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The variable property grain model, including the effect of grain diffusion resistance, has been applied to experimental results from the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with zinc oxide. Grain radius is assumed to vary under the combined effects of sintering and extent of reaction. Property variations are correlated by the specific surface area, an easily measured quantity. All model parameters with the exception of the grain diffusion coefficient have been evaluated by literature correlations or independent experimental measurements. Significant improvement in the match with experimental data, as compared to the constant property grain model, has been achieved.  相似文献   
V V Ranade 《Sadhana》1992,17(2):237-273
This paper reviews the available information on numerical simulation of dispersed gas-liquid flows. Emphasis is on informing the reader about various aspects of constructing simulation models rather than giving an exhaustive literature review. The information is organised in a way so as to provide answers to the following questions: how to formulate model equations? how to select suitable algorithms and numerical techniques to solve these model equations? how to translate these into workable computer codes? how to use such codes for simulating flows in industrial equipment? Though greater emphasis is given to dispersed gas-liquid flows, the methodology can be applied to any multi-phase problem. Special features of multi-phase flow simulation over single-phase simulation are highlighted. A case of gas-liquid flow in a bubble column is presented as an illustration for the general methodology. The simulated mean flow field agrees reasonably with the experimental data. Properly validatedcfd codes thus can serve as a useful tool for design engineers of multi-phase systems. Some of the common pitfalls in using simulation codes for design are also discussed. This review is expected to give an overall idea about the present state-of-art of two-phase simulation in industrial equipment.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling communication on optical WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) networks using the light-trails technology. We seek to design scheduling algorithms such that the given transmission requests can be scheduled using a minimum number of wavelengths (optical channels). We provide algorithms and close lower bounds for two versions of the problem on an nn processor linear array/ring network. In the stationary   version, the pattern of transmissions (given) is assumed to not change over time. For this, a simple lower bound is cc, the congestion or the maximum total traffic required to pass through any link. We give an algorithm that schedules the transmissions using O(c+logn)O(c+logn) wavelengths. We also show a pattern for which Ω(c+logn/loglogn)Ω(c+logn/loglogn) wavelengths are needed. In the on-line   version, the transmissions arrive and depart dynamically, and must be scheduled without upsetting the previously scheduled transmissions. For this case we give an on-line algorithm which has competitive ratio Θ(logn)Θ(logn). We show that this is optimal in the sense that every on-line algorithm must have competitive ratio Ω(logn)Ω(logn). We also give an algorithm that appears to do well in simulations (for the classes of traffic we consider), but which has competitive ratio between Ω(log2n/loglogn)Ω(log2n/loglogn) and O(log2n)O(log2n). We present detailed simulations of both our algorithms.  相似文献   
The FCC has allocated the band between 1920 MHz and 1930 MHz for unlicensed personal communications services (UPCS) using isochronous or circuit operation. The UPCS spectrum is between the licensed PCS spectrum bands of 1850-1910 MHz and 1930-1990 MHz. Terminal interoperability in both the UPCS spectrum on private indoor wireless systems and the licensed spectrum on public PCS systems is desirable and encouraged by the FCC. This paper presents a port channel assignment process for the personal access communications system-unlicensed B (PACS-UB) which abides by the FCC etiquette for UPCS and discusses the corresponding uplink and downlink performance. Uplink power control is employed to improve the uplink performance. PACS-UB has a high degree of commonality with licensed PACS to permit economical licensed/unlicensed terminals and common network services. The results of our simulation show that, at 1% to 2% blocking probability, 99% of downlink local-mean signal-to-noise plus interference ratio (SINR) values are above 17 dB for a 10 to 20 m port separation. For a three-dimensional office environment, the uplink limits the SINR performance, however, with uplink power control, a 5.5 to 7 dB improvement in the uplink SINR can be achieved even for high traffic load  相似文献   
Thirty years into its development, additive manufacturing has become a mainstream manufacturing process. Additive manufacturing build up parts by adding materials one layer at a time based on a computerized 3D solid model. It does not require the use of fixtures, cutting tools, coolants, and other auxiliary resources. It allows design optimization and the producing of customized parts on-demand. Its advantages over conventional manufacturing have captivated the imagination of the public, reflected in recent mainstream publications that call additive manufacturing “the third industrial revolution.” This paper reviews the societal impact of additive manufacturing from a technical perspective. Abundance of evidences were found to support the promises of additive manufacturing in the following areas: (1) customized healthcare products to improve population health and quality of life, (2) reduced environmental impact for manufacturing sustainability, and (3) simplified supply chain to increase efficiency and responsiveness in demand fulfillment. In the mean time, the review also identified the need for further research in the areas of life-cycle energy consumption evaluation and potential occupation hazard assessment for additive manufacturing.  相似文献   
The blends of a nonlinear optical dye with polycarbonate are described and comparisons are made with solutions of the dye in chloroform. Absorption spectra of blends with up to 1 wt % lead tetracumylphenoxy phthalocyanine showed the dye to be primarily in the monomer form. The monomer absorption spectrum and the measured extinction coefficient replicated those in chloroform solution. As the dye concentration increased to 20 wt %, the monomer intensity decreased and new spectral features characteristic of the dimer appeared. The spectra were resolved into contributions of monomer and dimer, and the concentration effect was analyzed according to the monomer/dimer equilibrium. Much higher monomer concentrations were achieved in polycarbonate blends compared to chloroform solutions. It was concluded that when the blends were quenched from the melt, the equilibrium established at the melt temperature was preserved in the solid state glass. Quenching the blend from different melt temperatures confirmed this interpretation. Extrapolation of the temperature dependent equilibrium constant to 25°C yielded a value close to that reported for chloroform solution at 25°C. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 104: 104: 464–469, 2007  相似文献   
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