Hiperco® 50A or Permendur-2V, greatly improves the strength and ductility of... 相似文献
The present investigations focused on the thermal oxidation of two variants of MAR-M246 alloy having the same contents of Ta and Nb in at. pct, considering the effects of total replacement of Ta by Nb. The alloys were produced by investment casting using high purity elements in induction furnace under vacuum atmosphere. The alloys were oxidized pseudo-isothermally at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C up to 1000 hours under lab air. Protective oxidation products growing on the surface of the oxidized samples were mainly Al2O3, Cr2O3. Other less protective oxide such as spinels (NiCr2O4 and CoCr2O4) and TiO2 were also detected as oxidation products. The conventional alloy exhibited slight internal oxidation at 800 °C and an enhanced resistance at 900 °C and 1000 °C. The Nb-modified alloy presented an exacerbated internal oxidation and nitridation at 900 °C and 1000 °C and an enhanced resistance at 800 °C. At 1000 °C, Nb-modified alloy was particularly affected by excessive spalling as the main damage mechanisms. From a kinetic point of view, both alloys exhibit the same behavior at 800 °C and 900 °C, with kp values typical of alumina forming alloys (2 × 10−14 to 3.6 × 10−13 g2 cm−4 s−1). However, Ta modified alloys exhibited superior oxidation resistance at 1000 °C when compared to the Nb modified alloy due to better adherence of the protective oxide scale.
Metallurgist - We provide an overview of the current status of research on reprocessing of nickel waste tailings, describe the current condition of the tailings, and set forth an important economic... 相似文献